On Top Of The World Genetics

The industry has come a long way.
I was ordering the odd SLA for prototyping back in the 90’s. Sort of ‘proof of concept’ materials. These items would slowly distort over time but the industry was changing so fast.
My suppliers were ‘bitterly complaining’ about their turnover in printers in order to stay competitive in the ‘double aughts’ & 2010’s.
That was the largest reason I wouldn’t spring for one. It was simply better to use a service than buy the hardware… :wink:

Now most families have one and the kids run them… :grin:



@TestOfOath just wanted to see how your doing. I hope everything is so amazingly awesome you don’t have time to post!!

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Really appreciate you checking on me brother, just so happened to check in today during cheer practice, I f’in WISH your optimism were the case :joy: :joy: :joy: old lady and I started couples therapy last week cause we were both at our wits end… again. Job is still a joke and I’m probably going to be stuck there over winter, kids have been acting out cause they’re lacking the attention we should be giving them that we’ve been lacking cause of our issues with each other.

Positive note, the greenhouse turned out pretty damn good, had some bud rot but that was the only issue and pretty minimal at that. Also did end up with some seeds from that male plant so those will be interesting, more on the ones closest to it and none on some of the further ones, but impressive looking weed for the test run regardless.


Love the colors. Good to see you around.


I’ve been meaning to check in but it always feels like I don’t have enough energy to give what I feel is an adequate amount to show up. Things have been pretty rough but I think we’re on our way to figuring at least some of it out I guess. Glad to hear you’re doing somewhat better too brother.

The OW! My Flavors had my favorite colors so far, not even necessarily on the weed itself but the leaves got this incredible red/maroon/pink to them that just really does something for me for whatever reason.


I’m happy the test run did well

I’m sorry to hear about the chaos you’re going through. I’m there also, draining at the best!!


Hi @TestOfOath. I just wanted you to know the beans arrived in record time. Of course we both live in the same state, still 3 days is warp speed in my book.
I greatly appreciated the first time buyers discount of 20% off, as well as the
free shipping you offered for first time buyers. Thanks as well for the freebies.

You’ve got my vote. Thank you.