Northeastern Growers' Corner

She doesn’t stretch much but she stacks for sure, I’d just keep an eye out for airflow, I could see the tight internode spacing and heavy flower development being and issue for molds and such without good room to breathe. But when I ran her I had no issues


Thanks for the tips. I’m in a 5x5 with 2 12 or 15 inch fans and once she’s in flower we should be using the wood stove, at least at night, so it’ll keep the humidity down.

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Nice, I’m sure you’ll be good. One thing apart from the growing notes that I can share, the effect changed significantly for me as it went along the cure time. I sampled a bud while it was still on the line and earlier in the jar cure and it was actually a little racier than I would have liked, but as I let it continue to cure in the jar it got more and more of the relaxing sedative effect, so it’s one that I think benefits from a longer cure if you’re looking for those effects


Hell ya, thanks for that. Do you have any pics in flower? How long did you let her go?

Here’s a shot of the flower, the Hollywood nugs, haha

I let her go 61 days total according to my notes


Cool, thank you for sharing the info.

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Anytime my friend :v:t2:


Giving this one a bump now that the 2023 Massachusetts OD thread is wrapped up, how’s everyone doing indoors in the new year?


It’s almost time to start 2024 outdoor :joy:
Just put a bunch of clones in to flower yesterday


I’m liking the dry winter air. Sooo much easier to keep the enviro in my tents under control.

Our last 2 summers have sucked. I try to not be flowering anything anymore, between like July-Sept


It’s like we moved to North Carolina, or sumthin’, even Sunday’s snow is gonna be a dusting in my parts.


my old joints do not like the cold weather, so i’m ok with rain storms instead of snow storms but I know i’m going to regret that comment in a month or so


DUDE same! I don’t want to do any indoor between the end of May and early September, it’s even worse for me because my basement runs humid in the summer when the heat is off, once the furnace turns on for the season it’s a perfect 40-50% all the time. Last summer I was flowering at 90F/75RH and it sucked, never again! From now on 2-3 rounds in a semi-perpetual over the winter and then the summer is for seed runs of nice leggy plants and spending my time outdoors. This year I’m going way harder at OD after seeing how well it can go with the right strains. Gonna start trying to choose them soon but I gotta take care of the indoor garden plan first. I figure doing sativa-dom reproductions in the tent in the summer makes sense, so that’s the plan for this year, one or two smaller tents with just like 150w of light in them and some 2G pots for seed expansion runs. It would be cool to make as many seeds as I just did (maybe 15,000?) by letting the pollination go wild but I don’t think I need to do that again for a little while…


Problem is when those rain storms turn to ice storms! I’m wondering if that’s what we’re gonna get down south here in Mass on Sunday with how the weather is looking, it’ll either be 6-12 inches of wet snow or an unholy slush crust that’s gonna lock everything down for a day or two. I’m putting the studded tires on one of my bicycles for the first time this winter (hell, first time in a few winters and right after I bought a nice new set of Schwalbes).


Just finished packing the flower tent for an extended flower run. Added plants for 2 weeks. After this is time to pop a pack of DLA 13 or 14, do a super secret open pollination and toss in cuts of Halle Berry, Blockberry, Green Crack, MOB, Mountain Temple, and maybe a few others of various sizes if I can fit them. It’s going to get raunchy in there.


You’re about to get hammered bud. I’m not in Facebook but I do swing in to check out the New England Weatherman on there. Most accurate Forcast around.

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Definitely! They’re saying seven inches of snow Saturday but the temps are from 36-30F it’s gonna be nuts

It’s pretty chilly up here this morning. 9 degrees when I got up to let out the chickens and ducks. Looking forward to ice fishing. Some super secret spots have had ice for a bit.


Only 19F this morning here, it’s balmy down south!


You flatlanders (lol) just don’t get real winter anymore. Sad state of affairs.