Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Green Dragon in 95% Spirytus @TestOfOath (an old gift from a Polish buddy)
1 oz decarb + 1 cup liquid x ?

Just ordered Dark 151 Rum for the next batch, hoping its easier on the underside o the tongue.

Its an amazing tincture


I make mine with isopropyl, then distill it out to leave the RSO/FECO. It ends up too viscous to pour unless it’s heated; the oil comes out of the syringe in small chunks, which makes it fairly easy to mix with a bowl the way my partner likes to smoke it. I typically use mine to make edibles; even after filtering, freezing, and letting whatever’s going to crash out of solution it doesn’t smoke smoothly enough for me with my asthma. It tastes fine in cookies, though. :slight_smile:


Are you saying that you ingest a RSO that’s made with 91% isopropyl alcohol(rubbing alcohol)?
If so, I don’t think that is good for you. :worried:


Thanks for the concern. It’s made with 99% iso… no need to waste time with boiling off water. The isopropyl is just a solvent though. I fully boil it off at 225F, 35 degrees above its boiling point, before use. I haven’t yet seen any evidence that the RSO left after it’s fully boiled off is harmful in any way… if there is actual evidence, I’d be quite interested to see it so I can pass it on. FWIW, my growing partner has a degree in chemistry and biology and he’s the one who suggested this. When I’ve told him that people say it’s dangerous, he just laughs at the “bro science.” He eats it himself as well sometimes, though eating it doesn’t do much for him - he needs almost a full gram to feel much of anything, other than not wanting to smoke as much.

Note that I’m only using ~7 grams of RSO per 2-pound batch of cookies, as well. If I were mixing in 7 grams of pure isopropyl, I’m still not sure that would be toxic at ~300mg per cookie. I’ve read that 250ml can be fatal, but one of my ex’s ex-friends was such a degenerate alcoholic that he drank rubbing alcohol straight all the time because he was too broke to afford real alcohol. Despite my wishing him dead many times, he never died from it. :frowning: Another page that I’ve found says the fatal dose in untreated animals is approximately 4-8 grams/kg, which is a far cry from 250ml…


Great, just so you’re aware. Had to just drop that in there. Glad y’all have done the research. Just want everyone to be safe and healthy. So you double boil it off, huh? Far cheaper than EC, I bet! I mean, I wouldn’t do it. But, to each his own. :slightly_smiling_face:

Any comments in regard to my previous questions? :thinking:


Not reduced for strengthening or some down to oil at all?

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Awesome stuff y’all! I just made my first batch hash and I’m hooked. I want/need :rofl: to learn to do more and pull everything I can out of my plants. Concentrates and tintures just thinking about them get me feeling all warm inside. Can’t wait to read through this and absorb as much info as possible. @Bobgrows told me about this thread a couple weeks ago I just remembered and marked as watching so I can get reading.


As far as doing larger batches? I wouldn’t worry. I do batches of a QP at a time, washing 4 times with 500ml per wash and vacuum filtering it through a Buchner filter. I end up with ~20mg of RSO from a QP of bud that’s too weak to bother smoking - no idea what the THC % is, since I’m in a state that’s illegal for anyone but the mega-corps to grow. I’d be very surprised to find it’s above 20% though, which means I’ve gotta be pushing above 90% efficiency, I’d think…

If you want to pull it up in a syringe and be able to drink it or use it as a liquid, I’d definitely recommend cutting it with some oil first. It’ll work straight if you pull it hot, but as I said, it ends up thickening enough in the syringe that it’s no longer really liquid once it cools.


Great to hear! That’s basically what I’m doing. 100 gams in a half gallon jar. So you wash four times? Wow. Do you shake a lot? I don’t have a Buchner filter, but something similar. Getting all the plant matter piled up and trying to strain though a coffee filter is a real PITA.
I’ve never done evaporation in a jar double boiler style. A pan yes. What do you thin it with? I was gonna try coconut MCT oil this time.
Thanks or the response bud. :v::slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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I left the batch intact, and with the lid off for the nite @blowdout2269
I took the long road, strained it 4x and its legit. The video that I saw, the person tested the strengths and the batch left out overnite saw a 20% stronger THC figure.

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When you guys strain or rewash, are you using the same liquid or additional chilled EC?
The latter would be my guess.

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When I was finished straining, it was complete.

A little hot under the tongue was the only critique. Dark 151 Rum will fix that.

A step I may consider involves a little Glycerine and Mint oil. ie reduce alcohol with heat~ 25% volume and add the other elements to “dumb it down” a bit.

The rum may be the answer to my situation

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The rum just makes it taste better after the burn :slight_smile:


I think it was @ColeLennon that turned me on to using a casserole dish on a heat mat with a temperature controller over night. I can’t remember the temp though.
I’m trying to reduce the tincture to an oil and then thin it just enough to stay viscous in a syringe.


See, I’m sold already!


But thats a bit of overKill with Tincture.

It amazed me, that atmospheric pressure allowed just enough Alcohol to Flash off overnight, that it did not impact overall Volume noticibly @blowdout2269

The mat will be perfect for that app

Yeah, you evap just enough for a stronger QWET. But not fully reduced into an oil. Correct?
I plan to take a dropper bottle worth at the first strain and another at about half reduction. To see the change in potency. Then reduce the rest fully into oil and store in oral syringes.
I’ll be giving it all to my BIL the lab rat, lol. :crazy_face:


Another member turned me onto a heating pad. I just use a pyrex bread pan and my ac infinity seedling mat. Plug it in 87 degrees.

Evap like this takes me 16-20 hours


And when it’s almost thickened, you stir in avacado oil, right?


I wash 4x because the Buchner filter only holds 500ml, otherwise I’d be washing with 2 liters at a time; that’s how much my receiving flask holds, so it would make it slightly quicker and easier if I had a bigger one… not even sure they make them bigger, though. This is the largest I could find. As far as shaking, I decarb in the oven first, at which point the bud pretty much ends up mulched just from stirring it a few times. That’s why the Buchner filter comes in handy, because it’s possible to pull most or all of the liquid with the vacuum while the filter keeps the plant fibers mostly out of the mix. For boiling it off, I use a cast iron pot on a gas stove to make a sand bath, with a boiling flask hooked up to a Graham condenser. I pretty much treat the whole process like chemistry homework. :wink:

I don’t really thin it, except in that I mix it with cooking oil and then use that oil to bake. I vaguely remember reading that MCT would help with absorbtion rates as well as being healthier, so I’m thinking I might suck up the cost even if it ends up being the most expensive part of the process… at least, given that the bud is free and I only lose about 100 ml of isopropyl per QP. Most of that is because I can’t realistically get all the oil out of the 2’ tall boiling flask, so I pour it out while it’s still in solution and then boil off ~50ml of the alcohol in the electric convection oven for fire safety.

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