Nitrogen deficiency

Hey guys,

Hope you’re all good!

Just wondered if anyone thought there might be a nitrogen deficiency on my runtz plants?

In there 4th week of flower and just noticed a few leaves near the top of plant going slightly light green? I’m guessing there could be a nitrogen deficiency but wondered if anyone could confirm? Using bio bizz so can increase the bloom or add fish mix to top up the nitrogen levels but did see a few people say they like quote a lot of nitrogen in bloom


Any help appreciated.

Thanks !!


In bloom you want lower nitrogen so what your seeing is completely normal. If it had been newer growth I’d have said you have a problem. Keep doing your thing as your plants look fine.


Could just be the natural progression. Once flowering the plant will direct less energy to fan leaves and start to shed them slowly. I think too much nitrogen late in flower gives too much chlorophyll and takes away from the terps. Just my opinion.


Yep I concur with whats been said, led lamps make foliage look paler too.


Maybe they’re just a bit hungry icon_e_confused|nullxnull , N def starts usually from below, not this case, how many ppm an how are you feeding them? beer3|nullxnull


Nah, BROTHER, not an opinion…FACT!! Give 'em a good “drenching”, totally agree with @George. As Nit Level drops, “bulking” increases, along with appetite. He’s doing fine, not much to fret. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks everyone. New to growing so appreciate the advise! My carbon reader is pretty bad so I don’t trust it but I have a co2 grow bag in there so imagine it’s around 800ppm at a guess.

Hand watering 2litrs every other day. Occasionally let them dry out a little more so leave it 2 days in between watering which I did do on Saturday. Think she might have dried out a little too much?

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Yes I did think this about the lower leaves. Thanks for the confirmation !


Your welcome bro. That’s why we are here. If I can help I’ll do everything I can. Your plants look perfect to me for being in bloom. Keep doing what your doing. You’ve got this :+1:


Exactly! And no this isn’t an opinion. It’s fact. I’ve smoked enough dispensary that wasn’t flushed enough. Sometimes if it’s too much it never cures out. Too much nitrogen and excess nutrients is a sure fire way to ruin flavor.

@birchy90 don’t be too concerned w your fans past 4-5th week. It’s what the plant does, takes food from its leaves as your loading more phosphorus and potassium for bud growth.


Really appreciate that bro! Thanks!!


Amazing, thanks for the info. Really good to know, and good flavour and terps is the one thing I definitely want over everything else so definitely don’t want to be over doing the nitrogen if that’s the out come ! Thanks a lot for that.!


Before I started growing again, I wrote close to 50 reviews for DC delivery dispensaries on Where’s Weed app, and I can’t tell you how many awful, over fertilized, improperly flushed, rushed dry bags I got and had to ding each dispensary for bad quality control. Several I demanded to return even, and I know it was transported in dryer sheets, but idiots don’t think chemicals seep and absorb into buds. A rich green plant at harvest, sure it’s pretty but the buds will smoke like hay, hard to burn and stay lit, plus it takes a long time to cure out if isn’t excess from what the plant stores, and this my friend was my experience from the commercialized perspective at 250-375 an onion. Part of the reason I’m growing again, so many people shouldn’t or try to grow cannabis bud to profit from. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Totally agree. Found the exact same when I visited Canada in October of this year. I honestly found maybe two decent strains while I was there, everything else was over fertilised and tasted like crap.


You said 2 liters. What pot size? Thought about a foliar feeding of mag nit or call nit? Easy enough. Deficiency or possible lockout? Gypsum flush will help that.

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