Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

Lol another 2 packs are headed your way : )


Chucky’s Bride was some of the best herb I grew from that era. :100: That and Holy P. :slight_smile:


I missed out on HP
I believe Indy still holds some

I know he made anesthesiaF2


:100: agree , wish i had HP


Hi there OG whatz up all you herb aficionados

It’s that time once again so smoke’em if you got’em

I’ll start off with Grandma’s dog by Ill eagle seeds @stanknugzz77

And I tell you she got a bite , smooth taste and It is
Relaxing :sunglasses: with a feeling of good vibes :sunglasses: great to listen to music to and by the way Stevie wonder superstition :+1: is rocken the box and by the way she yields very nicely

Well now that we are all grooven to the music
And got a good buzz on

Transferred all rooted clones to the OCTOPOTS today decided to run 9 ( added 1 more I made room )

I used @Jetdro turbo method which will speed up the roots traveling downward towards the reservoir
Down the whole went
10/30/20 1/2 teaspoons per gallon plus 1/8 teaspoons per gallon of Epson salt and 15.5/0/0 each ppm where a bit hi so I added water and lowered to 550 ppms
plus rhizotonic and canazyme these two at approximately 15 ml (closer to 20 ml) per 5 gallon of mix
Line up
mac1 , cap junky , GMO , fire as f , in the big Octopots
In the small octopups are
legends og ,lemon g, northern lights , granddaddy purple,sour D

Clones both rooted and not rooted

I’ve been using a heat mat and it really helps in the cold weather , there taking 10 to 12 days to root a bit longer then some runs before

And of course
Babies for the next run going to take my time to select the best female among the group
May do a little pollen chucking lol

And I’ve decided to run about 6 chuckys bride reg and do a seed run
This would be f3 I think this remake


Good morning OG’s

Today I need to give some attention to the babies
Going to hit them with some 10/30/20 and calnet and Epson salt

They need it lol :joy: they’ve been neglected due to starting the all elite clone run

Ok we need to get real smoken herijuana( wish I kept a cut :hot_face:) but you can’t keep everything

Puff puff pass
Any day they should be showing sex
I’ll cull all males this run.
then I’ll start my chuckys bride repo
Hopefully even save enough pollen for future crosses

Got me thinking :thinking: mac1 x chuckys bride dad call it chuckymac or mac chucky lol





love it


save a little spot for the ice cream cake and wedding cake that are heading your way shortly💥

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Oh crap chuckys wedding cake lol
Or Brides ice cream

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Wedding Cake wiil seed NICELY :heart_eyes:

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I saw your post on the trading thread. I do have one pack left of motarebels herijuana hidden in my stash I could send ya. But i’d need you to either take cuts or make more beans, assuming they’re what you want and all germinate and whatnot, as that’s what I want too :joy: I just haven’t gotten to them yet.


I grew both, chucky bride was my favorite of the 2 and one of my favorites of all time. I may need to run it again in octopots.


If I’m not mistaken I think that’s what Sannie used to use maybe I’m wrong


I agree I thought it was wonderful weed I wasn’t growing and Octopot so when I grew it and I couldn’t get her to yield shit



ever grown or smoked any Romulan???


Smoked it a long long time ago. Have a pack of the official “BX1” and the co-op “bx1” f2’s that went out but haven’t grown them yet. Should be some damn good stuff but it’s been so long that I don’t really know how I’d rank it.

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HA thanks
I already got some on the way
We just made a trade



I have their original breeder cut of it from Jake himself evidently I’m going to run it right away I’ve never tried it or I don’t know anyone that has


What you got coming Papa who’s version of it ???



Woodhorse herijuana on a trade

I should have kept a mom it was a good phenom


I grew out chucky 4 times and I came across 2 phenos, one was a stretchy minimal leaf plant that yielded decent, a bunch of golf ball/candy bar sized buds, super easy to trim. Orginal Subcool Jilly bean is the only plant that was a easier plant to trim.
Then a 2nd pheno which was a short plant that didn’t stretch hardly at all in flower that yielded low.