NORCAL Boneyard Seeds Mr Toads Backpack

The Cuttings on these plants are Fucking outstanding!!They come out almost louder that the original plants definitely let the cutting pot be a longer smaller pot then transfer to a taller wider pot they catch the momentum of the growth spurt (I take cuttings during plant growth spurts to try and catch it)when they plant roots and take off.These things are averaging about 3 inches of new growth per day in Living soil transplant mixes that were carefully cooked and monitored.No stress at all and the pattern of growth is amazing.Definitely a good cloning cultivar good vigor.This was a cutting of the indoor one I flowered out glad I did and I seen what she is going to put out this one is one of the best smelling Buds I’ve ever encountered.Like someone mixed a pack of bazooka bubblegum with juicy fruit bubble gum with dragon fruit in the background absolutely no foul rotting smells and the buds are so sticky the stems stick to your fingers


My vent is at 9 ft tippy top and my Backpacks have just started to touch the bottom just in time for flower amendments and malted barley with a shitton of ECW.Just got the last sulpher treatment of the year two more days and top dress them Fulvic waterings a metric fuckton then perhaps more ECW and Barley.Time will only tell


Was checking on the seeded one in the tent and I bumped into a bud and was greeted with 3 amazing things,1 being a sticky slap to my tricep,2 was a bouquet of Bubblegum and fruit the last one was a Huge Tiger striped bean that fell out of a smaller lower bud that was so fat I could hear it hit my tent floor panel and have me scrambling for it I almost hit my head on a tent pole.Closer inspection and I have dozens of split pods with little tiger eyes staring at me all over the buds chop time is coming sooner than I expected.The Future ,Boneyard NorCal Backpack x The one and only BOGs Sourbluetooth is right here on a paper plate with about 3 to 4 hundred brothers and sisters in a tent right next to it


Went through a small bud that was crispy on the bottom the size of a thimble and got almost 30 beans it amazes me how many fit inside one tiny bud like that if it’s like this on the rest of the plant there’s going to be a shiton of seeds to go through.


Up up and onward through the Fog past the bottom of the vent she goes growth spurt from 20lbs of ECW and 25 lbs of malted barley with a half a bag of Dr earth bloom and bud booster the girls are throwing pistils in preflower now every thing is at 45s and they are praying to the gods the top dress was to get them ready for the flip.I dosed it with a wash down of Dr Fulvic and TPS organic Calmag with some Silica to get the party started.Ending result massive growth spurt from some readily available enzymes from the malted Two Row getting in the mix.Will order 25 lbs of malt 2 row d barley and and 30 more lbs of earthworm castings with one more bag of dr earth bud and bloom booster to finish them off.This is going to be my biggest grow yet and next years is all ready in the mix.


These girls are beasts! What a great garden! :+1::grinning::fire:

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The wind catches these ladies and you can smell the perfume down the end of the block.


Beautiful girls Cap. I don’t know how I missed this thread. It has to be because it’s titled Norcal Boneyard seeds and not CapnCannabis Boneyard seeds.

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Sorry I had to give all the credit to Tony From Bone Yard Seeds in my grow log title I’m but a mere vessel in this and I’m Showcasing his beautiful work.To title it anything that else would just take away from what is not mine.I hope he sees this someday.I just try to give them the best of the best and guide them to glory


Well documented and amazingly vigorous.

Well done.

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Novice at best I try my damndess


And like that we have a couple beans to play with.Good score so far for a smaller plant she was packed very few white seeds.Time to dry these bad boys and girls a few weeks and we will pop a couple and see what’s up


Indoor cuttings just keep blowing up I’m going to have to rethink my next seed run accordingly and right fast I see these things hitting at least 4 foot by the time the tent is ready to shuck seeds will have to do more cuttings and some LST to tame these wild assholes.Not even cuttings at this point thier full fledge plants now and I can definitely see the structure difference between the outdoor and the indoor plant.The bigger one was from a smaller plant I did the seed run with and that cutting is three times the size of the original.I used a longer skinny pot to transplant the cutting when it was rooted then into a even taller wider pot.Definitely will do this from here on out.


BTW even the Seeded leftovers from the bud chuck got me Stoned as hell hands were covered in finger hash resin was like tacky glue on my hands .Will definitely give my self a pat on the back for getting a cut off something like this this time I always am like fuck I wish I took a cut.Not this time if the seeded shits good the sensi has got to be stellar


Well done! Just caught up the past month. Can’t wait to see what happens next

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what a nice pile of beans you have. The vigor and structure of these plants are impressive. Can’t wait to see the outdoor start stacking buds soon

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Outdoor is building sites and still stretching


I cannot get over the size of these things.The one has almost takn up half the plot itself.Both Backpacks are kicking the grows ass right now and i know its great genetics i fed them the best of the best and i selected well for size git that but i wonder if these things are getting a dose of Co2 from my pool heater from the natural gas?I can feel the air off the exhaust blowing twords me in the plot sometimes They are the closest ones and they by far are the biggest fastest growing and they are right next to a pool heater thats been on constantly since June.I think i remember guys using old skool Co2 generators that used to run on propane.

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Tops are blowing up and training bra is in effect