Ohio Dumpster

Heres a pic i posted at the start of the thread literally every pic of her shes got this slight tip burn.


Here are some quick upper nug shots and some lower leaf and canopy pics of her.


Very nice dude, she’s liking what your giving her.

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Thanks man. I love this canna line and dont see myself switching anytime soon. As soon as I hit them with a small dose of PK and boost, they literally frosted up overnight. Im doing a trick that I found on another forum where instead of hitting them heavy with PK during week 6 like Canna suggests, im giving them a microdose of 15ml per 10 gallons every week up until flush. Still learning, but loving the process. Will literally never go back to soil lol.


Head’s up Dump Heads, GLG restocked a ton of Bodhi stuff today. Dumpster cross is for sale.

If you pick it up and grow it I’d love to see a log. Mixed with that ghash it sounds like a treat :v:


Ran Garfunkle about 3 months ago. 12 seeds in a 11 pack, 9 were female, 7 worth growing out. One of the seven was distinct from all the others and leaned heavily Dumpster. Very strong with good terps and flavor.

Smoking some now :grin:


Buddy and I just did a group order today, i picked up a pack. First bodhi gear and i finally get to run dumpster, very high on my list


Man i been looking for a good pic of it and this is head and shoulders better than all the ones ive seen so far

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Looks to ha e awesome structure. What did she smell like?

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Smell is light berry sweet smell upfront with a sour '‘funky’ backend.

I ran her and her sisters without topping this first time to get an idea of how they WANT to grow, but this time around I’ll train my keeper a bit to see how she takes to pruning and training.

As always, everything in one gallon pots.


f*cking hell that looks lovely. :+1: :vulcan_salute:

Here’s the Dumpster cut starting to veg out in the micro- octopot.


I’m beside myself exited to see so many people interested in Dumpster.

Douglas you trained her up real pretty. I can’t wait to see her stack up for you!


Shes starting to stack nicely at 4 weeks today. Smelling really sweet of overriped fruit and funk.