Next up, MAC

Beautiful!!! You did her justice for sure

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Thanks :slight_smile: Just waiting to see some amber. It’s almost the end of week 11 :sweat_smile:

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I was taking her to 80-82 days and would have around 5% amber. She will test your patience for sure!!! Haha


I just want to see a little bit. 5% would be totally fine here. I have enough couch lock weed already xD


Looking great! Where do you get a cut of that!? I love water culture but currently not a option for me… Lovely Ladies! :ok_hand:


I’d be interested in seeing how she matures under your care and lights. Looks like you can let her for for a while longer still. I think my tent gets too warm for them… or not feeding enough, or both :sweat_smile:


Think I found mold on one of the buds. Brown spot, and stringy white shit. Tried looking around online and my best guess is mold, but idk if can just chop that bud off, or if i have to toss the whole tent, or what the deal is

As far as I can tell atm, its just the one bud


Yes that’s mold, remove anything touching that bud. Keep close eye on everything, or honestly I’d just chop now. Maybe do a bud wash with some hydrogen peroxide mixed in the water.


Definitely bag that branch, get it outta there, and chop the rest. Make sure you sterilize your snips too, after cutting the infected branch.


I forgot to say, be sure to give your hands a good washing after handling that bud. Breaking up the biggest nugs might be a good idea, to lessen the chances of them rotting after the chop.


Chopped it off, looked around but didnt see any other discoloration or webbing anywhere. Chopped both plants. Will wipe the tent and everything in it, including those snips down with lysol and/or bleach water before setting it all back up

thanks for the info and advice everyone. Hopefully I don’t find more of that, but I will keep a close eye still as it dries and when I trim it up.


What are your temps and rh looking like?

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rh was around 44ish last I looked, and temp usually was 82-84ish (F) with the light on

What’s the rh when the lights are off? That’s when it usually spikes and causes issues. Learned the hard way my first batch of plants, they all got rot just before they were done. Gotta keep the exhaust fans going overnight, or have it set on a sensor like the AC infinity fans.


I had been turning that fan off at night to keep the noise down :frowning: I will have to keep an eye on it, or make some adjustments, once I get some new clones going, since I chopped them last night.

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I get it with the noise, especially since I started with one that sounded like a jet engine :sweat_smile:. Those ipowers are terribly loud lol. I upgraded to AC infinity and wouldn’t go any other way. Quiet, has speed settings, revs up so slowly you barely notice it. Most importantly, temp and humidity sensor that turns it on and off


I would imagine your problem is coming from turning off your ventilation at lights out.
Your humidity is definitely spiking with no ventilation at “night”.
You need that air moving at all times, especially when the humidity rises when the lights are off.

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I have AC Infinity, I also have downstairs neighbors complaining to the HOA about the sounds/vibrations. I did just notice that with the light off, and the tent left open, it currently says the RH is 55 in there atm


You could put something under the tent like a yoga mat, or those gym tiles. Would dampen it well.


I have those. I also have the air pumps hanging from bungie cords. I think I just need to move my tent to another room, but am mostly convinced they will complain about that too.