Next up, MAC

Some people be like that… I am one of those, but I wouldn’t complain.

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Then I guess a compact dehumidifier would just be more vibration lol

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You would amazed at the difference insulated ducts make to noise levels.

4~5 dBA just on the exhaust side only (3dBA = 50%)



Sitting right next to the tent, I rarely notice it, but I am pretty sure my ears did poorly in the war vs all that loud music I frequently listen to. I will have to check that out though. I currently just have cheapo foil ducting. I don’t really have anywhere to route it, so I just have it running out of the tent atm.

I believe most the noise and vibrations are from the air and water pumps. Turning those off makes the biggest difference I can notice, in the floor vibration.

I am looking at tower fans, on Amazon, to get some circulation set up in the tents, again.


I use light hangers for my small fans in the corners of my tent. Allows for easy adjustments


I like that. I may have to try and duplicate that, since I have a couple small fans like that.


So after about a week of hanging each plant, whole, I chopped the branches each off, laid them in the trim bin, then covered it with a trash bag. This was because I was feeling lazy and didn’t want to trim yet, but didn’t want them to over dry. Today I chopped all the buds off the branches, into the bin, and broke out the bowl trimmer.

I cant wait for some final pre-cure pics. The bowl trimmer doesnt do the best job, but it gets most of it, then I am using the grove bag to get it to 62 rh. Then I will do one last trim, weigh out a QP and seal it up, and see how much is left over. Maybe do a second grove bag if there is enough. I’m guessing it’s around 6 oz.

(Haven’t spotted any more mold yet. Knock on wood)


I’m jealous, looks much better than the ones I grew but they sure were tasty.
Oh, a little note about the vibration issue with your exhaust fan. What are you using to hang/mount it? Is it in the tent or pulling from the outside?
I made loops with rope (550 cord actually) on the mounting plants then hung it from the top of the tent, so it’s not directly in contact with the frame and the rope doesn’t transfer the vibration much at all.


I used the straps that came with it, to hang it from the top of the tent, inside. I also put a piece of foam between it and the tent, in case it was leaning up against the wall.


The RH in the grove bags never picked back up from 55%, even with a Boveda in each of them. Today I decided to open them back up, give the buds a once over to get them trimmed a little better, and weigh what I had.

I found a couple more buds that looked like they were just starting to get effected by the bud rot, so I tossed them.

I put most of it back into the grove bags (both read at 40% rh atm), and I will heat seal them for a bit. They already smell wonderful. The extra 5 quarters are in a jar for sampling :slight_smile:

Final weight = 9.25 oz


Nice nugs Barry! Smoke report yet?

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When I did hydro I kept my airpumps on one of these thick foam rubber puzzle piece mats like you’d find at a gym. Quieted things down quite a bit and kept them from vibrating their way off the table.


Not yet, but they will be the next thing I grind. I’m excited to try it out. :seedling: :partying_face:

@EugeneDebs420 Good call out :slight_smile: I have a layer of those on the floor of the tent, one between the fan and the wall, and then another under each bucket. The air pumps are currently suspended from bungie cords.


Those mats are also great under a tent, if you have it in a basement as they help keep the root temperatures up.



Those are also great if you go ice fishing, line the floor of you shack or even pop up shelter and keep your feet off the ice. Sorry, off topic lol.


Yo, so what’s the verdict man? We’re all wondering how the smoke turned out. Thanks!


Oh man, its wonderful. I have been neglecting all my other bags since I started taste testing the mac lol


I do really like the taste, one of the few strains that I’ve bloomed more than once so far, vegging round three now :laughing:


Nice man, great to hear you’re enjoying it and thanks for the reply. I grew this out last fall myself and wanted a second opinion, lol.