Not Just Another Tincture Thread

You can’t believe how jealous I am. Can you send a box to Europe? :wink:


I know they are pricey, but do check out the Ardent Nova for decarbing…PERFECT every time!


Looks good buddy! Good luck

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I’m still skeptical TBH on those things even working at all. They just look like a plastic coffee cup and I really doubt they don’t leech anything into the bud cooking in plastic

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I have owned mine for about 1 year and use it 2x Per month. I always thought I did it right in my oven…NOT…this does it perfectly and you do NOT put your weed anywhere near plastic. It comes with a aluminum (I think) sleeve that goes inside and a silicon top. If you want to do small batch infusions in the same unit, they have a $20 silicon sleeve insert, but a 4 ounce glass mason jar works too.

I was very skeptical too, until a buddy got one and he swore by it. The weed is decarbed perfectly every time with no temperature fluctuation which I believe is the key…All ovens fluctuate by nature. (that’s how they maintain temperature)The decarbed bud now comes out a reddish brown. Downsides are:
Made like crap and is pricey
NOT BIG ENOUGH for more than .5 ounces stuffed in to the max.

Upsides are : Perfect Decarbing, and amazing CS. My buddy dropped his on a tile floor…It cracked and he asked the company what to do…They replaced it free under the warranty period.
And you could do small batch infusions in it (I don’t)

We all have to decide what this is worth…For me, I am totally satisfied and would do it again gladly.
I also located a $30 off coupon which made it a little easier to bear. (Googled for it)


Saved another 2 or 3ml, spilled a bit and have left this

I might be able to get another 0.2ml of GD when it settles a bit more. But what am I gonna do with this? :smiley: I don’t dare to touch it, even the clear spillage was sticky already. Let the alcohol evaporate and use it as super glue might be an option.

I wanted to give the decarb another try, the best I could come up with using stuff I had in the house was steaming the open tubes filled with 0.5ml of GD and 0.5ml of oil. Sorry, pic is steamy. :wink: I’ll test the first after an hour if the alcohol is gone by then.


Might work well for wrapping glue for a cannagar.


I’ll give it a shot when I can get the money for one. They sell them local too, so I could pick one up at Witch Dr if the price is close enough

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You won’t regret it…They do one funky thing with their shipping…They charge $25 for priority shipping. They quote 3 weeks for regular shipping, but I got mine in a week. The $30 coupon gets eaten by those wanting fast delivery.

Plz keep us posted as to your impressions…Oh…for the best longevity, let it cool completely between uses, and keep it unplugged (No surge protector or it won’t work right)

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Ive been reading this thread on & off for awhile, trying to digest it all and decide how to put it to use for making some meds in the future.

Does cbd need to be decarbed as well when extracting via ethanol?

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That’s a really good question that probably deserves more research. THCA is usually decarbed to make it psychoactive. Since CBD isn’t psychoactive, decarboxylation might not be necessary.

The acidic forms can be more medicinal, for example I use a THCA/CBDA (not decarbed, natural evaporation) tincture for an antianxiety medication. I call it my “rescue medication”, but it doesnt get me high.


Another question about decarbing- if using concentrates like bho- do you just activate it like you would with dried herb in the oven? Is there a bigger risk w getting it too hot w concentrates?

If I wanted to preserve the terps, and just let it decarb over time, whats the best way to do that w concentrates and w herb? Is it all just a normal cure process for a long enough time?

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More questions, my heads spinning rn!

So how about using this process for other plants w medicinal qualities and combining the cannabis GD w other tinctures for deeper layers of medicinal qualities? Like Echinacea, lavender, holy basil, rosemary, etc? Or how about extracting these same plants for their natural pest deterrent properties and making your own organic pesticides? I could see a similar process of extraction & reduction to where the alcohol wouldnt be harmful to the plant and then diluting in water to then spray your plants with. Idk if I’m way off here but seems like there may be an application to other plants as well.


This is discussed in the second post. Check the sections on Natural Decarboxylation and Using Concentrates.

Yes you can do this with other herbs for their medicinal values. Natural food stores often have sections devoted to this.

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Here is some Gorilla Piss that I just decarbed with my Ardent Nova. I am always struck with the reddish color. I was never able to get decarbed bud this exact in my oven. This is 14 grams.


Making me want to grab one ASAP now.

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Have you ever pressed other medicinal herbs in your press before? On the note of blended GD tincture I’ve been wondering about rosin made with multiple herbs

Was wondering about that THCA/CBDA tincture since it’s not changing to THC would it still show up in a whiz quiz ? Not sure if those test capture all THC forms any one know?

Great questions man you just got my gears turning again about to thinking about getting a distiller of some sort! Thanks man!


No, I haven’t pressed any other herbs to see if I get “rosin”.

My Ex-wife used to work at a place that made herbal extractions and blends. They would grind the herbs to extract, then they would drip the ethanol through the ground herbs like one would make coffee. These were reduced, mixed, etc depending on the final product desired.

This is a great question. My guess is that the THCA would still break down into the same metabolites that they test for. I mean THCA will still get you high if you have enough of it. Go eat a couple grams of hash and see what happens (dont make any plans).