OG Veterans Giveaway Signup 2023. Thank You for your Service

Exactly. Nothing short of an utter catastrophe can change it, and even then only temporarily. O-grades live in a completely different reality, and the higher the rank, the more disconnected they become.

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Hey there everyone, I will be closing down the sign up for this event tonight. Canadian donations are being packaged to send to @Bobgrows and once received she will be sending out to all of you who signed up. I will leave this till tonight so if you know of someone who has not signed up please tag them while there is still time. Thanks all.


Thanks again for all the donations that were sent in and all the hard work sorting, packing and mailing these out. This will be my first OG giveaway and I feel so lucky to have found such a generous group of growers. I’m more excited than a kid on Christmas morning.


Glad to have you along bud.


OK ladies and gentlemen, the signup is closed. I will he mailing @Bobgrows the Canadian donations this week. Once she receives them we shall sort out address info.

On a second note there is one OG poster and one custom rolling tray designed by @Bobgrows up for grabs. The rolling tray will be customized for the user by @Bobgrows. I will put up a signup for each, if interested you will add your name and winner of each item will be determined using a random number generator.

Thanks to all you Veterans for your service. Big thanks to all who donated for this event. Also a huge thank you to @Bobgrows who has taken on all the logistics for this event. She is a star.

Here is a pic of my custom rolling tray for reference.

And the poster.


Awesome bonus giveaway! Thanks for taking care of the OG vets!


Ok folks, there are 2 new wikis now right below your signups. 1 for the rolling tray and 1 for the poster. Only those signed up for the Veterans giveaway are eligible. We have 30 entries for the giveaway, you 30 feel free to sign up for your chance at the bonus prizes. Good luck all.

  1. @draig :us: :anchor:
  2. @Oldjoints :us:
  3. @JohnnyPotseed :us: :anchor:
  4. @CapnCannabis :us: US Army emoji 25OIF/OEF 2009/2011
  5. @BigMike55 :us:
  6. @FirstCavApache64 US Army emoji 1st-cavalry-division-5-1-4-patch-20
  7. @Illicitmango :us: US Army emoji 25 ARMY
  8. @kgrim :us:
  9. @herojuana.tom :us:
  10. @patsnumone :us: :anchor:
  11. @Hapi :us: :anchor:
  12. @sfzombie13 us
  13. @Naptown916 :us:
  14. @middleman :us: :airplane:
  15. @misterbee :us: US Air Force Emoji
  16. @Randar :us: US NAVY emoji
  17. @olschool US Marines Emoji USMC 1981-1985 OOOOOH RAAA
  18. @rootfarmer :us: image 81-85 Neu Ulm
  19. @Olcoot Army 81/85
  20. @Syn :us: image
  21. @beardedvet222 :us: image
  22. @Keene :us: Army Infantry 67-69
  23. @Spitfire Navy
  24. @PTron US Marines Emoji 25 USMC 1975-1978
  25. @beersnweed :australia: :anchor:Navy1989-1997
  26. @Ult USA USAF 2001-2018
  27. @GMan :us: Navy :anchor:
  28. @bigbluedog360 USAF 1983-1987
  29. @mainerJ :us: Navy 1978-1984 & 1987-1995
  30. @kushdaddy :us: US Army emoji 25 2009-2017

Signed up #5 in both. Come on lucky #5!


Cool man, best of luck.


This is the start of said tray.

If you would like it to say “OG Vets” ? personalized to your choice.
Anything can be changed.


really cool to see this unfolding
Our war veterans don’t get recognized enough and I hope all this makes you guys and gals feel special and supported.
@DougDawson and @Bobgrows , thanx again for doing this and enabling some of us to give back , even if it is just seeds and good will.

Freedom Is Not Free , Molon Labe.


Great job @DougDawson, @Bobgrows, the generous donors, and everyone else involved.
You guys are great. Thank you!
To the Veterans, you all are special people.
I hope that these donations find you well and can help relieve pain for those suffering, whether mentally or physically. Enjoy!


thank you Mr Doug for all that you do here on OG. you have always been an outstanding “member of the month”. you are a class act for sure!

a US Navy, A J Squared Away salute to you!


What an honor. Thank you all that had a hand in this. I love this community and I really can’t say enough about the generosity and kindness displayed.


Wooops. Miss this sign up.
Congrats to you guys who made it.


Didn’t miss it. Check Post #2 for the signup.


@BigMike55 you can still sign up to win both


Was just announced about 30 minutes ago :joy:


You sign up in the original post, major stoner moment had to go through this like 5 times lol still a few spots left


You can add # as needed