Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Hi @blowdout2269,
I’m on pretty much the same path you are, fine tuning the QWET extraction. A big handful of frozen buds, barely cover with very cold Everclear, re-freeze, stir & wait. Then really wait as it drips through a filter, leaving trichs along the way. Good outcome, but sheesh!

Here’s some things to think about.

  • As near as I can tell, the high-test Ethanol we’re using can extract way more THC than our buds deliver. No need for fresh ETH for a second rinse.
  • Stirred, Not Shaken, is the better call. You want aggressive alcohol swirling around the through your frozen buds. You want chemical action, not physical laceration.
  • Fresh alcohol might be fractionally better, but the real deal is another full energetic minute of “Swirling,” and a second trip to the freezer overnight.
  • Most important of all: skip the slow messy straining through a coffee or even Bruchner! Stretch a 175 bubble hash mesh over the top of your jar, and slowly pour your frozen final swirled extract into another container. If you’ve done everything right you’ll see a golden elixir 90% free of debris with 10% of the work.

If nothing else, try that bubble bag strainer, removes 99% and leaves you the Goldern Dragon in seconds rather than hours. It’s the best shortcut I know.

Respectfully Submitted, tryin to BE Og,


I let it evap until it doesn’t move. Then put the pan on a baking sheet with a folded up dish towel under one end. 200 degrees get all the oil down on one end of the pan. I then start with 1/2 tsp avocado oil. Depending how this thick it is, I will add a little more. If I’m adding drops of terps I do it now. 30 mins at 200 degrees its infused. Suck it up in 10ML syringe. Done.


Definitely gonna have to try that… though I suspect I’d still be using the Buchner, because this method still leaves a ton of alcohol absorbed by the buds and unrecoverable. It sounds like that’s a useful and easy step to speed it up though.


Thanks for the response bud. Yeah, I’ve also heard of the screen. Or even some people using cheese cloth. I’m gonna try out this new contraption.

Figure I can trap most of the plant mater in the funnel with the metal screen, then place the mesh screen over the finished jar? Not sure.

And yes, the whole agitation process is where different colors come out or different cannabinoids become active. I want to get the most out of the plant matter, but I also dont care if it’s dark. Black RSO generally means that I absorbed more chlorophyll. I’ve previously shared. Thinking about stirring instead this time. I’ve also heard of people rolling the jar.


Welp, here goes nothin!


It’s not nothing it’s definitely something. Hopefully it’s exactly what you expected but a little Let the alcohol evaporate off how long do you do this for?

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Well @ColeLennon said his takes 14-20 hours-ish.
This is a whole half gallon of EC, well 1500ml after strained. I’m betting every bit of 48 hours. Hell if I know! Lol, never done natural evaporation before.


Yeah, I’m talking like 12 fluid ounces. 48 hours is probably close. Smaller batches. I just decarboxilated 40 grams of blackberry fire. 45 mins at 245 degrees. In the freezer now alongside 8 ounces of grain alcohol. Tomorrow night. Shake and stir 5 mins. Back in the freezer 5 mins. Strain.


Up next, I want try and infuse an oil.
I wonder what’s different about the two.
Like activities and availability. Is it different?

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Do you grind that bud up at all before freezing or adding ethanol?

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All you do to infuse in oil is combine both oils in oven for 30 mins at 200 degrees. It’s infused.

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Both oils, what?
Don’t people infuse coconut or MCT oil directly with flower, hash, or rosin?

I’m not talking about thinning this down.

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Cannabis oil and your choice of carrier oil. Mct, avocado etc. The bigger the pan the quicker it will evaporate. You can also blow a fan at it.

You don’t have to thin it down. I do for the fact I make gummies with mine.

I did that with my last batch. Doubt I’ll do that again. It was a massacre! Gelatin was trying to set up on my before getting into the molds. Imagine sticky cotton candy spiderweb honey fiberglass insulation, or somewhere in between disaster, lol. On the plus side, the gummies would totally wreck a person.


Were talking about two different things though.
Yes, I’ll be thinning this RSO just so it doesn’t solidify inside the oral syringes while in the refrigerator. :+1:

I was talking about a different type of infusion using coconut oil. Maybe @chronix can chime in?

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i tried making gummies once with green dragon, but it turned out like jello. i guess noone wants everclear jello shots, lol. i keep putting it off but eventually i’d like to make either gummies or hard candy.

Caramels are easy when done with cannabutter!

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I only use bud, I decarb it in the oven, then on light heat on the stove I melt the coconut :coconut: oil into a liquid and mix my decarbed bud into it.
Minimum of 4 hours, stirring it often.
Strain it, and use it to cook with, make capsules, or even just eat it as is.
I use refined coconut oil because I don’t like the taste of the virgin coconut oil.
I recently 3d printed some capsule holders, they work great. Made alot of Eutierria capsules.


I use 1ML of the oil I make from 190 and make 75/ 10-12 MG gummies.

I’m going to start experimenting with different cannabis oils and blue honey. So 1/2 tsp of blue honey will have 1/2 gram of psilocybin and 5MG of the cannabis strain I choose. :fire: :mushroom: