Northeastern Growers' Corner

That’s the vibe I have also. Theirs a genetraders event in Springfield also. We could meet at and than go for eats or coffee


Is the genetraders event the one in March?

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Yes I believe it is the 10th


I was thinking about going to Greenfield tomorrow since I found a ride, but the weather is going to be terrible for hanging and smoking anywhere outside, it’s not clear to me if there’s any smoking party space indoors but I think I’m gonna pass and go next month instead.


Let’s keep talking and make it happen. Really would like to actually see people in real life! :grin:


For anyone looking at seeds for the spring like I am, Fedco in Maine is getting really into supporting hemp and cannabis growers with specialized mixes of fertilizers and cover crops, great folks and it’s a cooperative so if you need some cover crop or grass seed or literally whatever check them out! They also do all the other farm/greenhouse/garden supply stuff through their other brand Organic Growers Supply:

Other cover crop mixes for all seasons and needs, they also have everything separate, it’s all mixed in house from bulk:

There was some grumbling when they stopped carrying some other fertilizer mix brands as they introduced their own, but I think that’s understandable and those other brands are still available there just not the competing products. TBH I would rather buy coop-made goods when possible, and vertical integration makes for better cost and carbon efficiencies.


That sucks. Can’t order from them where I’m at.

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Unrelated to that but in spring news: I decided that I’m going to pop a whole tray of my own seeds I just made, sometime in the next few weeks. My goal is just to test germination and seedling vigor to document on Overgrow since I’ve been sending out a lot of them and will continue to, but they’re untested as of yet. So I will use my extra space to get some beta for you all, but I won’t need 90% of them after the first few weeks.

I’ll post up here when I actually have them popped but if anyone wants to come grab some along I-91 in WMass I’d be happy to pass along half a dozen at a time to people if they want to come by. Six plants being the maximum an individual can claim here, probably doesn’t matter but it seems like the smart way to do it with an open offer. Let me know here or in DM if you’re interested in some of my crosses to grow or maybe pass on to a friend to get them started this summer? That’s what I’m going to do with the rest that I don’t keep myself or give to y’all.


Huh? Like it’s too far to get shipped or they won’t mail to your state? I didn’t know they had any limitations as long as you were willing to pay

They have a depot delivery program I’m considering doing through the northern CT one:


Ohhh @JustANobody i see it now damn that sucks! Maybe you can order through a VT or Maine depot close-ish to you?


I ordered a bunch of dry amendments from them for my indoor this year, so far so good and just running out now. I use them for outdoor as well, unless I can get bulk locally (homedepot can’t be beat on gypsum)


I’m doing a depot order for the house yard and garden needs for the year next month, definitely piggybacking some cannabis goodies for me onto that there skid


We are part of the organic farmers association up here. I need to place that order soon.


Hey neighbor! I would be interested, and building a grow, no lights yet but a T5 will do!


Shoot me a pm. I have a couple black widow and a couple of the weighted blanket #7 I found. More than happy to pass fresh snips from anything I have.


Sounds like a hell of a cross

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I love Maine bud.

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Tips for growing down the cape? Im gonna set my parents up with some clones or small plants and put them in biiig fabric pots.


Sheesh, mold-resistance is going to be #1 and you’ll probably want to put up a small high tunnel for them for some wind and rain protection, turned perpendicular to the prevailing winds so rain doesn’t blow in, but you’ll need the ventilation of the open ends with the fogs or it’ll never dry out in there! I’m a CT River Valley resident but we get the same sorts of heavy fog and constant moisture from the mountains around us holding in all the river evaporation. This is what it looks like here about 25% of the mornings anytime it’s not well below freezing, and I notice that high tunnels are really common for backyard grows here, even if they’re just that wispy white shade cloth to keep the dew dropping from hitting the plants. I wake up camping and if we crossed the dew point everything is soaked! Humidity here anytime it’s above freezing is usually something 50-90% RH it’s tough man.


The fog coming off the creeks this morning was pretty wild due to this heat wave.