Northeastern Growers' Corner

Hi Northeasters! I hope everyones summer is going well growing and everyone is enjoying what they like to do. I am a fishing fool and we had to have one trout dinner this season


I have two females and one male of this strain “Mindwarp” I am going to try and make seeds so I don’t loose the strain which was given to me in seed form.


Here are more current pictures of Mindwarp. Out of 4 seeds 3 plants made it, 2 females and one male. I will pollinate both girls to have that for variability as best I can.

The male is inside the house will start today.
Mind Warp is Freakshow x (Purple Webster x Purple Early Train).

I will report back if seeds come to frution and happy to send seeds to anyone if interested.
I am from the Upper Valley/ Lake Sunapee region of NH and VT.
Blessings to all, and be good to all you meet.


dammmmm if only theyhad Cannabiogen, let 'em know next time you’re there!!! i’d make the trip if they were able toget legit Cannabiogen Ghana, Sud Africa or Punto Rojo

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Stumbled on this topic, wanted to say hey as a relatively new northeasterner, and a new grower. Moved to the greater Hartford area about a year ago from CO, enjoying it overall!

I’m running an indoor flood and drain system, and I’m stumbling my way through my first shakedown run. So far so good though!

I hope everyone else is doing well and that your plants are doing ok in the cooler weather.


Welcome! If you’re curious about trying any landrace seeds, give me shout


A very warm welcome to New England - I am a transplant myself and have always been impressed with the folk here, hope you like it too.

My only outdoor, a mother’s hash plant