Oni's 2nd grow. Continued

I loosely tied a couple hemp wick on that lower branch. Anytime I tried to move it it jest fell lower to the soil. Now I’m not worried and the string is only where a stem is. I moved her branches around as I was double checking for dead leaves. She was full of them. All her lowers were not getting enough light and have been snackrificed. Her colas were too close together also and any smothered leaves die within a day if I don’t spread her out more every day now. I’ll have to be proactive about that so she can get better light and less bud rot risk😅

The temperature is climbing fast. It’s 79f in the house and tent now. Zelda needs more airflow ASAP once I can get a new fan to spread the air around more evenly as Zelda is usually a hour or so behind the Lucky’s before they reach the same temperature, but Zelda is regulating the humidity to the mid 60s😅 fun

It’s also about 65% Rh in the house in general too. Ugh


A rarity lately, but I have a night update as I went in the tent to check on Amanda and to install the new light while rewiring the QB to spread them out better and less close together. Currently from the pics I git off Zelda she looks nice. No exposure lock at all and I can see her soil and lowers aren’t shaded it seems to me. Usually I add 0.3-1.0 extra white balance to brighten up tge pics making them more visible. This was all auto focus and only tungsten light correction as that seems to work best for me with 3000-3500k spectrum above the plants. Auto temperature just makes everything yellow like a hps😅

And the properly corrected pics

Looking good today! :star: Very little leaf death so far today. If it was a light hungry response the new light should help her to deal better now.

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Zelda is looking much happier now and leaf death has all but halted finally. Leaves already dying are now getting eaten faster, but overall leaves look much happier and I only took off 2 dead leaves today and they made me work for it too. Lowers are growing again. Temps are a little cold rn, but temps will increase soon and they’ll be a lot happier.

Pics are before I watered her. I took it slow and fully saturated her soil. almost no runoff and her fabric pot looks like to spot was left unwatered too.

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Based on the pics I just took Zelda perked up a bit as she fits better in frame now between all the obstacles.

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Zelda is looking like she’s enjoying the new light and her stems have now stayed in place. I’ll keep that branch in a string until payday when I can get the proper plant training supplies. Food comes first and a little each check for now is set aside for later. Despite what it seems like I’m not blowing it all away on luxuries. I know my bad spending habits and I had to get spending on me out of the way before I spent more later on something else I probably won’t use😅 I tried to make it a reasonable waste of money. So far nothing like any bad reviews have mentioned and like some of the reviews I’ve noticed a nice response. Leaves are showing more life and only the leaves already in the process of being eaten are continuing that trend. Otherwise I’m seeing new leaves popup in the old ones place.

She’s getting a nice defined smell today too. A strong citrus and skunk smell today is permeating the house. This morning when I watered them I smelled a vanilla smell in my hallway before getting terp bombed and not being able to smell anything other than a intense burning in my nose and a peppery citrus smell mixed in.

Have any close up shots of zelda? As i don’t seen any new pistil/calyx growth maybe one or two in your picture from 3 days ago “shown below” , but to me your done, how many days in are you anyways.

Also hear you may have some recurring mold issues, something to think about is having all that decomposing plant matter “dead leaves” on top of your soil, and all that stray leaf matter and soil on your floor coupled to having periodic wet floors makes an ideal breeding ground for mold, as hey your providing the opportunity for mold to do its thing. A cleaning and removal of said material would help that and trays would fix your water on the floor issue very easily. Your “amanda” plant isn’t going to amount to much id just cull it alongside your male plants outdoors.

So when are you starting seeds for your next round, as it seems to be the time ?


I don’t have my lens RN. I checked my scope and it was mostly clear trichomes and some Amber peppered in here and there if not a purple head. It’s hard to see with that scope. My s7 edge doesn’t turn on anymore, so I can’t get any macro shots.

I take a day off to cool my head and I come back to all this?:sweat_smile: Damn. Well, you win some and lose some.

I have been working hard and crash after I get home, so when you all are usually active I’m asleep :sweat_smile: also it has me needing to learn to do things very fast and learn even faster. It’s been hard to juggle going fast and slow at the same time and not go a bit crazy.

The reactions in the thread I just got caught up on showed me why it was best I took a break as I’m only tolerated here. I’ll finish my grow and fuck off like it’s obviously wanted. Having a majority bot want me here doesn’t make me feel welcome and the acceptance of mental health here is clearly hypocritical. Grown ass man or not a chemical imbalance doesn’t care. The fact is that it’s a fucking miracle I didn’t grow up in jail or the foster system. My mother couldn’t afford to take care of me as was needed medically and was advised by doctors to give me up. As I got older and more mentally unstable she was told by not just doctors, but by my school to give me up as I was just going straight to jail at that rate. I’m glad she didn’t give up on me, but at the same time if she did maybe I’d be either dead or still in jail for whatever I would have done to land myself in there in the first place.

My point being that if I didn’t learn to walk away before I blew up I’d be in a much worse spot and walk away I did for a day and look what happened. Everyone said exactly what they were feeling about me. Thanks for all the hate.

@MomOnTheRun I’d like to continue my grow😅 I didn’t quit I just had to go dark for a bit. When I go dark I turn off all forms of communication and notifications. I straight up take a vacation or a mental health day. I was getting too stressed with everything going on with my life RN. I’m going to stick to updates on my days off and on watering days only. Otherwise I’m not even going to go in the tent anymore between those points.

Regardless though if what happens thank you for the help you gave me so far.

Amanda is an auto, so at harvest whatever point she’s at I’ll just take her out to bask in the glory of the sun for a bit. If I have another tent I’ll stick her in it at that point to finish on a 24 cycle.





I forgot also that I can’t put a female plant outside anymore. Too late in the year and my stepfather cleared out my back porch yesterday. He left my planter with potatoes and males alone, but cleaned the whole area around them. If I grow a female out there I’m on my ass. My mom knows I grow and I go through her to know safe times to leave plant outside or it’s better to leave it to get window sun rather than get caught.


I tried to get a close-up shot of a top on Zelda, but this was the best I got. I’m off to work now. After tonight I’m pulling a double and won’t be home when the plants are awake until my days off.


Looking pretty ripe to me, but a couple days can never hurt

Really frosty too!


I see mainly cloudy and a few amber here and there. Like @beacher said a few more days and she’s ready :+1:


The Ambers i presume are more towards the tips of leaves and outside edges, and your calyxes and younger leaves are more the ones that are composed of more clear heads. Yeah sounds good trichome wise.

Something to consider is the age of a plant and its ripeness you actually don’t need a scope for, when you start seeing less and less new pistils/calyxs forming and things like buds stop bulking up and start to stretch at the tips, or they take on a brown/golden/yellow hue its all just signs that the plant is slowing down, whether it’s natural aging, or has being induced to go quicker warranted or not, which doesn’t really matter, it’s just the plant finishing out.

Ripeness is also subjective to what you want, for example some people like pushing their plants further out cause their goal is to make hash, the amber and dried resin heads make it easier for extraction, where as other may be making live resin where they are trying to capture all those lower volatiles “smells” and terpenes before they age.

Now a scope or a loupe which is what i use if i “want” to look is really just another tool that helps add another data point persay to what we desire and or what we are seeing as those don’t always align, but do we need it no, it just can help one learn things by looking through a different perspective.

You chop when you either desire or need too, but it’s ultimately your choice, what comes of it whether a plant that needed to be chopped if say it had aged to a point longer than you wanted, or say chopped early because you personally were just done with it, its what you wanted or had to do in the end and that’s just it, it’s yours to own…

As for my comment about the small auto, my suggestion was more that at the stage it’s looking and the size it is, it’s not gonna be much at all in the end, and that starting some new seed would be a better use of your time and that pots space, now if your learning from it then by all means keep it, start asking yourself why is it that it stayed small, what can you do differently on your next round that will change that, and set about trying again :wink:


It will eventually all come together once you get on a routine, stop with the excuses and being in a rush changing things around experimenting until after you have a handle on what you are doing

If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t have taken the time to say anything and let you continue on :wink:

I would like to as well though the interaction HAS to change so we are working together instead of against waiting for the next set of excuses and random surprises

Pretty solid advice here :kissing_heart:


Routine or not, excuses or not, it doesn’t ultimately matter at least not me, as its Oni’s grow ultimately and Oni’s choice, some learn through experimentation of inducing changes, its how i learn, but if too many changes are done or are done too quickly, or there are too many inputs one will typically take awhile to figure out whats actually going on as they haven’t discovered what their own base is, you can keep adding or changing stuff hoping you may stumble upon a combo that works, but its not until one uses what they have on hand while learning from experience or imitating others to figure out a base that works from themself.

When in doubt go simple go basic, make a fresh start.


As for mold, if you give the conditions for it to flourish, such as high humidity and decompostable matter coupled to low air circulation it will pop up, we can easily deal with it though just catching it sooner makes it easier and is nothing to worry about so long as you’re making steps to improve things.


I’m heading out to grab 2 clip on 6" fans to add back in the air circulation back in around midnight once I’m back home.


Good plan, you’ll be set for your next round, and it will free up some space if you remove the pedestal fan.

But you don’t have too just drop the pedestal fan lower and or point it down a bit and turn it on low you already have the fan use it. really though removal of your decomposing matter and stuff on the floor will help more than just air circulation alone, both will really help though.

Same goes for if your having issues around the house, just keep those sources cleaned aka left over food, stuff left out on counters or tables, plants and or shrubs growing against your house, anything where your providing a humid environment where there is compostable matter nature will try and take its hold as its just trying to do its job its been doing before we were here.


After I get off work tomorrow so plan to start my first day off cleaning up the house. Especially now with my back healing up back to how it was a year ago :pray: before I hurt it bad enough to have to rely on wed to get out of bed. I’ve been enjoying my effects from the carts and oil I have to last me the month. Each smoke break I use them to keep my grinding bones moving. I’m liking the effects of California orange or Cali O’s as it says on the cart box. My friends and I smoke weed each day we can before I go into work helping me get my CBD and CBG as well.

I’ve achieved my goal of healing and not running out of money and cannabinoids in some form allowing me to push past the pain of working hard and not have any damage from working this hard. The new guy is only 19, but he’s a hard worker and a fast learner. Today was a slow day and I took advantage to teach him our 3 sink rhythm. We were so ahead of our work that I was able to waste 2 hours today getting prepped for an efficient close on time and a hour earlier than scheduled. I spent the rest of the day showing him where everything goes. It’s not his first time in the dish pit. Made it easy to tell him yesterday and show him today. I had him clean the dough pans 2 nights ago. Yesterday I showed him the fast way and now he won’t use another way :rofl: I showed him how to cut 2 hours off his workload and he started doing what I do now. If he learned from my trainer he’d still be there RN :joy: fuck that. I’ll show him the way that makes him enjoy working here. We both had time to kill and if we didn’t use it we’d have gotten our when the restaurant closed. Squeaky clean station and dry feet on time. Also lots of music. Being allowed to have music in 1 ear also feeds a crack like addiction to sound that when given into fully will stop slowing you down as you go into fantasy world to listen to your favorite songs tech free. He’s a good kid. He’ll move up fast if he keeps it up. If I left early today he’d have gotten off work around 1030. I won’t do that to him yet. He’ll earn his way to a day alone when he can do 25 pans in 5 minutes after soaking for 10 minutes. He’ll need to be able to nail out clean and grease free pans every 20-30 minutes or we’ll run out. He’s halfway there. He’s learning how awful our pans are and will be faster tomorrow as we switch it up. Sundays will brain bleach you if you let them.

Also called it on midnight when I leave. My phone needs a charge badly before I go downtown and I need a slice of Pizza.

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