Northeastern Growers' Corner

crocus can handle the of the valley will be popping too than hyacinth, then tulips/daphadils.
Native Trilliums! and dozens of other spring ephemerals real soon.

just set this up for more space. Gonna start my veggies as soon as clean a bit more.

dem tubs are on heat mats with water in em to add a lil humidity


Ospreys have arrived.
That means spring to me.


A little over 2 weeks after transplant and they exploded. New lights will on the way next week definitely need them


these nitwits still haven’t figured out rules for home grow or even how to control dispensaries. I’ll grow by their rules when they figure out regulate it… in about 5 year lol!


Well this storm is proving peskier than predicted. We got more than the six inches predicted, and it’s wet heavy snow so of course the power’s out (been out for an hour, may be hours before it’s back on).

Thankfully I’m on day three of dry in my CoolCure, and not day one.


I was definitely not expecting the white stuff like this!


About a foot out here in NH. Going in late for work and I dont care, it’s FRIDAY!


Got one heck of a sleet/hail/freezing rain storm here in Western MA CRV, not muh stuck but boy that was a nasty 24hrs

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Still out, power company is predicting by the end of the day. It’ll be what it’ll be on the plants… but no electric also means no heat or water. I’m collecting melt water to flush the toilets.


I hope you get power soon, that sucks. I live at the end of a power line and have to be self sufficient due to the power companies fix the lines upstream that service the higher populations. So, to keep the house running I bought a $500 generator and an electrician friend hooked a line from the junction box with a plug for the generator to hook to.If you dont know about how that works, I am happy to share, but its not the preferred method and if you fuck up you can zap a person upstream SO YOU CANT BE COMPLACENT and have to follow sequential order. I have a wife in a wheel chair with a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and I will not have her suffer more than she has to. Lost power for 5 days once in the middle of the winter and the folks like me at the end of the power service lines are the last to be restored when whole state is shut down and the power companies have to “triage” to the higher populations which I fully understand and accept, but I also feel your pain and it strikes a nerve in me, UGH! Had to bail out a guy in the woods yesterday and buy him food and gas for his generator to keep his family warm and fed because the Government wont give him SSDI because he was a logger, old school and operated on cash and a handshake but shy $37 fucking dollars on the money earned to be eligible…Pisses me off… Blessings to you and yours,and HANG IN!



TBH they usually get our power back on fairly quickly, but my only 10% of my town was out and there were nearby towns with way more houses out.

There’ve only been a handful of times in 10 years that it’s been out for more than 24 hours. Those times weren’t the best as all of our heat sources depend on electricity but in the end it was only uncomfortable, no actual damage done.

Sure enough the power company got us back on about 24 hours after power went out. Can’t really complain too much about that.

Our breaker is wired to run an extension cord from a generator, but it would mean having a window open which seems… not that great in the winter. Still, water and heat are nice.


14 inches of snow 2 days ago. None today and it’s 67F!


Just rolled a fatty, going out to watch the eclipse!


so cloudy here in NY


The clouds were light here so we got to see the eclipse perfectly. First total eclipse for me, so I’ve got this and Haley’s comet crossed off my bucket list lol!


Anybody See Anything on this List that you can use???

I didn’t see where it’s being offered. It’s just a list of keepers and potentially stuff being cut


Just a stoned moment. Nice stuff to potentially cut for good… my heart breaks.

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Hey everyone, I’m in western Mass and found that my NE Hydro location has closed. Bummer, but I can adapt - so I went to Western Mass Hydro.

I was pretty stunned at the massive inventory of seeds. 7 or 8 display cases. Lots of goodies (plenty of trashy too). I had a fantastic time looking through them. Prices were fine, 10 or 20% over internet. They had a buy 3 get 1 and freebies too. Just wanted to mention it, very much worth a trip.


I used to go to HTG up on RT5 north of Costco till they closed, I may check your new spot out one day,…