Newbie from Florida

Honestly I didn’t mean to come off that way, I know me and half of Florida wants homegrow, and I wanna be halfway prepared when that happens🤷🏻‍♂️

And in no way did I mean to be pushy, we have some people here that’s rebellious, I myself isn’t ready to be that risky but the reason I even joined OG was to gain friends that enjoy consuming this plant in however way shape or from, legal or not. I myself have my card and do everything by the book. Going back to homegrow becoming legal…idc if they pass it tomorrow or 30 years from now, it’s nice to know and have friends that may or may not have/know where the “Old Florida” genetics are at

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It’s like another country down here. Homegrow isn’t even on the rec ballot. We’re screwed for at least 5 years. Collecting seeds is still legal so it’s just a waiting game now. Most people have PTSD from the past 50 years of the drug war. This was the front line for many. I refuse to fly in helicopters still to this day. They just bring back horrible memories. Looking up at men with machine guns flying around the neighborhood every year is terrifying for a kid. Especially when you know they are going after your family and neighbors. But now we just buy weed from the dispensary. And hope for better times


Either way something is gonna happen one day, or at least I have faith, sure it might take time and Rec may or may not hurt us, but at least it’s some sort of step in the right direction of us having pure freedom. Like I said it’s may be years from now til that happens, but I wanna be part of it when it does happen


I got the hemp license so I can practice on low thc plants to keep my skills sharp. I love growing any type of cannabis so for me it’s a good compromise. I joke around with the state wildlife officers about what I’m doing and they all know that I grow hemp. But at the same time they will bust anyone they can. It’s getting better slowly and the opinions are changing for the better so there’s hope for the future


Hm I never thought about playing around with hemp. Might have to look into that

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Get the nursery license first and then apply for the hemp license. Lots of red tape to jump through and they do a background check but other than that it’s fairly straightforward


Might take some time but I’ll look into it for sure!:call_me_hand:t3:

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OK , lets assume you’re wet behind the ears…For as long as I can remember the " Sunshine State " mantra is / was Don’t smell like dank nugs , Don’t tell your business to folks you don’t trust with yer life & Don’t sell . Follow these & be faster than the Park Rangers & AP , SP & MP’s . Gettin’ harder as they got NVS now days & thermal imaging . Yes rec use is on Nov’s ballot , but grow yer own will still be illegal . Big sugar / Ag git all the permits , med card locks you in to $ 200 an oz mids @ best . So the chances of someone doin’ a show n tell for your curiousity are pretty much zip . Growers don’t have conventions nor talk much & are wary of strangers , especially Nosy Rosie .


Reader’s Digest Version:

No smell No tell No sell.