OK I have a strange Happenings going on

I have a hybrid growing and about 6 weeks into flower I developed spotted mites which I noticed after the leafs started to curl under . I caught them early and won the battle but the plant suffered, The buds never fatten up like the sister plants of the same strain more so than I have ever had before on same strain plants.
The weird part is I already harvested the sister plant it was big and ready thrics where I wanted them.
Now the plant that had mites is in flush still end of 2 weeks now, and I see all kinds of new growth (pistils) and now fox tailing occurring , It appears to be trying to grow the buds bigger but I have not feed in 2 weeks and run off is at 350ppms still so it does have some food left to use.
What say ye?


The plant is in feed soil, and light is 20inches away LED, fed when dry and flushed with water when needed .
I am in final 2 week flush to get the salts down. So no feeding .


I’d say the plant was gearing up to defend itself from the spots, rejuvenating itself from the damage done.


Has to something like that, I have grown this particular strain before and never saw it foxtail or take so long to ripen .
The temps are mid 70F, and the LED is 20 inches above, so it has to be stress related I would suppose
i am almost tempted to start feeding again lightly and see. Lot of buds , just not fat but not fluffy either.

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Now I am reading it could be a last ditch at reproducing before death.

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Keep a close eye on it, it may decide to grow a set of balls after being stressed


I would still take the plant now. The new growth never seems to button up and the bud eventually becomes stretched resulting in not as dense end product.


I did already, Thanks Everyone


Man… I was expecting some paranoid hippy story or maybe an invitation to a hip party with lots of weed. :thinking:

:evergreen_tree: have you seen the keg?


Did you burn the pistils when spraying for bugs? That will cause funky bud growth imo. :v:


No , the plants were at their end of their life cycle, I cut them down.
They were set back due to the minor mite problem and just never recovered
Oh well I can make a nice oil with them still.

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Love the cartoon… especially since I’m in need of both hips replaced…lmao.

bummer about the bugs, they can just suck the life out of a plant…

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You may know me now LOL But do not say it in public forum please

Hey man, good to see you alive and kikin’ … beer3|nullxnull

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Nice to see you still around
Grew a few elbows this summer , Im Happy again LOL

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