Next up, MAC

Chopped the mom way back. the remaining nodes were starting to droop from being in the shade, but I’m hoping she can bring it back like that. If not I’ll cut a new clone from one of the other 2.

the other 2 plants have been topped for about 2 days, and seem to be thriving. Tonight or tomorrow I plan to super crop them away from each other, then once they start branching up, get the net* set back up.


Out of likes but looking good!


Thanks, I appreciate that. Maybe one day I will hit a point where I am confident in my grows, and I am not worrying about screwing them up. It definitely eased up after the first few grows, now that I am not hurting for buds to smoke.


Decided to go for it today. I super cropped both plants away from each other.

A little later I zipped up the tent while getting my other tent set up.

I just now realized it had been a while since I had taken a peek at them, and was pleasantly surprised they are already pointing back upwards.

Once they start branching out again, I’ll set up the scrog net :slightly_smiling_face:


It can be nerve racking cutting a plant back that much, but they grow back quickly as long as there’s no issues :grin:. Good idea super cropping and training, make sure to spread those branches and open them up a bit, she grows rather dense in bloom.


That wasn’t a cut, I pinched the base and rocked both main stems to bend each to a 90 degree angle away from the other plant. In that pic you can see it if you zoom in on the left plant, but the right side is hidden under the leaves. I have super cropped before, but never that low on the main stem.

I’ve also cut off some of the larger leaves blocking light from getting to the nodes, after I took the pic.

edit - my stoned ass just realized you meant how I cut back the mother plant :rofl:


Do you want ants other-Barry? Because this is how you get ants. :rofl:

If you do decide to pollinate your MAC, I have a hunch that the pistils are only viable for a very short window of time. It might explain why Cap says she tends to produce few seeds.


I hit mine on day 21, this is from a couple buds so far (one branch that had 3 buds :sweat_smile:)


I won’t be this time, unless it’s accidental. I may hit it with PPP or Black Candyland pollen on a future run. I’m starting a run of testers, and plan to try and gather some pollen if I get a male. I only want one type of pollen floating around at a time. My tents are in the same room.


Just flipped these girls to 12/12


Flip day is always so exciting. They’re looking gorgeous!

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Thanks :smiley: I am so excited to see these start to flower

I usually try to fill out the net more, but I could not find my net with the smaller spacing, and figured since I kept a mom, I can just run it again, anyway.


The joy of clones. :wink::+1:

I’ll be watching them flower. Send those girls some love from me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Going to give these girls a haircut this weekend


man… dwc just explodes from week to week… always amazing to see. glad i found this just in time to tag along on flip day… from how they looked in the beginning to now… just some great work done


Thanks, I really appreciate that :slight_smile:

I would grab a fresh pic, but the lights went out about 30 mins ago. Not a whole lot has changed yet anyway, just a little progression of the bud sites, and I pulled the net off.

I cut out a few leaves, but still haven’t done a good defoliation. Part of me wants to leave the plants alone for another week or 2, but another part of me wants to clear out the lower bud sites, so that energy can be spent on the ones I keep.


i think we would all love a before and after defoliation pic i usually do mine 20 days into flower but everyone has their own ways! im not sure how much that pheno stretches i just know how frosty it gets from pics lol

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It’s definitely stretching pretty well so far. I just raised my light all the way up, a couple days ago. I am going to have to adjust the way I have it hung, if they keep stretching. I should be able to get another 4-6" with an adjustment.

As far as the defoliation goes. I am planning to remove everything on the bottom 1/2 to 2/3 of the branches. I will try to remember to get a few shots when I do that :slight_smile:


sounds like a plan! :call_me_hand: :metal:

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Getting their stretch on