Orange Kush Cake - 2x2 (First Grow)

Look at them big fat leaves!
And you can do it little one!

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Haha she’s only 5 days behind but it took her a while to shed the husk:(

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Plant Log Since First 3 Sprouted

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Decided to Transplant to 1 gallon before final fabric pot 3 gallon. Think I can push these 1 gallons for 4 weeks before 3 gallon transplant? Give them a few days to bounce back, do some heavy defoliation, wait a couple more days, then flip?


Yea I do not see any reason why you can not.

If you give it enough time to bounce back you should be fine.

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(Day 18) Topped Big Girls


(Day 22)


(Day 25) New growth growing in nicely!


(Day 32) Did some LST to let bottom tops catch up. Going for 6 tops per plant


(Day 37) I can already smell tart orange / grapefruit when I rub the leaves.


Very nice work.

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Thanks man, very proud of them so far! :v:

(Day 41) I defoliated big 3, the youngest one I topped again then took all fan leaves off a few days later just to see how it grows back. If it hermies or doesn’t bounce back great then oh well, I wanted to see what will happen.


Does anyone know if there’s a limit for editing the main post? At 15 right now & and couldn’t do it today.

I was trying to keep the updates stacked up top for a quick visual glance through the grow.

I believe there’s a 30 day limit for edits. If you wish to keep editing it, you can make it a wiki, but everyone will be able to edit it.

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So I can only edit a post for the first 30 days, correct?

Yeah, for the most part 30 day limit.

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(Day 48) Transplanted Oldest 3 to the 3 gallon fabric pots. Also the youngest that I topped again and then fully defoliated has bounced back nice I think. Very light growth though. :thinking:

This being my first grow I wanna flip them sooooo bad haha, I’ll give them about another week or so though I think.


How do these look? Took this pic when I was transplanting a few days ago.


Looks like you picked a good time to pot up!!! Great job on your first grow :green_heart: