OGer, The Next Generation

Those are beautiful brother :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Oger beans I’m guessing , they always seem to produce more bubba looking plants then og.


Interim update

  • The tent was flipped to flower Jan 21.

So far I’ve culled 5 males and there are several yet to declare themselves. I expect this will be complete in a few days and I’ll be dropping the remainder into 5 gallon pots.

I’ve been looking at various aspects of the plants and making notes. I haven’t done much with them besides topping (at different nodes etc)

A little ‘light bondage’ etc. Just to gauge the reactions. :wink: :pinching_hand:

My camera has ‘packed up’ so no photos, sorry… :vulcan_salute:



Haha, I thought that was Anthony Bourdain at first, lol!



Sorry for the delay in posting…

I started this exercise to see what I had produced with the Rare OGer run. I thought I had a reasonable understanding of the females but the males were picked simply by their structure and therefore a bit of a wild card.

I thought the OG Kush was ideal as it is basically an IBL, so fairly uniform.
I was looking at 6 seeds from three crosses and 6 seeds from my Critical Kush cross (for a total of 24 plants).

Germination was satisfactory (+90%)

Introduction of the children:
(or… decoding my shorthand)

1Blx” is best female (1) x mr. (Bl)ue {#2 male} where x = 1~6
“1Brx” is best female (1) x mr. (Br)own {#1 male}
“2Brx” is 2nd best female (2) x mr (Br)own

“Ckx” is the Critical Kush. (It was crossed with Brown)

sex ratios look normal enough


1Bl 3/3
1Br 2/4
2Br 2/3
CK 2/1

So… I screwed up this grow.
I finished off an old bag of KIS mix before starting a fresh bag. When I started seeing signs of hunger I rememered the old bag was about 18 months old, …way past it’s ‘best before date’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Well, they have been running hungry the last three weeks as I wanted to see how that stress related to the crosses.

I noticed early on that the 1Bl group were nutriment hogs and a little wild… Except for #3 (1Bl3) that was the shortest from the start, thus earning the nickname “The Runt”.
Checking my previous notes in the OG Kush grow, I had noted that this male (mr Blue) was a hungry nutriment hog back in early flower. So that trait definitely carried over from the male side.

The 1Br group had a better structure and more reasonable appetites

The 2Br group are good structure as well (similar to 1Br).

The 2 ladies from each group: 1Br, 2Br, CK (besides 1Bl) will get up-potted to 5 gallon soft pots and grown out for stash. Then we will know the winner.

I’m really grooving on the runt, she is the niftiest little dwarf sativa. She is happy in the 5" pots (light eater) but I’m going to up-pot her into a 1 gallon bag for the duration.

Of course 50% of the final grade is the smoke test. so the final scores are a ways off yet.

Sorry for the lack of photos, the camera is still ‘off-line’.

{edit} and the results of all that stress?? …no herms… (knock on wood… :laughing: :crossed_fingers:)



This is what CripXmas A is, dwarf sativa phenotype of Xmas Bud. Definitely pay attention there :+1::eyes:


Ima gonna start a GoFundMe page to buy our Mad Scientist @Gpaw a camera pronto!!! LoL

Your crossing system is so well thought out! I’ll go with that nomenclature on every future project.

I’m fond of “Runts” too. There something in a small weird plant that draws my affection. Esp. when they aren’t struggling, just small and odd. So, Yay for your Runt!

Well done, stayin tuned for the smoke test: “Then we will know the winner.”

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I have seen that before! Not sure.


Last year I detailed (somewhat) my pollen collecting and preservation process.

Well, we have early confirmation that the pollen is still very viable after a year.
I’ll count that in ‘the win column’… :+1:



I have to ask, do you vacuum seal your bag or just heat seal it ? Now the reason I’m asking this is because I sent Jinglepot vacuum sealed PTK pollen and it was caked (maybe not dry enough) but how much a difference can vacuuming to heat sealing make ? The pollen bags only heat sealed are easily distinguishable by the silky running nature of it and vacuum is held in place, so harder to examine.


They were vacuum sealed after conditioning in the drying box for a few days.
Most were cut 5:1 with toasted flour as well.
I looked at the vacuum sealing as minimising the trapped air volume but it did cause a couple problems…
You will notice the bottom corners of the enclosed ‘coin envelope’ have bits of green painter’s tape sealing them. That’s to prevent the pollen from leaking out during the vacuum sealing process.
If it leaks enough pollen the seal can be compromised…

Thinking about it, you should be fine just heat sealing.



I’m glad to hear that your pollen is still viable. I haven’t opened what you sent me.

I finally sent some of the LT pollen out to another member and I think he had some bud going so he can test it for me. I’ll get yours out this week. I put mine in a small zip with a few kernels of rice and then just heat seal the small vacuum bag.

I keep mine in a couple of bags and then in a cool dark place, no fridge. I also use rice kernels in that to keep it dry, and no flour.

I’ll give a shout once it’s ready and mailed. peace


Very informative. Thank you for sharing all this work. Very detailed and certainly it granted me further insight into the line. :wink:


So I had always considered runts to be just a mutant. Now I have begun thinking of them as ‘leaning’ more to the indica side of the strain.

The stories of the TK and OG being sisters intrigue me. Suppose we consider them so and one sister leans sativa and one indica. Any thoughts?


Great thread @Gpaw I don’t know how I missed it

Great job


I apologize I haven’t finished this thread, I’m planning on doing a proper smoke report but my COPD got kicked into high gear this summer
(I’ll blame the forest fire smoke… :smirk:).
As a result, I’ve been restricted to edibles this summer… :laughing: as vaping and puffers are not a good mix…

Oh yeah! I’ve been ‘eyeballing’ a TK cross (backcross?) for ‘many moons’ now. I know what to expect from the straight OG Kush so that cross seems to be the next logical step.



None needed of course. We all have issues. I have COPD and can also attest to the issues with smoke this year as well as vaping not being the same.

I notice the plants you were growing there had pretty good node spacing. What light cycle did you use in veg and how much stretch to the 2 girls used as seed moms?


i was diagnosed with this also recently and cant smoke like i used to with out lungs flaring up… but thats why i started making edible gummies starting to get the doses down and know when to not over do it and end up in space lol. miss smoking a nice well cured joint though.


The kicker is I grew out some of Johnny’s Frankenstein and finally figured out I needed a ‘dehui’ to control the RH in the basement washroom for drying (59 RH, 66F).
The cure is perfect… and …I can’t smoke or vape it… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



The light cycle was standard, 18/6 for veg. and 12/12 for flower.
The OG Kush was typically running an average of around 3" (75mm) node separation but the stretch was minor, about 50%.

This is a nice plant for training, easy snipping at the 3rd or 4th node, open structure. The stems get ‘stiff’ early but lightly crushing with some needle nose pliers makes them pliant to forming without damage.
