Odor in relation to effect

Trying to get a handle on the relationship between a flowering odor description and what the effect will be.

So, the simple version of this question… is there any relationship that can be connected between the odor description and the effect from enjoying the flower?

For example, if someone mentions ‘fuel, diesel, petroleum’ smells, does that indicate a sativa like high, or the plant will be tall and lanky, or anything about the effect.

Or, if someone says ‘meaty, garbage, stinky’ does that mean indica, short plant, etc.

Or, ‘fresh cut flowers’ is a ‘up energy’ high?

Are the smells linked to specific terpenes, or flavanoids or?
Any articles or websites that cover this?

Thank you


Odors come from the Terpenes and they have specific effects so yes, there is a relation IMO.


@DougDawson has a great reply. Kevin Jodrey talks about these categories here.


These charts notwithstanding I’m going to say no. You can’t go “this smells like pepper so it’s going to be a wicked sativa.”

However, many sativas do have a distinctive smell I’m just not sure it can be boiled down simply into terpenes. Linseed oil? I dunno.

I think you’d be better off looking at plant structure :+1:


Did Kevin say 42,000 distinct scent molecules… with our favorite plant having possibly up to 245 distinct scent molecules!?.. Massively lumped into ‘fuel and earth’, and ‘fruit and floral’.

Fuel > Pine > ‘OG’ > energetic racy euphoric and anxiety
Earth > ‘Bubba Kush’ > ‘Hollywood’ > calming
Fruit > ‘strain?’ > Uplifting and energetic
Floral > ‘Haze’ > complex reactions > Contemplative thought

Dang, looks like I just found another rabbit hole.


It’s still a try and see situation; people & their reactions to stuff vary wildly. Smell descriptions are just that & not much more.

But we’re making progress one toke at a time :sweat_smile:



I can tell by the whiff of patchouli coming off @cannabissequoia that he’s some sort of hippy.


I go with his response. I keep my filters running at all times. I try to be very careful about the smell. I even have filters running inside of the room. They actually keep the air cooler. I have a couple of 8 inches sitting in the middle of the room to circulate air.


If visitors can’t tolerate gas & skunk then they can stay outside :joy: :skunk::fuelpump:
