Nigerian Haze ~f1 isolation/preservation Project

The #1 of 5 (lot 1) showed Nigerian Silk traits on the first set of true leaves and now the classic old 5haze variegation leaf found in Bandaid and CBH.


Iā€™ve been looking for Korean skunk for a while, nice lab set up brother!!


a great question and very relevant to the work. these self seeding males are present specifically in 69 haze, nigerian, colombian, hawaiian. i actually had a punto rojo male that did this and i managed to germinate one of the seeds which i currently have in veg.
this punto rojo male is just like you described vigorous covered in resin had the square red stems. it showed very late in sexing to the point i thought it was a female. then it showed balls, but on the terminal ends especially the main one, it gew pistils and seeded itself.
even more unusual is the germinated seed is female. IF this male with pistils was a true xy male and it was selfed, only 25 percent on the viable seeds should have been XX like the female i got from the seed. so the fact the selfed male created this unlikely female is good to keep in mind when we discuss what gender these plants are

the possibilies are these males could be monoceious in which case theyd actually be XX not xy. monoceious cannabis has no Y chromosome but if they were mono that doesnt explain why the germinated seed is a pure female since all mono plants should have both parts.

more then likely these plants are actually a more primitive ancestor to dioceious cannabis, one evolutionary step back. all dioceious plants start as monoceious. the path to dioecy isnt an immediate change, in the middle theres a stage with 3 genders male, female and self fertile hermaphrodite.
i think thats what these plants are a 3rd gender as a remnant from the last steps to total diocey

nevils haze, trainwreck and nevils wreck belongs to a divergent more primal cannabis known as se asian basal cannabis. your plant includes ghost train haze, which is made with the nevils wreck male so your plant also has basal cannabis genes due to combination of trainwreck and nevils haze being present.

unlike hashplant hybrids,trainwreck is a rare hybrid that also holds the basal traits 69 haze does. this includes CBC synthases and pathogen protection genes which have been deleted in most modern hybrids.

bottom line- the self seeding males your coming across are a common integral occurence in nevils haze and other se asian/nigerian/colombian lines. the trait itself may be related to a close relative of cannabis trema orientalis. this ā€œcharcoal treeā€ is a leathery tropical tree found in se asia which also has self fertile hermaphorties with pollen and pistils at terminal ends. trema orientalis has thc, cbn and cbd in its inflorences . the trait appears to become more severe when its selfed, and this is a sign that copy number is increasing and the trait is ā€œdosage sensitiveā€ meaning it becomes more severe as gene copy gets larger. here are some pics including the female i germinated from a self seeding punto rojo. the shoot apical meristem is what gets larger as copy number increases in one pic you can actually see the meristem which is not normal at all. then some pics of the doors, nigerian and hawaiian males with pistils


I have to send the pics 1 by 1 I guess hereā€™s a Nigerian pistil male from 1995 Karl hilling study


Female germinated from my self seeding punto rojo male.the male had Red xylem since embryo stage. Last plant to sex pollen sacks with pistils at terminal end of main branches.

This female daughter of the pistil male showed the same red traits but more extreme and builds nodes quickly. Due to the Giant shoot apical meristem you can see where the the naked eye in this pic


Says it was never confirmed or duplicated in trema orientalis.

CBGA >>>>>


Interesting stuff, Iā€™m currently listening to episode 13 of the potcast with Mean Gene of freeborn selections and he talks about this in theory and said heā€™s heard dj short and other reputable longtime breeders talk about self seeding ā€œhermā€ males, and the host said he got some seeds from one and was also growing out a female.
The comparison mean gene gave was if we have typical female plants that herm the idea is the males of that line are so male that even the females are a bit male, so theoretically the opposite should also be true, a population of females so female even the males are a bit female


Without getting too off topicā€¦I was able to pull the majority of the Korean Skunk traits forward in the RFK Jr. This was done by crossing my #13 '84NL with Soulmate. About 15-20% of the population pulled many of the Korean traits all the way forward. Virtually none could be found in the ~56 Soulmate from which they came. Genetically Korean Skunk is ~6-8% of the cross and was almost entirely recessive in the proceeding populations.

This is in contradiction to the linear breeding perspectives of 1 + 2 = 3. Theory. Common ancestry between the afghani in the Korean and '84NL pulled that. Earlier relationship/cross from deeper within the line . The RFK are available and exactly what would be expected of carefully selection from a population of 150 '84nl and around 20 male Soulmate that were reversed for profile identification.

Aside from that I believe you would have success with your Wookie line of choose and an old Afghani with a light profile such as NL to let the Korean traits forward.

I couldnā€™t find better pictures at the moment, but look for the red petiole that bleeds down the leaflets.


Hereā€™s a link to that project
Thread which has more info and pictures
ā€˜RFK jr. is NLā€™84 ghost x Soulmateā€™


@dx4 and @CocoaCoir your time diving into academic researching involving ploidy far exceeds my own so I am looking forward to the discussion. As for genetic mutations and anomalies there arenā€™t any genetics more useful for display than Nigerian Silk and 5haze and this project brings them togetherā€‹:v::pray:


This is why we sent the project to ECNYlabs for embryo rescue.

Had I germinated with traditional methods I may have only got 1 plant


Thatā€™s an unfortunate choice in name, for seo doubly

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Hereā€™s the paper from 2021 there are a few different tremas and a different Brazil one has recently been in news for CBD only and that may be whatā€™s questionable. This peer paper found cbn and THC in 4 different populations thru Thailand. What I think is most interesting is tremas is perennial and the cbn accounts for more then THC in profile. It would seem in a tropical perennial THC would serve as an intermediary step on the way to cbn. Ss thca will decarb to THC then oxidize to cbn over time in this hot humid environment. Second cool part is high tannin content found in tremas. Thai and haze have unique leather liver profile that canā€™t be explained by just terpenes. Could high tannin be present in Thai landrace as well? Tremas also shares faranese sesquiterpenes content with ā€œbrownā€ Thai or haze. Faranese oxidizes just like in apple as a protection from humidity. Ocimene and faranese are what creates the haze and Thai phenotype and tremas inflorences with THC and cbn look the same




Itā€™s a combination of some of the best old school and new school genetics, controversial theories about genetics. Environmentally friendly. May cause episodes of critical thinking and deductive reasoning and generally
intended to heal divisions rather than cause them ā€¦also might leave your voice raspy if uncuredā€¦seems fitting :joy:


@dx4 @StoneGuru @CocoaCoir . How would you use these self seeding males in a breeding program ? I guess my question is, ā€œ Now that I have one, what do I do with it ?ā€


I would never use any herm whether it was a male or a female.


No pronoun game for you? Maybe a herm bx3 for the thems, theys and thous? Something for everyone you know!

There are some equatorials that just struggle. Haze is actually incredibly stable consideringā€¦that said I have a handful of equatorial cuts that I just canā€™t let go because they are to exceptional. Not a true herm, but throw up something like (maybe sterile) male flower on finish

Bandaid does itā€¦ probably from the mirekle Thai.

That saidā€¦I run them for flower, but donā€™t feel right about selling seed of themā€¦10 winners, but 1 herm and the complaints wouldnā€™t be worth it

Some Chem herms, some OG herms. They are just to unique so we select against the trait to keep them around.

The Nigerian can hermā€¦not every plant, but it pops up and needs to be then culled like a male.

The Nigerian Silk cut was kept around for at least 15 yrs through the 90ā€™s and now breaking records and winning awards. Itā€™s too special to ever drop all togetherā€¦I think that may be part of why JJ dropped that direction. 30 rav reviews and then 1 write up about a herm. Not worth the bad rap


Iā€™m with @CocoaCoir though. I find it interesting to read, but not breed


I ran JJā€™s Nigerian Haze and that cut hermed hardcore at 3 weeks.
Nigerian Silk x OHaze I think it was :thinking:

Itā€™s just Mirakel now. No one ever found any Thai phenos in there, so they not-so-loudly dropped it from the name a few months back. Kinda have to search for this info tho :confused: