New to Overgrown and growing in general! Figured I'd show them off to you guys!

That’s when I initiated the flowering process. But I have a feeling about a week or two into it (changed the light schedule to come on during the day and sleep at night instead of the other way around due to light leak issues), I put the plants into shock/re-veg state but quickly turned it back around. I have a strong feeling that is the cause of the delay of the growth of the buds. I also expected them to be bigger at this point but they’ve only recently started to get more dense the last couple weeks

Also, I haven’t been adding any nutes accept for kelp extract once since flower and a few times during veg. I have been using the proper PH (around 6-6.5) as well the entire grow

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when you changed the light schedule did you give them 24 hours of light or 24 hours of dark? that shouldnt have shocked them too badly a week or so into flower as they are really just making the transition from veg to flower and i doubt very much it would have caused them to shock enough for such delayed growth, sounds like you are not giving them enough p & k to ensure good bud development and tbh and i hope you dont. take this the wrong way but i would be tempted to scratch this as the chances of you having any kind of bumper crop after these kinds of stresses without a sustained period of re vegging until the growth normalises and to reinduce flowering as there is clearly a serious issue here, i would also add is your area completely and i mean completely dark when its lights off?? no red lights no faint glows nothing of that nature?

I gave them a full 24 hours dark. I also fixed any possible light leaks at the time. Not a single, even tiniest bit of light seeps through. And pardon my lack of knowledge but what do you mean by p & k?

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ok i would strongly urge you to read up on some of the basic growing tutorials on here as you will very quickly learn so much and very soon be growing first rate weed, to summarise cannabis survives on 3 basic nutes (actually a whole lot more lol but for the purpose of this conversation just think of it as 3 main ingredients) which are N for nitrogen P which is phosphorus and K which is potassium, now when a plant is in vegative state it uses mainly the N with a little P and K and when it goes into flower it uses hardly any N (first week or two of flower it needs a little) and P and K for lots of abundant fully fruiting budsites, theres a lot involved with nutrient regimes but you can make it as simple or as complicated as you want and thats the beauty of sites like OG where them people can come together and share what works for them and im sure you will learn so much as i once did on the original site many many years ago lol


Awesome thanks! I’ve done some reading up on nutes but I didn’t realize N, P and K were the most important.
Basically with this grow I just wanted to see what I could do on a tight budget and get away with mostly just the proper PH.
My next grow is where I plan on playing around with nutes. So before then I’m gonna re-read up on such. Thanks again!


A tea may be in order for ease if you have worm castings (compost)

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It’s not so much that they are the most important, but rather they are needed in vast amounts for proper plant health.

There are 18 elements needed to grow cannabis and every one of them is just as important as the next. If just one nutrient is deficient, there will be problems.

N-P-K are the most common nutrients people know about. These are called primary nutrients.
N - nitrogen
P - phosphorus
K - potassium

Next are the secondary nutrients.
Ca - calcium
Mg - magnesium
S - sulfur
These are also needed in certain quantities, but less than the primary nutrients.

Next are the micro-nutrients.
Fe - iron
Zn - zinc
B - boron
Mo - molybdenum
Cu - copper
Mn - manganese
Cl - chlorine
Ni - nickel

There are four atmospheric elements that are life essentials and plants must have them, as well.
C - carbon
H - hydrogen
O - oxygen
CO2 - carbon dioxide

Hope this makes it all a little easier to understand.


You’re doing alright, man, and welcome to OG! I LOVE it here! As an “information hound” I am CONSTANTLY curious, and so having this awesome forum with these awesome people, who share their knowledge like its the thing to do, you can do ANYTHING! I started about a year and a half ago, without a harvest under my belt or a plant successfully switched to flower for that matter! So I started reading…and reading…and reading, until I had questions, lotsa questions. So I started asking and got answers that were well thought thru and helpful. Now I’m running what will become my 4th harvest, if all goes well, and my yields are getting bigger and the issues, more solvable. There has NEVER, not once, been a time someone had a snappy or rude response to any of my questions and I’m not so silly as to think that at least one of those questions was NOT a dumb one. Still, the peeps here are understanding…and WHY NOT? We’ve all been new before, and knew far less than we’d have liked.
The buds DO look quite underdeveloped for 9 weeks in flower, but everything is a learning experience and if its not gonna crush your world to have a lighter yield and a lot of larf, then run it till the end and take notes of what you did, what you gave the plants, how much and when…how frequently? Then adjust the next run. Try and run the same strain, if possible, so that you are dealing with similar plant characteristics and can use the comparison to better raise the next cycle!
Never underestimate desire and motivation as they are the motors of ingenuity!


As a 70ish year old, fairly new to the legal side of things, allow me to state, your advise is the most honest and applicable analysis of the scene I have seen. As with your posts/comments, you are, indeed, a sage. Continue to prosper in all things, kind Sir.


And Ole Levi…….lol


:pray: You’re to kind. :smiley:

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Best thing I can say is have fun with it. Dont worry so much about science. Read your plants they will tell you, in there own way, what they need and want. Just remember green is good and the rest will come in time. There are some very talented horticulturists around here to answer questions when need be.
Good luck .

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Hey man, @Tommytwoshoes… if it’s cool with you, I could come by sometime and help you assess your situation. If you have questions, I’ll have answers.
I’m just throwing that out there and will leave it up to you.


Prices in Northern Nevada have finally begun to crash…even with the flood of tourists…there is just too much supply. No dispensarys have gone out of business YET, but there have been a couple of acquisitions, as some early birds have flown the coup with their early windfalls.

This unfortunately leads to other problems, like staffing with cheaper, unknowing labor . The budtenders (I needed CBD oil for my dog) that I have spoken with of late need all the information that they can get. (most of them anyway). Additionally there have been reports of labs faking results recently. One was closed last year by the state for such offenses. I don’t think, for a minute that the State was solely interested in the issue, but more interested in protecting their piggy bank! Nevada is making a fortune!


I like the fact that your putting lab results out there brother. Any one can put 4 plants under ideal conditions for the purpose of lab results…
What about the other 2 thousand growing under less than optimal conditions?

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Wonderful idea! Thanks @DesertGrown! I’ll contact you asap!

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Make sure it’s cool with E too… I’m not lookin to piss her off.

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Welcome man ! @DesertGrown is a nice dude . He’s knowledgeable and friendly… Good luck on your grow mate …

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