Ohio Dumpster

Plant looks awesome.

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Healthy and strong!

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How’s she doing?

Ive been meaning to post an update. Unfortunately i fudged her all up this first go around. I can usually get away with flowering my soil plants in 5 gallon buckets, but with this gal, she grows so vigorous and huge, i believe it got rootbound and is now suffering quite a bit. She is heavily faded and buds are pretty stunted as well. She only has a few weeks left so ill reap what i can sow and take it as a lesson learned. Im going to try flowering her again in an autopot in coco loco. Will post some pics later.


Rumor from back in the day was she was hydro. I’d love to see what she would do in DWC


I picked up a cut of Dumpster recently for cheap at a cannabis expo in town. From guys on insta called @sohioboyz. She just started quarantine but I’ll be growing her in an octopot soon enough.


I was almost too embarrassed to post this, but this is the “Dumpster” hurting pretty bad. At this point, im just ready for it to finish up so i can do her 100% more justice the next round. This plant smells absolutely nothing like it did when it first started flowering. At the beginning it had a real skunky, fruity vibe which has no turned into a moldy cheese / baby shit type smell. Not pleasant at all. I promise to do better with her next round.


Despite how bad this plant turned out, she smells really damn good. Has a real funky kind of sweet, fruity, cheesy smell. Gonna cure her up and cut my losses. I have no doubt this plant will be hella dank once its dialed in.


Wonder if anyone ships cuts


Did you get any cuts from that lady?

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Oh man, I believe that may be very legit, I know them boys. If you ever clone it or anything let me know. I got 3 of them and killed them with new LEDs, I had no idea how powerful these fuckin things are. Figured it out fairly quickly but holy shit are they strong lights. Just sad I had to learn on some gift cuts. I will ask for more but timing is everything, I know they just got rid of a shitload of cuts. Might have to wait til next round


Moldy cheese and baby shit my favorite combo


She looks good regardless brudda so happy smoking to ya



Last night I rolled up a dried, uncured joint of Dumpster. I have to say, for completely botching this grow, im pretty happy with the results. I can say with almost 100% certainty this is the real deal Dumpster cut. I distinctly remember a very sweet, funky, cotton candy like aroma the few times I had it years ago and its defiantly coming through in these buds as well. I only cropped about 2 oz off the single plant i grew, but its been dried, trimmed, and curing in a grove bag for about 2 weeks now and that sweet candy smell is really starting to come out. Once this plant is dialed in, its going to be incredible. I currently have another Dumpster plant loaded in a 2 gallon autopot that’ll be ready for flower in a few weeks.


Looking good! I’m happy to hear you believe it’s authentic. Even back in early 2000s when it was making it’s rounds through my circle it was hard to tell what was actually on the baggies!

I reached out to Interstellar on IG the other day. Hopefully he gets back to me.

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Happy for ya @douggyfresh420 glad it’s what you believe it was.


Northeast Ohioian here…
This is awesome, super jelly… If this is the same stuff that was around the area 15+ yrs ago you have a gem!


I can get snips out as soon as this BS heatwave dies down. No reason to pay for something ill gladly send for free.


Boom roasted.


That would be amazing. I’m not in a hurry, Ive got full tents right now but I’ll make room when snips are ready.


I got you for sure!!! Im just excited to get it going again and do it justice this round. Ive been sampling some of my first crop of plants done in these autopots and i dont see myself going back to soil anytime soon.