Nightowl Chemmunity Service F3

During the time period that the males hermed it got real REAL dry, down into the 20’s rh and i’m wondering if that was the cause. The lone female that hermed followed a day or so later.


I wasn’t aware of that. I watched the dark horse podcast with Daz when they dropped the Chem Service and he was saying the exact opposite; that the point of the drop was to get people some regs stuff to make more seeds of to hand out and use in breeding programs, I’d be curious to read through the thread you mentioned, if he feels differently about things now I might have to hold back on distributing these, if you have link you can share I’d appreciate it.


Alright guys, I know this thread has been pretty stop and start here for a while but I’m happy to report that the seeds are dried and sorted, they just went into the fridge to stratify for a week or so and they’ll be ready to distribute. I went ahead and did a little seed math with the final batch after sorting:

100 seeds = 1 gram
Total weight of seeds 48 grams = 4800 seeds total

I divided them up by 4 into vac sealed packs of about 1200 seeds each (divided by weight of 12 grams per, not by head count)

Ignore the label on there, I’m gonna change it to read “F4” since these were made from the F3 generation. My plan is to hold onto 2 packs and give 2 packs out for distribution. @DougDawson @misterbee im wondering if either or both of you guys would be open to receiving the bulk packs and handing them out? I know both you fellas are great resources for ongoing distribution VIA your respective channels and could do a better job of getting these out to the community then I can


Nice work!

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Well…YEAH!!! I’ve been rumored to “doin’ a lil slingin” every now and then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I would be honored to do it and, appreciative of you thinking of me (and @DougDawson). One question, though…what makes you think we know anything about that? I’ll PM “personals” shortly. SUPER THANKS, again. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


About handin’ out seeds like Santa Claus? Oh just call it a hunch. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: haha


If you kept the “Duds”, send them also. I’ll scatter those on the far end of my place, see what happens near the water. No nutes or anything, totally “Au Natural”, on their own!! If already discarded, kindly disregard. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Man, I wish I had known that I definitely would’ve held onto them for you but alas they are already in the compost pile

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Hey bud, sure, I will happily spread a bunch of these around for you. Thanks for asking. :v:


Amazing! Thank you Doug, I’ll shoot you a PM to talk specifics.