New Grower got screwed by North Atlantic seed :(

To me seedsman is like the Walmart of seeds, ya u might pick up junk but they also carry other breeders


Had only good exp with North Atlantic, what happened?


know many cultivators that have used mentioned seed bank and many others over the last 25yrs and only once had a problem which was corrected by the “bank” as for Seedman is too expensive and just don’t get good “vibes” but have used them with no issues alling with NASC + as mentioned by @CaptainRon - “Patience” is needed


I never had any problems with NASC, followed the directions provided for ordering and all went well


We have used The Attitude Seedbank USA out of Colorado a couple of times this year to pick up some of Rare Dankness’ Jenny Kush beans without any issues or complaints, plus some interesting freebies arrived with to boot. They offer a lot of the same gear as North Atlantic I do believe.

Other than that, we second the Great Lakes Genetics recommendation:


North atland screwed me to bro dont use them!!

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care to elaborate?


Never had a problem with NASC. 4 orders in the last few years, I’m in New England and my orders arrive within 3-5 days every time.

I’ve also used attitude in the past with no problems. They shipped from the UK tho takes a few weeks to show up,

Will also bump @JohnnyPotseed - great gear and the best prices you’ll find anywhere.

I’ve ordered from ilgm I was not impressed with the quality


They sold me stuff that wasnt even what they called it and i was short seeds abd they wouldnt fix my order i dont deal with north atlantic anymore

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I did down below sorry

What did you order. What did they send. How many seeds short. What did they say when you reached out? Elaborate dude.


same. germination and underperformance issues.
haven’t gone back.

Thank you! Lesson learned? Next time, soon, I have ten reputable places to choose from. That’s why I discourage use of google search engine for mainstream ads…but I was in a rush…

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NASC has been great for me for the past 2 years.


Kinda weird thread. I’ve also never had a problem with nasc. Not my preferred bank these days. But they are fast and have a good selection. I’ve never tried their white label seeds, but at least they are honest that’s what they are.

Plenty of breeders don’t sell direct. Some do.


To bad DEF seeds isn’t on here much anymore.
His Rainbow Brite gelato cross was the absolute best i have ever grown
And they were tester beans.
The mans a genius


Thanks. I’ll wait a few more days before I select a new source. Maybe Seedsman.

Can’t go wrong with @JohnnyPotseed ,are you looking for something specific?


@Toker1 where did my dude go? Ive dmd him couple times with updates. Im testing his def cafe and its looking like :fire: for sure. Damn man dude had nice stuff

Who’s buying white label trash when they very clearly sell stuff from reputable breeders?? Such an uninformed comment :roll_eyes:

NASC is North Atlantic…as in Maine…in the middle of fucking nowhere. It’s gonna take a couple days after shipping before your package hits civilization.Things move pretty slowly up there.

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