Noob's Attempt at "No-Till"

Ah I gotcha. I don’t really know anything about using malted barley. I do recall hearing it was good to do though so maybe I should start.

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Thanks to @ShiskaberrySavior I have more seeds than I know what to do with, and I want to start them all. Sadly I can’t do that as i’ll be leaving for Xmas and won’t be able to deal with any plants.

I did start 9 of the Grape Pie x Orange Goji in some baby solo cups. I should’ve waited on these too and am probably gonna have to bring them with me at this rate but oh well.

Moved the clones out of the tent cause the light was too much. Had one that was moldy and dead but the rest seem OK.


Flipping the flower tent to 12/12 since I’m tired of veg.

All the plants look good but this trophy wife. Hoping it will pull through but I’m not gonna wait to flip till it heals up when all the other plants in the bed are ready to go.

So far 2 of the Grape Pie x Orange goji have popped. Don’t have my veg tent going yet so I just have them under a desk lamp. Getting some hard-core stretch so I’ll have to get them under more light soon.


Decided to go back to veg after more plants started showing spots like the trophy wife. Was only in 12/12 for 3 days so I’m hoping it will speed up the sexing process without slowing anything down. As you can tell from the afghan in the back left in particular I am drowning these plants for some reason, gonna cut way back on the water and go from there. I’m hoping for a few males because we are getting cramped.

Since I’m tight for space the best thing to do is start 13 more seeds right? I thought so


Too many leaves touching so I took more off than I usually like to. Plants are alot smaller than they looked before the haircut.

Knocked over the shot glass of seeds, i luckily found all but 2 seeds. They popped very fast so I have them in mini solo cups. I want a propagation tray but in the meantime I find the tiny solo cups easier to handle than the big ones.


Plants are starting to show preflowers, so far 3 raspberry berets, and the sick trophy wife plant were culled as they were males.
I got myself a bigger veg tent and a better light (MH ts 600) which should be here in a week.

Only 1 clone from the first cuts made it. Took more cuts and put the milk crate over them to reduce the light they’re getting. My mothers are looking underfed, top dressed them a few days ago so hopefully that will solve it soon.

So far 9/10 of the pole dancers have sprouted. Only 2 of the grape pie x orange goji have sprouted but that was my fault for soaking them too long. On the bright side I realized that soaking for too long is probably why I kill so many seeds. I decided to put 4 7east genetics nebulis kush seeds direct into solo cups without soaking to see how that goes.


Culled some more males. Down from 11 plants to 6 I think, maybe 5. Back to 12/12 cause the plants are looking better so we will see what happens this time.


Got a 3rd ten (2x2x4), and a Mars hydro ts600 to go in it. Seems like it’s alot nicer than my mars hydro 600 from 2017. My mw2 mom is looking a little yellow but I did top dress both at the same time so hopefully it will green up like mw1.

All of the nebulis kush seeds popped, I guess that means I won’t be soaking seeds anymore

All tents but the flower tent are packed. The landrace afghan has stretched waaaay higher than everything else.

Moved all the pole Dancers into 1 gallon fabric pots in the new tent.

Grape pie x orange goji survivors are into fabric pots. Moved my Marie’s Wings mothers from 1 gallon pots into “1 gallon pots” which are significantly bigger, probably more like 2 gallons.

Cut 3 clones from each plant except the raspberry berets as they’re too small. I needed to keep them in the tent for warmth but out of the intense light.

My solution was to hang a milk crate over them to diffuse the light. It was a little too dark so I twist tied on some 20w led strips to the bottom. This might be too much light but we will find out.