Not too early to sow at 43 north, right?

Interestingly… just found this as well…

It’s an auto, and it’s within 30 feet of the others. It appears to have popped in the last 10 days. I’m curious why the other 10, now 5, were germinating in Feb. I don’t understand the mechanisms of outdoors and cannabis seeds, but I’d love to know more if someone that knows the science wants to speak in what we’re seeing. :v:


you can cut the bottom off a 1 gallon milk jug and use that to protect them if needed from the cold. i leave the cap on it makes their own little green house.


i always built beds with wood and plastic but i like the idea of reusing jugs.

I used a small Rubbermaid garbage can the nights it dipped below 27, I knew they could handle 27, but low 20’s felt pushing it. In my head, that can right next to them is also deterimg animals :joy:


It has also survived…

And those others, they’re starting to look like real plants! Seems to be one standout, one not far behind and all look damn good for the wretched weather they’ve been through


Still kickin, the runt of the bunch struck me with a nice smell the other day and my head lept to the Sour D BX3 I grew. This one makes a lot of sense as I remember ripping a bud off a couple times while trying to yank a leaf off. It also had a lot of immature beans so only getting 10 beans from a bud or two is about right. Some diesel/chem vibes with the leaves and lanky structure as well. Lastly, the mom with the closest plant to this spot along with a couple others. The dead bubba and an auto that only gave me a dozen or so beans from an early pollination.

Something else interesting, I threw all my mixed beans from that run in a couple pots back in April. Still had very cold weather. The beans popped in stages, groups. I thought they were duds it took so long, at least a month for the first five, two more of them finally sprouting last week and looking like very different little seedlings from the rest. Is outdoor germination time strain specific?

Just struck me since it seemed like they were waiting for warmth when these things were sprouting in late February/early March. It’s also likely that the Sour D BX3 mom’s beans weren’t in the mix since I shucked the buds way later than these mixed beans were collected.