Noob's Attempt at "No-Till"

For what it’s worth, I had some plants irritated by that and others that did alright. It should be possible to grow good stuff with them even if they’re not top of the line; it can just be hard to know how plants will react to whites vs blurps and especially to changing between them + adding in one after using the other.

pm me your details if I am late My bad. I have like 4 packs that need to go out. This week I promise.

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I’m in Canada I was under the impression Doug had some for us northerners !


Veg tent is much happier. All new growth on the sick plants is nice and green. Repotted them into fabric pots with some compost.

Flower tent still looks pretty sad but the buds are getting pretty hefty. I think I’m ~day 60


Hey everyone I decided to go back to school so I haven’t had a chance to post much but I’d like to start again.

My last sad grow was cut on oct 1 and yielded a couples ounces of bud and 8 ounces of trim. Larfy bud but I learned alot about growing organically.
Now I’ve got the 2 marie’s wings going in my flower tent which now has a 25 gallon fabric pot instead of the tote. I reused the soil from the last grow and just added some mushroom compost. I planned on cutting it with some promix hp then decided against it because basically I want to see what happens.

They were flipped on october 1st so either 24 days of flower or 14 depending on when you start counting. Considering how young they are they’re pretty resinous and I’m very excited to see how they turn out.


Not much to report but they’re looking pretty.


It may have been larfy but free home grown bud tastes better than buying!
The fabric pot is a lot better for your roots than the tote. Top dress weekly and consider getting some worms.
Looking good this round!


Weekly? That seems like alot. Especially for the soil I’ve got going right now which seems a touch hot as the left plant haa slightly yellow tips.

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I like to do weekly. I don’t go crazy with the amounts but i do have a few different things I use such as insect frass, bokashi, barley and a few other bits. Organic amendments don’t immediately break down so its not like overfeeding chemicals. Works for me anyway. I’m in a 55 gallon fabric pot.


Day 43f I think.
Plants are both still very happy so nothing to report beyond the slightest yellowing/burning of the tips on the left plant which is the one pictured. That said it’s been around for a couple weeks and has not gotten any worse so I’m not worried about it.

In the veg tent I’ve got some kwikseeds landrace afghans, some 7eastgenetics raspberry beret and trophy wife seedlings going. On top of that I’m also trying to reveg a couple clones off of the plants I’m flowering. They’ve both been in soil for probably a month. Both have rooted but only one is growing noticeably.


Found a nanner and didn’t want to chance anything so I gave em the axe 7 days ago.

Planning on drying for at least 14 days.

As far as the veg tent I definitely haven’t nailed my perpetual grow down yet. I’d planned on always having plants ready to flower but didn’t anticipate cutting the Marie’s Wings 3 weeks early so I’m vegging in my flower tent. Both the monstercropped clones are growing alright but #2 is growing much faster.


Crop is all trimmed and jarred up. Not a great yield but it’s nice bud.

Seedlings couldn’t handle the light so I put my veg tent light in as well as the humidifier to help them out.

The revegged clones are growing but it’s 's still painfully slow


The revegged clones are both growing like crazy now and some of the leaves look normal.

Cut a couple tiny clones off of each of them for shits and giggles. If they root I might throw these plants in the bed or maybe flower them in a 3 gallon beside the bed and use the clones for the final mothers.

The bed looks much happier with the reduced light and higher humidity. One of the trophy wife plants feels a little weird and I’m not sure what the issue is but I’m hoping it will get over it.


Oh I feel like I should mention @PetalPowerseed the reason I am not running the seeds you sent me is I tried to start them all once and somehow killed off all of them but the males and was embarrassed :cry:. I appreciate you sending them out though and will have to buy a pack when that is an option to make up for it.

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Love it. That option will happen someday. Just focusing on me a little because covid just trashed some of my plans. Have been testing of new moms for future projects and the quality is only going up. No worries about the plants, I knew you didn’t have a ton of experience. But look at how great your plants are looking now! You have come a long way and I am proud to have contributed to that because I can guarantee you learned something by killing those plants. No worries and Keep growing!


Hard to see but the tent is packed to the point of me stacking clones. I decided to top the taller plants and figured I might as well try to root the cuts instead of waiting to take clones later. Some of the cuts are less than an inch long but we will see what happens. There were 2 plants that were too small to top so hopefully this will give them a chance to catch up. Sadly they still aren’t ready for my bigger light so my veg tent is out of commission.

Unrelated but I bought coco for mushroom Substrate and thought I’d try some clones in it. Turns out the coco is full of springtails :face_vomiting:


Thinned out some overlapping leaves, top dressed with some compost and put down a bunch of barley and buckwheat seeds, and covered it all with a little more promox. Not sure if I’m gonna end up needing any Gaia green this run but we shall see. I put my flower light back in and everything is a little yellow right now but I think the compost will fix that.


Throw in some cover crop seeds and it’s a homerun.

Thanks dude I actually did already that’s what the buckwheat and barley seeds are.

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Ah, I was thinking they were malted. :upside_down_face: