Ohio Dumpster

Yea dude that is a monster plant!!! Cannot wait to see you flower that beast out!!! The rust thing is all genetics. She does that no matter what you do.


Thank god!!! I thought i was fucking her up seriously her ph and feed were spot on and the ppm on my feed was flawless it was driving me nutts i was worried transitioning her to her final pot was going to be a hassle shes going in one of these bad boys i wannt a bush of illudium dammit and im going to get one i think i can sleep easy now


She looks perfect, are there any cuts of her available?

Here is the Dumpster cut 2 weeks into flower. Im running her in my 2 gallon autopot system. I messed her up horribly the first round, but will do her justice this time. I love this plant. Super fast to clone and a breeze to grow. I cannot wait to actually get a good sample off of here


Looks fantastic! What are you feeding them?

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Right now, just equal parts canna a&b, calmag, and epsom salt.

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So your in coco I take it? Sorry if you posted that already and I missed it.

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Im using coco loco amended with ewc, dynomyco, and diatomaceous earth. Ive been pretty happy with this mix, but still feel like it needs more aeration eith these autopots so my next run ill be using the airdomes and ammending with more perlite.


Some Dumpster nugs coming up on 3 weeks flower on Tuesday. She is such a happy, vigorous girl. I cannot wait to get a proper sample off of this plant.


Dude, you’re killin me smalls, that shit look awesome.


LoL thanks dude. Ive got to make sure i redeem myself from that last pathetic run of her. Ill dm you tomorrow. Im blasted and sleepy, but maby we can meet halfway soon.


:blush:, I honestly forgot about that, as soon as I read it i was like ohhhhhh yeahhhhhhh! Thats awesome and hell yeah dude. Ttyl.


Very nice! I have a dumpster clone from the same guy(s) as someone else mentioned in this thread I’m running after my current crop finishes. Cool to see it around. Happy growing!

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My cut is starting to throw of some very sweet smells. Im getting sweet mango cheese smells off her at the moment. Things are getting exciting


My brother, I’ve been hunting Dumpster since I was in highschool and it became my first memorable cannabis memory! Always seems like I’m one step behind it, though. Now with legalization here in Ohio, it feels a lot safer to seek out cuts, haha.

Funny enough, I went on another search today and found your post. You’re in Ohio, and it’s a recent post? Stars aligned!

Would you ever consider letting go of a couple cuts of her? I’m in NEO myself.


Hey welcome to OG @jaywire :wave:
Always great to have new people join the community.

There’s also another big thread for new members to jump in and introduce themselves. That’s another great spot to meet new people and to share about yourself with the community.

The site has a lot of activity & people constantly sharing their grow tips, progress, etc. Looking forward to seeing you around :v:


So cool! I just took my cuts for the dumpster run. Pretty pumped to see what she’s like. Mom was in quarantine for about 60 days. Will be watching your thread!

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It’ll be interesting to see how these cuts compare with each other. My good buddy stopped over the other night and took some pictures of it to send to someone he knows that used to grow Dumpster religiously years ago. The guy said it looks spot on from what he remembers. I wish i had more experience with the cut, but I only got to sample it once or twice many years ago. I remember it being super dank, sweet, candy tasting and the buds had a distincy aqua blushing tint to them. I tried growing it in a 5gal bucket with soil last time and she grew too vigorously and got rootbound. This run will be the true test. She is sooo much happier this round. Will try and snap some pics later. The one distinct thing ive noticed in every picture i can find online of the Dumpster. She has slightly burnt tips whether in veg or flower.


Yeah I am interested to see as well. These guys seem to be at most of the farmer market events around here and I haven’t heard anything negative.

This was her after transplant from the vendors solo cup.

If these cuts root ok I’ll start a thread.


Looks pretty spot on with mine. Even has the tip burn thing going on.