Ohio Dumpster

Not sure if it helps but this the leaf structure of my lemon g cut. Got it straight from my buddy thats been growing it 20+ years so its no doubt the real deal.


Lemon G looks like that. I remember. Those squat fat leaves. I grew it for years. Thats lemon G.


Loved Nelson’s Ledges. We used to go swimming out there. 4th of July was always a rocking time.


God that is a beautiful plant. Its so hard to tell because everyones plants grow slightly different.

I WANT to say mine looks similar. But maybe someone can look at this logically for me because im struggling to :joy:.

Yours have a bit of a “softer” look and have “bigger/fatter” leaf serratetions.

My leaves seem thinner also.

The truth is all I care about at the end of the day. I was planning to breed with SLH but this also fell in my lap. If its real hell yeah. If not no biggie Id rather just know.

Personally id say mine is different. Everyone says the Lemon G has a very unique look. And yours definitely has that.

Mine looks pretty normal in general. However when it showed up it looked a lot closer to yours.

Could just be my growing conditions. :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:

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The only 100% for sure way to know is to grow her out. The lemon g has has out of this world lemon terps so you’ll know if its her.


Dont get too hung up in how some of these plants look they tent to grow morphologicaly to the environment thier placed in.Same plant different look.When i git my first clone ever it was a Texada Timewarp cut the guy who had it grew it for many years in South Carolina it was already acclimated for where he was.Plant was lanky and had a different look all together.Fast forward a year in ny and that same plant turned more bushey and leaves went from light green to darker green and buds went purple with lower Ny temps even down to the small fan leaves same plant same high just a touch different on the look scale

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Thats her for sure

Yeah ive never tried the Lemon G but always wanted it for this exact reason.

Closest thing ive har has been SLH. A blast of lemon flavor. Perfect for what I have in mind for my project.

The SLH was very bright refreshing lemon. Ill have to see how the Lemon G is. Sounds a bit more dank lemon if that makes sense. But we shall see!


Yeah thats what im thinking slash hoping lol.

It definitely changed after it got here. Kinda what my gut is telling me. A few people have had this cut and all believed it was true Lemon G.


How she smokes is going to be the final indicator im thinking but i will say this some stuff that has bubba in it or bubba in general dont really change too much.That plant will still for the most part have leathery stocky leaves with that almost blue hue that likes to rust here and there no matter how much of a dutch master you are.Same be careful or you will snap off branches.The Illudium especially seeing a lot of different people in different places different grows from Soil to Hydro to Hybrid systems the Illudium still looks like illudium.Cant mistake those dark blue green shiny leaves.Bud morphology is pretty same across the board too its very impressive someone put some love into that one shes a keeper 100%


I call the illudium the chameleon plant. Its crazy how the colors morph and change throughout its growing phases. You get yours flowering yet homie?


That looks like the G, which is different but remarkably similar to the lemon G

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This is the G, pretty rare Ohio cut. I’ve given it to two people in the past few years, and they both went on to call it lemon G


Yup. Thats pretty much spot on what my cut looks like.

Is it just a g13 cut?

Bummer kinda.

No one knows. I think I listed some of the speculative histories on here somewhere. If it is actually the G, you won’t be disappointed. Most people couldn’t tell the difference between the G and lemon G, unless they’d grown and smoked them both (which I have)


Doin a rough trim on some Lemon G right now. Shes the frostiest girl in my garden.


Can’t wait til you run the dog


I did homie. Trimming her up next. Pics incoming lol


Some Dogwalker OG courtesy of the homie Hoss. Ill admit i didn’t veg this one hardly at all because i was so amped to get her into flower. Didn’t get much yield this round but what I did manage to pull is fire!!! This stuff is up there with the gmo in terms of funk. Defiantly funky with some citrus in there!!!


Lol nope still growing her out plant is huge and top is nice and LST trained the knuckles on the stems i popped are huge.Im tossing her in the tent when my Jacalyn Male is done doing his thing spraying the tent down and shes going in.Should be a decent haul im going to uppot her this weekend.She likes to rust a random leaf out and will drop one or two at will.Plant definitely has personality.Leaves have this thing they do its like rust on an old car no matter how much i baby her but thier like super shiny like a fake leather couchPlenty more grow back so its no biggie.Shes done well in the microkote painted pots shes almost 4 feet tall now