Not Just Another Tincture Thread

so it looks like they are saying that 140 degrees C for 4 hours is the optimal time for decarboxylation to maintain the highest THC/THCA and CBD content

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Here is the recipe that Sebring uses for his CBD cream. I made a batch myself recently. You can do it with THC too but it will get you high of course. :wink: @Grease_Monkey

Another thing you might want to try is capsaicin. Put some chili peppers (think habanero or stronger) in organic olive oil for a few weeks to get the fire into the oil. Either use the oil as it is or add beeswax to make cream. Be very careful and avoid eyes and genitalia. :hot_pepper: :skull_and_crossbones:


At 140° C for 4 hours (table 5), is showing that almost 25% of the THC has degraded into CBN.

The text suggests 145° C for 45 minutes. Thats for a 4 kg batch, it does say they had to increase the time to 55 minutes for a 6 kg batch. Mind you I suggest about 115° C for 40 minutes for a 7 gram batch, so it tracks pretty well.


Hmmm i think baking or 4 hours is too long… Take into account they used batches of 4 kg… Reiko’s timings seem to be more accurate, but i cant tell rn… I gotta run for my job, but ill try to process this data tomorrow on my laptop to see is there linearity, if there is, there could potentially be a formula for best temperature per gram for CBD and THC… Anything non-linear, and im too dumb for that… But i have a good mathematician in my family, ill ask for help if needed… I really hope to find something nice here! Peace…


I knew i overlooked something, i shot too fast… I remembered i red this:

They did tests with 0.25 grams of sample… So, it seems ammount of material we muggles use isnt gonna need higher times… So, that can be put out of equation (i mean, if you do batches of 6 kilos what are you doing here lol, hire an expert)… I think this will make things easier for me to find a formula, ill report what i found here… Peace…

Edit 2:

Ive found about 10 research papers on decarboxylation, it will take me time to study them all… I want to make proper research on this one… Ill start a new thread about it, as i dont want to hijack Reiko’s thread (altough i allready did, im sorry mate), i hope ill find something of a value for you guys… Peace…


yeah i was misreading the data on there, I trust @ReikoX’s math here more than mine lol


So, I have to ask, is 90% (180 proof) good enough for GD? Got myself a water distiller to use and it works pretty damned good, but I just can’t seem to get more that 90% (highest I got for any one cut - a few actually - was 92) using store bought vodka. Haven’t tried a homemade wash yet (still furr-mentin’) but that is next.


Yeah 90% is close enough.


so just a shot in the dark I need some advice I use cannabis mainly at night for sleep and pain “broken back” yay me!!! So I can’t really smoke or vape but edibles work great I just cannot sustain the edible production my tolerance just gets crazy and my only option really is making my own I’m a med patient here in NY but that’s a joke so I need other options a different approach to the edibles tincture maybe I just know I have to figure this out thank you all so much


If you’re looking for edible recipes you’re in the right place.

I’m a bit confused on the problem though, is it cost or capability to make the edibles?

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I pretty much suffer from the same shit but herniated back.
Still looking for that magic to take me thru the night, peacefully restfully

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Same with me. Have tried different strains, full THC, Full CBD, Several Mixes, still can’t figure out how to dull the pain without knocking my ass out, which makes me feel oh so wonderful in the morning. Edibles or tinctures are the best for me, as if the dose doesn’t work, you can just eat/drip more.


Have you tried making a tincture without the drcarb? THCA isn’t psychoactive, but still has the anti inflammatory properties that aid in pain relief. I find it does wonders for my anxiety and panic attacks.


If you are replying to me, I actually have. I made some vape juice a while back where I just soaked the flower in PG/VG mix for about 6 months (actually I think it was you who told me to try it that way to save terps) and I did try it as a tincture (so no conversion) and it tasted good, but not much relief. The vape knock me off my ass, though :rofl:


What is PG/VG mix?
I make tincture combining CBD strain and THC strain for y wife and her back issues. It took sevaral weeks for her to get relief. She usually sleeps but sometimes wakes up with a backache. Does tincture in coffee so she can go to work

PG = Propylene Glycol
Propylene glycol is also used in various edible items such as coffee-based drinks, [liquid sweeteners, ice cream, whipped dairy products and soda. Vaporizer (inhalation_device) used for delivery of pharmaceuticals or personal-care products often include propylene glycol among the ingredients In alcohol-based hand sanitizers, it is used as a humectant to prevent the skin from drying. Propylene glycol is used as a solvent pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable, and topical formulations. Many pharmaceutical drugs which are insoluble in water utilize PG as a solvent and carrier; benzodiazepine tablets are one example. PG is also used as a solvent and carrier for many pharmaceutical capsule preparations. Additionally, certain formulations of artificial tears use proplyene glycol as an ingredient.

Yeah, it’s in everything…

VG - Vegetable Glycerin (or just Glycerin)
Basically the same as PG only made from vegetables (usually soy beans or palm)

Basically, they are used as carrier liquids for vaping. You mix the the liquid nicotine and the flavoring with the VG or PG or a mixture of both. With cannabis, for me any way, it is easier than dabbing or oils and it uses the same equipment I already have and use. So, instead of using alcohol to extract the THC/CBD, you use VG/PG.


ReikoX was one of my mentors and gave great guidance. I follow his recipe but, use unsalted butter. I LIKE butter so it is may preference. I cheated after the first batch and got the magic butter maker and stick molds. I use 2 pounds of butter to get 1 pound (A little extra for toast :grinning:) Than I wrap it in the wax paper from the source butter and freeze. I was growing and making butter a lot for my husbands pain. Neither of us have ever smoke is why I choose butter and edibles. Stopped growing when he needed 24/7 care. Now I am hoping to start up and see if any beans I have will germinate.


Good to see you still around… Hope things are well with you @G-paS :blush:


Thank You! it was a hard last 18 months but, things are starting to look better.


You need beans, I can help you out.
Hate to see people in need doing with out.


Glad to see you’re back @G-paS I can mail you beans tomorrow, if that address is still valid.