Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

It will work when you get it right . I’m sure you will . Didn’t use rooting hormone ?


I’m going to follow along. First time seeing a multi strain mother plant a few months back. I think it was @Andrane ? Very interested to watch this grow out.:grin::green_heart:


Your more then welcome to tag along



It was. Though she has been laid to rest now.
[Taps plays on the background]:joy:


That’s great news…
That’s for sharing this journey with us…:pray:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Hi every day there still alive there’s hope

Day 5 for these 2

24 hours on these

Going to add a few more
Instead of individual bags I’ll try one large bag with wire supports


Grafting notes

Things they don’t tell you

• grafting tape don’t stick, stretch the tape out before using it

• start to wrap the branch before you make a cut ( it’s just easier to handle )
• take small pice and wrap a pencil or a small stick then use it to wrap branches it’s easier to control rather then the whole roll

• make sure the connections are covered tightly
• humidity is your friend ( cover cuts and spray daily )
• let cuttings get a little air once a day
• sealing grafting tape to it self I guickly light my lighter and melt it a bit and seal with my fingers
• Match the thickness of your branches ( the base branch should be thicker then the cutting
• use 3 in cuttings , young stock , flexible branches

And take your time


How soon would you graft a cut once you took a cutting? You had mentioned they get a rhizotonic soak. How long is that before cutting is grafted?


I soak them for 5 minutes i probably should be longer


Up date time so light ‘em up let’s get this party started

So I’m smoking some Greases pieces x Tropicana cookies x( cherry west ) it’s theCw phenom @stanknugzz77 Ill eagle seeds

Oh yeah :dash::dash::dash::dash::dash::boom::fire::zap:

Now we can begin :thinking:

Grafting wow
I just checked on the attachments , we’ll call them for lack of a better term.
And out of 7 attachments ( I early made a mistake counting said 6 stoner moments)
5 are thriving of the 5 , 3 are standing tall and look great they are the oldest at 6 days I broke one of the 7 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::hot_face: :sob::sob::sob:
2 are only like 3 days old so I expect they’ll be fine One of the earliest attempt the GG4 is not looking good but I’ll leave her alone for now


What’s going on in the garden

Group shot

Orange tart
@mndlss check this out
Has some leaf deformities 2 grew out of it early and 2 still haven’t out grown as of yet


My new favorite filters for joints

Activated charcoal and easy draw

Grafting notes

As of today GG4 is standing tall, so she should be just fine

Mac is one of the last to be grafted and it is still alive but struggling !

So out of 7 attachments 1 I broke when handling and 5 are growing and thriving and 1 is is struggling but no more then the others did before it started growing

So once I see that Mac is thriving I’ll remove the dome and let it grow for a bit before I attach the last 3 so 9 is my goal now

It will increase as I start new seeds if I find a keeper it getting grafted

List of plants to be attached when finished
Base plant port wine cheese
Attached. Mac 1
Greases pieces x Tropicana cookies x cherry west trop leaner
Killer cookies
Papas punch
Greases pieces x trop cookies x CW - Cherry west leaner

So 1 plant 9 strains


Pretty good success rate for your first time grafting, kudos Paps :slight_smile: How’s the training going on the base plant?


She’s small to begin with and has a lot of branches already

So far the only problem is me I just broke may mac1 attachment :hot_face::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::exploding_head::sob:. I’m my biggest problem lol

So 5 out of 7.
I broke 2

I’m a dumb ass



Nice filters : )

You’ll be running marathons next


If it’s been 9 days today I started this grafting project ! Wow a lot of fun and one hell of a learning curve !

The biggest thing I find is be clean , careful, and patient.
I truly believe all 7 would have taken if it wasn’t for me being clumsy !

So I just took off the dome and sprayed them with foop spray this morning ! And I’ll leave the dome off till lights on this afternoon

All attachments are thriving and here’s a few pictures of different side of the plant
I still have the stems wrapped and I most likely do the dome on and off for a few days just to ease them into the environment

Once I see that i don’t need the dome anymore I’ll graft the last 3 cuts to the base plant

@Gardenartus this would be great for you with all your moms

I do believe the mom ( base plant ) needs to have a lot branches and I trained this one deliberately I keep cutting her back

There are a good deal of stem’s available to add more

I may start another one just so I’ll be ready for more keepers

Maybe set a limit on like 12 strains per plant

Hell I’m retired what else do I do lol


This is so badass. Nature really is wild.

I’d love to see a project like this brought into flower with a wide variety of cola appearances. Would be pretty damn cool.


Is Foop really organic?
What’s your opinion on these products from them?

I was thinking about that but the flowering times are all different


Hi there I only use the spray

According to the label it appears to be all good organic ingredients

And the plants do like it