Newbie, My First Plant

Hey Hey
This is my first grow. I just wanted to get any suggestions & tips & learn much as I can so I can try to do better with my next plant.
I don’t have a grow tent or anything yet, just this little grow space. This just a seed I had & really didn’t expect it to sprout but to my surprise, it did. I think I need a better light. Can you all give me some tips on how to get bigger buds & suggest a good light for my next grow?
I used FFOF soil & nutrients & the light was just a grow light I bought from Lowe’s.
I have some very old seeds that I’m going try to germinate soon…hopefully.

Thanks in advance!!!


Great job on the first grow! That looks awesome :sunglasses:

There’s a thread about what lights people are currently using. I’ve got 500w of led in a 4x4 space. What’s your space like? That’ll help folks give recommendations. Topping is also something you can do to promote a more even canopy and that will help bring up overall weight and density. It looks good though. Doesn’t quite look done in your photos either. Did you take it around then or give it 2-3 more weeks? A lot of the little things come with experience. I’m happy you’re here :metal:t2: looks like you got away with a low maintenance grow. I’d say you’ve got a bit of a greenthumb


INDEED!!! You did magnificently on your first attempt. Give yourself a Standing Ovation, you certainly earned it. Remember all the positives, don’t repeat any of the negatives, if there were any. Continued success in ALL your endeavors, do stay safe, take care and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Very nice but maybe you can have thicker buds, you may be using too little light for the room, appart from that, excellent colors, very nice 1st run.

On smaller spaces I prefer to cut after 2 nodes so they grow to the sides instead of growing up, takes more time but it’s a very different yeld because you end up using better the light on all canopy.

So yeah a better light and keep doing what you are doing, as long no pests come in you are golden.


Welcome! Great job!

Hard to tell from the pics but it looks like it can keep going for another week or more.

So long as there’s still white hairs (pistils) they tend to keep swelling up. :+1:

Especially since none of the leaves show any signs of senescence yet, the buds could get bigger still!

What’s the nutrients you are using?


That makes my first plant look like ditch weed… you did well!

Did you record the date on when you flipped lighting to 12/12?


Nice job for your first grow. Check out this thread for germinating those old seeds, JohnnyPotseed’s Germination Technique - #9 by anon93244739


Thanks. I’m going to make sure to try topping next time. My grow space is small, just an empty extra closet😅. I think I could grow 2 plants, maybe 3 in there, depending on their size. Eventually I’m going to invest in a grow tent or a grow room when I get a little more growing experience.
I clipped down on the 10th. Cause I wasn’t exactly sure when the perfect time was. I wish I had posted pics sooner then I would’ve known. I’m trying to get my thumb greener lol. I’m definitely going to get a better light tho.


I took lots of notes & tried to pay close attention. I’m hoping my next one will be better. Thank you!


You’re doing great, just hang out here and read what jumps out at you, you’ll get even better. Really nice go of it here!


Thank you. I’m definitely going to get a better light. And try to top it…properly I hope.


Nice first go! She looks healthy and happy.


Looking good my friend. Great job !!


Thank you! I wish I had posted sooner.Now I know better for my next one. My gut said to wait but then on the other hand I thought I was waiting too late.
I used the Fox Farm nutrients pack.


Thanks! I switched to 12/12 the day after Thanksgiving.

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Thanks! I’m going to check it out here shortly. I think I got lucky with that one seed. Hoping I can get a few of these to pop.


Thanks! Gonna give it another try very soon.


A nice light kit would up your game substantially.
Overall, very nice first go. Much better than most first grows, in my opinion. You shoulda seen MY first grow. I’m still amazed I didn’t just quit. It was pitiful.
Keep after it. Each grow you will getter better and better. Doing good. I will step in from time to time for a look-see. Glad you’re here.


We all learn differently, I have a feeling you need to get your hands dirty and experience the ramifications of your decisions, just like me. More fun that way too :slight_smile:

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For your first plant @Kush1 she looks amazing congrats on the good work brother and keep it up you’ll have an amazing harvest before ya know it! The people here are amazing and they will help you become a master grower! No promises but lots to learn here if your adamant and willing