Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I was looking at this recipe for a cannabis salve. I tried some (not this recipe) on my neck and it’s crazy how fast it helped. Does anyone have an opinion on this recipe or suggestions on how to make it? I have a bottle of everclear tincture. Does it make sense if I use a crockpot to heat up some coconut oil or something similar with the tincture to make the infused oil like you would when making cannabutter? after making the infused oil can I mix all of this in a double boiler to make the salve? That’s what was suggested to me but I would appreciate any ideas/suggestions anyone has.

salve recipe:

75 – 80ml infused oil
10g beeswax
10ml tincture
2 – 5 ml essential oil


Yeah that should work, very similar to the recipe I use in this thread. Its a good starting point anyway. :+1::seedling:


By “75-80ml infused oil” I assume you mean “Cannabis Infused Oil”?

Why then would you also add “10ml tincture” which I would again assume is GD?

If this is so, could you not bump up the infused oil and eliminate the tincture?

Also, any recommendations as to essential oils?

not sure why they also add the tincture (yes, green dragon is what I have). I have another recipe I’m looking at as well to make a larger batch. as far as essential oils go, I was looking at some on amazon, maybe lavender, or maybe peppermint or another, undecided. this may be a stupid question, but if i make the cannabis infused oil in a crockpot, is it water, olive/other oil, and green dragon? or just the oil with green dragon skipping the water? any idea of the ratio of oil to green dragon?

here’s the other recipe:
400 ml Cannaoil
40 grams shaved beeswax
45 drops lavender oil
30 drops mint oil
1/2 tsp. of honey

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May be a stupid question… is there a quick n dirty thc muscle rub that can be made with iso and weed and whatever i raid from the girlfriend’s beauty junk?

Strained a bicep years ago and it got to the point of taking 20 aleve a day which then turned into getting shitfaced every night just so id pass out and get 4 hrs sleep lol… its coming back and I don’t feel like drinking that much again


I have a buddy who puts his stems in ISO and uses that as a rub. It gets quite green would be the only drawback.


No evaporation just the green alcohol rubbed in?

I’ll give it a try lol


ibuprofen ya need to watch that, thats what fucked my kidneys up
Now its a double jack and half dozen bowls to set me right


Just to clarify Aleve is naproxen sodium not ibuprofen it is an NSAID as well .


Thats not a whole lot better


Whatever aleve is… its horrible for you in high doses lol. But to get through the day working a drug tested job I did what I could. Its also supposed to give you ulcers


Ulcers, not the best for your heart
Can’t remember what else, makes me want to get right out there and get me some.


Have you looked at DMSO? It’s like a solvent that passes through your skin. By itself its used for muscle issues but you can use it as a ‘carrier’ to bring other things into your body.

I haven’t read of anybody doing it with THC or CBD but I’ll bet it’s out there!



We added this to our last batch of cbd ointment. Worked amazingly. Now to add a full spectrum thc tincture to the mixture (if we don’t smoke it all, before next harvest)


@sebring uses it in his CBD cream he sells on his site


I threw about a gram into a bit of iso for about 10 minutes. Then mixed in some coconut oil while in a pot of hot water… whether its a placebo effect or not, I don’t care lol my arm feels 80% better.


Olive oil works really well too. Its actually quite transdermal. :+1::seedling:


I infuse cbd flower directly into extra virgin. the whole family uses it. 4oz decarbed into a liter with 4Tbs of lecithin.

come out very herbal. I love that stuff.


Solubility product constant.

Hello there, i just wanted to share what ive stumbled upon:

Its a paper about decarboxylation, what temps and time are best to get all of your cannabinoids de-acidified… Btw nice thread Reiko, youre really a gem for information! <3


Here is TL:DR