Olschool off and runnin

Ok folks this is the runt of the bunch

9 days into flower


Jeez! A runt indeed.
Any bets on the final yield of that gal? Lol


No idea but it prolly with have a potent bud


Okey dorky after trimmin

They started flowering at 30 days after germination


Coming along just fine

And bonus kale for critters to munch on


Looking great in there, nice :+1:t2:

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yes looking nice!!! :sunglasses:

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New house moved almost had to get new grow room up and running priorities ya know

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Well 6 weeks since flowering they almost ready one more time to water and they will get chopped


Finally chopped and in drying rack rh %60 temp 66* in drying room. Which will become new gro room at new house no windows one door w windo ac as soon as drying is done I can get in and reconfigure the whole room get some more leds for more plants MORE is
Ways better ain’t it?

Pics to follow


Ahhhh settled into new house with new grow room last grow yielded a disappointing 140 g or so with a bonus of 5 g of Keif all is now trimmed and curing

New grow to begin in august still have a few things to arrange in grow room

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Ok just put 20 in the dirt 10 Durban Poisen a nd 10 Lemon Skunk they are all in a 2 x4 tent for now to begin vegging lights fans humidity etc ya’ll know the drill

When I transplant into grow
W bags I will move them to my brandy new grow room. No windows one window AC and a humidifier as well as fans and LED lights I’m putting 14 in grow room and 6 will stay in tent. I am acquiring more LED grow lights so be able to have more plants, when I get my lazy arse down there I will take some pics but for now I’m out PS theses are from last grow. Chopped June 1st and been curing since then


Ok pic of new grow started with 20 down to 7 super skunk it’s a 2x4 tent set up in my bedroom with leds fans humidifier etc

They are about 14 days from so like I said previous they will go in 3 gallon grow bags


Ok update 17 days on thedurban poison lemon skunk and 4 days on some Frankenstein @JohnnyPotseed . I got tired of bending way down so I put the 4x2 tent on a folding table I had from Wally World perfect fit and brought it up to a manageable level I also swapped out the leds for a 600 watt mh that I can regulate from 25% to %100.


Finally an update on the latest grow with Durban Poisen and Lemon Skunk. I did end up with one male Durban Poisen, my daughter thinks it hemmed but I’m not sure. It doesn’t matter tho out side he goes in a nice sunny spot on the porch, Well away from the females of the class, I will be collecting pollen at some point.IMG_0159

I did manage to sprout 2 Black Cream autos and a sour strawberry they are now resting in 3 gallon grow bags in the tent,

I also have to set up my carbon filter exhaust, it’s starting to get a bit skunk in the grow room.


Ooops last post edited there are 2 black cream autos instead of Frankenstein the Frankenstein will be next grow but here are a couple of pics of the black cream in flower for a week now the sour strawberry was just topped for the second time


More pics of the Durban poison and lemon skunk

I think they r going to be tasty


Ok drying now got a little ahead of myself hope they aren’t over ripe


Finally got the room down to 60/60


last one of this grow started a bit late just started to flower I vegged her a bit longer it’s a BOG Sour Strawberry. I topped a couple of times bushing out nice