Nug Life Farms *OFFICIAL*

That is a 3x3 Grassroots Living Soil Bed :+1:


that’s what I need – thanks have to look at 3x3 Grassroots Living Soil Bed the only issue might be overwatering - no were for extra run-off to go

Harvested 9 days ago…the days posted below are accurate.

Day 68 flower
Day 109 total
3x Bab-Bam & Pebbles (Flintstones x Runtz)

Will get pics shortly.


were to purchase ? Build-a-soil know theowner swears by them

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Crasher Toyz update. Further they go the better they are looking.
Got one, suddenly decided to put on an extra 3-4 inches of bud this week. That one now has very sativa looking colas,and the secondary colas doing it too. Very cool surprise. Bout another 3-4 weeks in thinking.


Thanks!!! Done!


@Bow4Buck interesting sativa pheno. Thats the first I’ve seen of this in the progeny so far. Most have favored the considerably less sativa pheno you have pictured. Thanks for the update

@Abbbian wrong thread


Grape Runtz Candy #1 has some garlic/gas type smells coming out of it and smells stronger than the other plant. Closer node spacing.

Grape Runtz Candy #2 has much less smell, more node spacing and seems to be finishing faster somehow. Almost a dark/redish tint to the plant, lots of ambering on the leaf trichomes.

Grape Runtz Candy #1

Grape Runtz Candy #2


@bassman5420 Looks fuego :fire:! Could you possibly take some pics in a more natural light? It would be much appreciated.

Back to that GRC I have one pack left of the grape runtz candy. Something told me at the beginning of the Runtz project these would be special. The comms have been outta this world :earth_americas: Again, much appreciated

I hope you enjoy them :+1:


Drunken watermelon veg update


I will try to keep this post short and to the point. Started 3x Bam-Bam on 4-26. (Mistakes were made) I started these in a mix I made that I was unfamiliar with (I killed two other plants with this mix) and should have stuck to familiar territory to give these seeds a fair run. That being said I will give credit where credit is due to some very resilient genetics!

Super strong start and great tails

Breaking ground.

Pretty normal and awesome starts…

It was after this point the little ones completely stalled out. Now I’m almost certain this was due to me being completely inexperienced in soil and the watering habits. Not afraid to admit my mistakes here. I didn’t want to lose them so I dug these little ones out as carefully as I could and dunked the roots in some clean RO and then got into them into some COCO (familiar territory). I failed to take a picture of how bad the little’s actually got but in the picture below you can see the yellow and crispy lower leaves and where they were before I got them back to health.

The back 3 are the Bam-Bam’s 5-16

one week later getting back to health… right 3 are Bam-Bam 5-24

Current as of Today 6-11

Any way this is long enough. Just thought I would share and say thanks again to @NugLifeFarms420 for letting me jump in on this super resilient cultivar that let me put it through hell and back… and thanks to @DefNSmokn for all the coaching! Plan to flip to flower within the next couple weeks(still waiting on sex)! Cheers everybody!


Yeah!!! Those plants are looking mighty fine!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen leaf serrations that fat. That’s crazy looking.


They’re a funky bunch, drunken seems to be a suitable name since they leaning in all directions.

They’re gonna be in veg for awhile though, My flower tents pretty much full for the next couple months. Might take a cut from each and put em on some kind of platform in their though just to see who’s the keeper/s


A pair of drunken watermelon. In their forever home. Right one had some mighty roots when i planted it, quickly outgrew the 1 gallon container it used to be in


Considering renaming Drunken Watermelon to Caribbean Gushers

Given the lineage:
Watermelon Gushers x Tiki Rum Cake x Nerdz

Caribbean Gushers seems more fitting

Lets put it to a vote

Renaming a hybrid. Which name do you prefer, Drunken Watermelon or Caribbean Gushers?
  • Drunken Watermelon
  • Caribbean Gushers

0 voters


I think drunken watermelons a better sounding name, but if the majority of them end up not tasting/smelling vaguely of watermelon/melon Caribbean gushers would be more appropriate.


Jonny Depp won, so Caribbean is PC again.


My CrasherToyz making itself at home in the yard…


Candy Cake Punch @ day 58 flower… one is extremely dense and sticky and the other is not as sticky but has an extra strong kush smell to it