Ohio Dumpster

Ive recieved a ton of amazing cuts lately, but this is by far the one im most anxious about.


I occasionally search OG for the word “dumpster” and today, I see this thread. :exploding_head:

Whatever secret club y’all have on OG that you talk about Ohio strains without me, I’m not mad just disappointed.

Dumpster is my husband’s favorite from the day. He won’t shut up about it. We smoked soo very much of it. I think someone in our friend group grew it, but you can never be sure about weed-tales.
Im very interested in seeds if any ever pop up.


Pull up a seat and stick around for a while. Im really hopeful this is the real deal Dumpster. Ive been researching the strain on other forums and looking at pictures of other peoples grows of it from way back when and my plant looks spot on with what im seeing.


Dumpster ya say… :heart_eyes: Was just talking about that strain literally yesterday.

Fingers crossed she’s the real deal!



Heres an updated photo of “Dumpster” and a few friends my buddy thats new to growing bought for me and insisted i put in my garden for helping him get started lol.
I bumped my ppms up a bit and noticed some tip burn so im going to go back to where she seemed happy.


Hey Bro… let’s party! :laughing:


Gnome porn


Heres an update on the dumpster. Shes still just stretching out and doin her thing. Doesnt really seem to be taking off yet. I ended up topping her and taking 3 cuttings for clones. As soon as my clones are rooted im planning on tossing her into flower. I also just recieved a cutting that is supposedly the legit Ohio Afghan Mango. Very excited about this one as well. If the Dumpser and mango check out, ill now have collected all the major Ohio Elites.


That awesome man and a hell of a accomplishment. It great knowing there all still there. Meigs gold hopefully pops up


Thanks buddy. I know ive seen meigs gold at the dispensary before. Who knows if its the real deal though. Theyll slap a name on anything these days.


It out there at least some original seed stock. Copa was working with it but don’t know any details


I wish we could buy Meigs Gold from the shop! The stuff in the dispo probably isn’t the real Meigs Gold, just the name. Copa has/had a Meigs cross with the legit genetics from Noodle or Noodle’s family. It’s called “Grandaddy Meigs”

Only one farmer pack available (100 seeds), says “outdoor only” fyi.


Edit: there’s also this info that GLG added in a post here


Heres a couple pics of this Afghani Mango strain. This thing was a twig last week and has been blowin every day since i got it. I CANNOT wait until my flower tent is free’d up so i can throw this into flower.


Ohioan here. I picked up some dumpster at a hookahville 15 years ago or so. I remember it being really funky smelling. I did a lot party drugs back then so i dont recollect much from back then that well. But, i do remember me and e everyone else who tried thought it was amazing. Watching this one. I know people thats been hunting for that cut for a long time.


I really wish there were a few on here that have grown the dumpster previously because i dont have much info to go on, but hopefully this cut turns out legit. So far it seems a bit sluggish and nute sensitive, but she’ll be ready for flower soon.


Omfg man, I remember dumpster very well from Nelson’s Ledges way back in the day. I would love to get my hands on that strain. I remember deathstar well too. Very cool to see it. Thank you for the flashbacks


Has anyone made any S1 seeds out of this unique Ohio Dumpster cut? Quite the origin tale. Love it.


I know bodhi did a dumpster cross. Not sure about s1’s.

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There is actually a couple different reported stories that float around about dumpsters origins. The other one i have heard is that a guy was sitting in the bar drinking telling the people in the bar that he was probably about to get arrested for growing weed. Saying his close grow buddy just got busted. Told them he threw all of his grow equipment and such in a dumpster and told them where at. Supposedly some people from the bar went and dug the stuff out of the dumpster and found the seeds that ended up producing the dumpster.


Doubt we’ll ever know the real story, but nonetheless im anxious to see how this cut turns out.