Nug Life Farms *OFFICIAL*

Yes, but…”If you drink, don’t drive…do the Watermelon crawl!” :cowboy_hat_face: :joy:


You might have to take the lead, because I’m a hazzard when “I walk the line” :guitar:


Whats been good OG? Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

I appreciate all the work the testers have been putting in with these grows. Any one that has recently completed their test grow, that I havent already sent seeds out too. Please hit me up in the test group message that was used originally. I’d like to get every squared away.

A really quick update that I wont do much talking about. We have another Crasher Runtz :fire: pheno that was taken @ 9 weeks of flower. She’s a looker. Dense nugs, Funky as all outdoors :nose:, earthy & hints of berries etc.

A really impressive pheno that has all the characteristics you’re looking for. Cant wait to sample her

Have a safe weekend :+1:


Crasher Toyz still going strong.
The one that started growing spears is just going nuts :grin:

The tops just want to keep going. If they fill in, these are odd for sure. I like the odd ones :wink:
Bud from the other plants look to be hundreds of nice hard golf balls. Hard just to smell them with a few different strains in there. Any leaves I pluck, run between my hands, very pungent, sweet gas if that makes sense. Smells strong and sweet at first and leaves the smell of gas in your nose. I also like gas :grin::laughing::sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


After all the delays, the Grape Runtz Candy’s finally got chopped.

I ended up with 2 phenos in the end, the first being slightly shorter node spacing along with its height and the second had farther node spacing and lankier stature.

They both were pretty similar in smell accept for the fact that the GRC#1 was MUCH stronger smelling with the slight garlicy gas influence.

Even with the extra yield the GRC#2 will have, I will be running the GRC#1 again in the future because the terps were so much stronger.

Sadly these are some of the best pictures I could get with my camera.

You can see the Grape Runtz Candy #1 in the beginning and the Grape Runtz Candy #2 in the beginning behind the GRC#1 and at the end of this pre harvest defoliation clip.

They were a pleasure to grow and I cant wait to press me some rosin out of them.
:+1: Good job @NugLifeFarms420 :+1:


@Bow4Buck you are a brave soul my friend. I would have been tossed that sativa/mutant. Kudos for even flowering her out to this point. On another note, I think its safe to say that the sativa/mutant you have is anomaly, havent seen any one else with it. Again, thanks for the work.
Enjoy the weekend

@bassman5420 hope you saved a cut. Looks awesome and glad you found something you like. I have yet to grow out GRC perhaps in the future I may get to the last pack I have.


Indeed I did, I saved some cuts of each buy may kill off the GRC#2. Definitely some goodies in these beans though :+1:


Not exactly sure its sativa, buts its odd for sure. Almost looks like it’s trying to reveg, so much so I had the check the light timer.

Want to see if i can fatten them up. I going to clip those stringy tops off and see what she does to the end.


Trying to keep these drunken watermelons small, may have overestimated my capacity. My veg tent full af rn :joy:


Here’s a couple pics of the keeper I found from my pack of runtz x indiana bubblegum

The 1st time flowering it out I was just figuring out how to mix salt nutes and it suffered the blow of that so wasn’t really picture worthy lol but the term profile really caught my attention it’s like a grape bubblegum candy.

Heres what the mom looks like in my veg room it actually has a real cool root pattern on every clone ive taken from it where it just explodes into a ball ill have to take a pic of that too.

this is day 38 of flower on my second run of it now.


I found a keeper as well super fast growth and gassy dank funk that smells like flintstone vitamins .


Just has alot of stretch but with some time and netting can tell its I high production plant that checks off all the boxes in my list


12 Days ago - Drunken Watermelon went in the ground…

And today we have them vegging / spreading well:
Plenty of sun, soil, water, and time still left for these, they could get quite large if its in the genes.


Curious to see how these do outdoors…mind me asking what area you live in?

Just across Lake Ontario - near Roch NY.


Ok great…thanks. I’ll keep an eye on this grow.

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I only have 2 Bubblegum Runtz and 2 Candy Cake Punch in flower and I love the terps coming from them both. I figure a couple of weeks on them should be close. I wasn’t sure I would like the terps… I was wrong there.

Candy Cake Punch

Bubblegum Runtz

I’m expecting some swell the next two weeks. I got a few seeds from some Space Monkey pollen from another run before this one.

I have one Monochrome Rain just starting out. 2 others didn’t make it during sprouting.

Super terps so far! peace


Candy cake punch day 35 of flower. Starting to get a real fruity smell. Can’t put my hand on it but smells fruity. @NugLifeFarms420 what did you say the flower time was on these again


Broke my phone, well specifically the camera :upside_down_face:
Getting a new one soon! I haven’t popped my new testers because I wanted good pictures! The new phone should be delivered Monday or so. Once it arrives I will pop my testers.

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Still keeping all the drunken watermelons small in the veg tent they’re hardy little plants. Still got another 5-7 weeks probably before room opens up in my flower tent though. Poor planning on my part. But I’ve got two still in solos at like 6 or 7 weeks veg now doing fine which is really neat.