Nightowl Chemmunity Service F3

So in 3 days the #3 really dropped his balls. No doubt about it now, he’s a boy and there will be seeds :heart::heart::heart::heart::call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::v:t2::v:t2:



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What’s up fam, just a quick one here, we’re moving along in the veg tent. Our male #3 is the furthest ahead starting to flower, the two gals are lagging behind, hoping they catch up to him so we can get a successful pollination.




Stoked that these plants are happy in this refurbished soil, I was a little worried because I had some cuts vegging that started to go really yellow on me, I think it’s cause I left em in solo cups too long as they seem to be greening up more now that they’ve been transplanted into 6 inchers. That’s it y’all, hopefully I’ll have some flower formations to start showing off here shortly. Big love to everyone. :heart::heart::+1:t2:


Killed off the male this morning. Finally got some shriveling pistils on the CS2, and I did t want the pollen to be flying too much longer with the flower tent ramping up in the same room. So I dismantled him branch by branch and dusted each of the remaining two plants hard with each branch before dunking all the parts in water. Hopefully tomorrow I can confirm brown pistils on both plants and we’ll be set to grow some seeds! :v:t2::heart:


Pollination confirmation:


Nice work!

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Whelp. There’s no denying this log fell off pretty fuckin hard. Something had to give between life, work, medical shit, and two grow logs and this one was the one that bit it. I’m happy to report though that the plants are hanging and I think they’re pretty well seeded. Gonna dry em out good and long and then shuck em, and then I’ll be back here to pass some out to whoever is interested. A few notes below in my thoughts of the variety in lieu of a detailed log:

  • kinda small plants overall, typical for autos, and I did run em in only 5 gals, and didn’t really push the nutrient-wise, but I’ve seen Daz’s work put out some giant autos before, which has not been my experience for these ones in particular. Not sure if that’s my error or just the nature of the variety.

  • hot garbage terps, but not readily noticeable. These things really didn’t put off much smell unless you get in there and really manipulate the buds. Once you’re in there you can smell the gassy garbage terps on your fingers, but it’s certainly not a carbon filter killer.

  • leaf cannibalism. These things eat themselves alive, a very chem-y trait as I understand it, but it makes for an ugly looking finished product.

  • even though they’re dead the plant won’t give em up. Pulling leaves, even the dead and shriveled ones is a fucking task, some plants let em go with a soft breeze, these things take some serious strength to remove even the deadest of their leaves, not my favorite trait.

  • reasonable stack on the flowers, nothing crazy though. Not a huge yielded from what I saw though I’ll admit that could be attributed to my grow style maybe? Like if you really push em on nutrition and give em big root space maybe they really throw down, but I can only comment on what I saw.

Overall I’m sort of sitting on the fence with these. Typically on a fully seeded run I’ll just fuck up the buds to get the seed out with no intention of smoking anything but the sift, but I think for these I’m gonna try to sample the buds to see if the smoke makes up for some of the more negative traits I listed above. Overall I know that Daz released these as mainly breeding stock into the community, a good chem in auto form to launch other projects, and they may still be good for that, I just wasn’t totally blown away by what I saw, but I’m waiting and ready to change my mind, and I’ll admit that shortcomings could have been grower/grow style related more than anything. These things survived primarily off of blumats, so maybe even a typical hand watering routine would nave helped things along better. Ultimately I’ll probably still play around with these resulting seeds to see what this line might really have inside of it, and I hope there might be some folks here in OG that might want to do the same. I’ll update here with some more info and pics once we get into busting up the seeds. Wanna apologize for kinda dropping the ball on this log a little bit but still hoping to live up to my promise to spread these seeds around. Be good yall :heart::v:t2:


Been wondering where ya went!


Yea man, life has gotten crazy lately and I just haven’t been keeping up with the forum and logs and stuff as well as I want. Been taking all of the little free time I have keeping the gardens going, just haven’t been able to document. Still out here just busy as fuck!


Really enjoyed you’re write up on the chemmunity service! I’ve grown it along with chem candy and chem cleaner and I’ve had very similar results. I got a chance to grow chem candy again recently and I think I did much better my second time. I was able to keep the leaves healthier late in flower by dimming the light considerably more than I normally would. It didn’t seem to slow her down at all and I got a much better yield of tight buds. I harvested at 97 days and it was well worth it.

I also did a seed increase on the chem candy so if you want to try these out let me know


Alright guys, sat down yesterday to do some shuckin’ and siftin’ and made off with a good sized pile of seeds for two little plants:

Nice little pile of dry sift in the mix, the consolation prize for a seed run. I’m gonna let these chill out for a while then try sorting out the duds and see where that leaves us. After that I gotta figure out how to get some of these out to people. I’m tempted to just do it myself but might entertain sending em to someone like Doug or Misterbee to do the distribution since those guys have it dialed


Cool! Still have yet to grow an auto. Would be cool to throw a bunch around my neighbours 100 acres property lol


I cannot, in good conscience, recommend that. However if it did happen, I would want to see it :joy::joy:

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Nice man! Did you hear about Daz not want people to use his regs to create more…beans? There was a thread on it a few weeks ago.


Thank you for the write-up you posted about a month ago. What you described was similar to my experience. Plant loved to eat it’s own leaves which made the visual appeal decline, plus it was rather leafy which added to the effect. The leafyness made it a bit of a hassle to trim.

I echo you description on the terps as well. Mine definitely had some solid chem terps but they were not particularly strong. Like a 6/10 for strength of smell on mine.

I still enjoy smoking mine, but compared to other autos I’ve grown, I’d give it a 7/10 overall. Like your run, I think I could have dialed mine in more for even better results. Hell I was running in 2gal bags and not PHing my water, so I’m sure a future run could do them more justice.


Nice collection of beans you made. Thank you for taking you time and space to accomplish this !!! Congrats.


Nice write up man. Couldn’t disagree with anything having grown the chem candy. Strong oil tanker vibes when smoked though. My chem candy was ugly as F with those leaves though as you mentioned. I can see this being good in crosses where the other half gives you some better traits like less leaf, larger frame, etc. i made a few crosses with Chem Candy, @pharmerfil , has made some crosses with the line, and yours as well. Nice work getting put in. I can see some crosses giving people what they’re looking for. Nice haul on seeds and I’m jelly of the dry sift!


Thats a wack story for sure considering that he encouraged people to make seeds in the damned description. Not sure what to make of that. I’m not a fan of gatekeepers in any capacity. People choosing who is in or out based on some ill defined or unknown criteria. The seeds are out there and regs. If you’re not making seeds with those $50 3 packs, you’re crazy. :laughing:
Shuttin up now.


It’s probably for the best. I was doing a seed increase of his Zamaldelica Express and 3 out of 5 plants hermed real bad on me. I was disappointed to say the least. Has anyone else had any of the Regs herm on them?


I’m running that currently and I can say that the two males popped pistils toward the tale end, but I haven’t seen anything weird on the lone female. She smells delicious in fact so hopefully everything keeps going ok. :pray: