Noob Need Coach Growing Gelato #33 Fast ♀ Advanced Seeds

I believe that this is the one that stands out the most

By far the largest of all

It already has small leaves growing in the middle

I would even say that she is beautiful and that I am thinking that this is the strongest and that all is well if it were not something I saw recently (the biggest ones are sometimes the male) and …

… this yellowish on the leaves and request for adds? I only put 1x in a small amount … or what could it be? (the ph is right around 6.0 +/-)

Thanks to those who have helped me! And I hope this can also help other people for educational purposes or if they have the same problems as me.

                            ALL LOVE AND GOOD GROWINGS

Hi @ModernWorld , It looks like she is getting some colour back. Good stuff. When you start to LST again I would suggest doing some reading about LST. I can see when you tried it before you were actually training the wrong part of the plant. You were pulling the leaf petioles down. Instead you should pull the branches down so that it pulls the growth tip down with it. You have 1 growth shoot at the top so you only need one piece of wire pulling the top shoot down. However, I would not worry about LST yet until the plant gets a good green colour back.



Thanks for the advice and for a next one I just pull the top I realized. When they are bigger I start the LST again. Have one good night :slight_smile:


You can do both as well :slight_smile: Pull the top to make it branch more then LST each branch down so it grows out wider. So many choices. Have a good one.



I see, tahnks.
You can only see the last one I sent please. Can you tell me what is that yellow?


I am not sure to be honest. I am not very experienced in soil growing so you would be best to get advice from some of the other more experienced soil growers.
However, you have not given it much time to recover. If you are making changes then you need to give the plant some time to respond. It may just need some time to recover. Just be careful not to over water.


Sometimes my plants yellow in the beginning but they end up growing out of it. The corner where you leaves meet the stalk is where your branches will come from. Imagine that the branches grow just like the top of the plant. Just on the sides. I usually start training around the 3rd week. I would just let them do there thing. Try not to over watering.
Mr. @George is right. They like it more dry then wet. When you let them dry out after you water they explode in growth.
I dont know why I wasn’t getting your updates. I was tracking it.

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Thank you very much @LilJonB @BudSy . Always ready to help. In the beginning I watered even with little water, but every day the pots were dry, so I, in order not to water every day, started to water with a little more water in 2 in 2.

When I water again, the top part is already dry but it doesn’t get half the finger dry. Do you think you should water every 3 to avoid mistakes? or even water every day for example? I add about 500ml / 1L each every 2 days

For example today I already watered with Adds, tomorrow I do not water and after tomorrow I already see if i need it or not. When the lights turn on at 7 pm I send a picture of how the land is and tomorrow and after tomorrow also to see how the land is when I water again.


Sorry I am not the one to advise you. I can tell you all about how to set up RDWC and cloning in all sorts of ways but I am still struggling whenever i grow in soil. I will leave that for someone else to help with. I could lead you straight down the same path that killed my last two victims. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :grimacing:

RIP Jack Herer and Unknown Skunk


If you can stick half your finger in there and its dry I’d say water. But I stand by feeling the weight of your pots. If they are light its time to water.
If your adding nutes I would hold off until they get bigger.


But they are almost 1 month, Shouldn’t I already? in small quantities for the 3 small ones and a little more in the larger one? Ty 4 help

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New day and here they are

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    Nº 1

He returned to normal growth, after the problems he had.

  Nº 2

Super strong :drooling_face:

    Nº 3

Even though it is in a small 4L pot it is very similar to the nº 2 that is in a 7L


Looking good @ModernWorld!!!

    Nº 4

Last but not least, it is also growing very well.

These new seeds have a very good genetics from what I see so far.

                         ALL LOVE AND GOOD GROWINGS
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Essa foto ficou melhor para ver… As outras ficam mascaradas…
good growth …

Eu sei desculpa, ontem nao tive muito tempo so tirei mesmo as fotos de dentro do grow… Eu hoje de manha tive de mandar a minha vent de volta para trocar por ter defeito de fabrico e agora so segunda e que tenho a nova…
acham que duas ventuinhas de pc chega por enquanto? quando a luz for on eu envio foto

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Monitor the temperature, if it gets too hot it opens the grow, my business is outdoor, but temperature is important …

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