Other Techniques for Income

Roombas, 3 upright dyson knockoffs, then eventually a dyson.

She buys vacuums without telling me because she knows I’ll give her shit


Sounds like she “sucks” :rofl:


It makes even less sense when you consider that I live in 800sqft of hardwood, have no carpets, and I can sweep in under 3 minutes. And a broom can fit under the couch.


Bro women buy shit that’s no use. One day when she eventually realises she’s fucking up she’ll bring home a carburettor or fuel pump


She’s a great lady but this one particular foible drives me nuts.

She works for a company that makes power tools, car parts, heat pumps, and all kinds of other cool shit.


Give her my number :rofl:


Nope this ones mine.


LOL. That sounds like the house I moved from, and into a place 3x larger, with 3x a higher mortgage + an HOA.
I want to move back to the smaller home, but the GF says it’s too small and refuses.
I was lucky enough to refinance where i’m at now a few months ago for 2.99%. I’m getting ready for mortgage rates to start skyrocketing.


My BIL/SIL did the same thing and they haven’t said so but I believe they are regretting it. Their commutes went from 10 minutes to an hour.

I don’t know where you are but where I am all they are talking about is rising interest rates to combat inflation. That and the insurrection in Ottawa. That too.

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I’m in the US, been work from home since Covid 2020, luckily my company just made us all permanent work from home employees. But of course that’s only as long as I’m still employed by them.

I’ve been hearing about the ‘trucker convoy’ in :canada:, but I haven’t read up much on it. Seems to be a polarizing discussion for the Canucks.


It’s so polarizing we shouldn’t even discuss it. I just hope nobody dies.


She buys vacuums without telling me because she knows I’ll give her shit

HA! “She” must know my partner. 3 or 4 vacuum cleaners. The curse of yard sales! But I still want a cordless, but not willing to buy until the others bite the dust.


I think “skyrocketing” is not happening, except in the media which loves to scare us. “Incremental” fits better. But I guess if you have a mortgage of $400K, incremental could be monumental.

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That reminds me f another way to make some cash. I bought 1/2 acre, bare land, trashed to the max. Had a rotten trailer, junk all over the place, half covered in blackberries, burn piles of junk etc. A flag lot drive mostly tire spin mud… Had to hire a guy to help tear down a big shed and stack the lumber. I did the rest. Including having the trailer towed and laying down gravel on the mud, a hell of a lot of dump fees and days working on that lot, I still made my target 10% on my costs. Sometimes I wish I had held it another 3 years cuz i would have doubled my money at least. But I’m satisfied. I have worked on remodels, but that’s the worst cuz there’s always more work and costs than you estimated. Anyway, buying bare land that needs work and being able to do most of the work is a way to make some $$$.


You’re about to have a terrible time. Get out and into ETF’s or you’re gonna be f’d. Crypto isn’t price in fiat, its priced in Tethers. And that is not pegged.

The more you know



At least be accurate with your FUD; crypto might very well be a house on fire, given that governments still have yet to apply regulation and many tokens will be deemed securities, which could severely hamper their use. It’s hardly usable as a payments system without tax evasion or software to track your tax liability for every transaction you make, and although the technology is neat we’re still very much in a dot-com bubble phase. Digital collectibles being worth 1000 times as much as other, identical digital collectibles stored on the same private servers because they have a link to the server address on a blockchain also isn’t sustainable, as cool an acronym as NFT is. There’s something here, but it might not look anything like what it is right now.

That being said, Tether is hardly the firestarter; it’s a single liquidity pool. Yes, its backing is partially based on Chinese corporate bonds, which are themselves somewhat unstable and possibly built on lies altogether. Luckin coffee, anyone? That said, if Tether collapsed, crypto prices would plunge, then skyrocket in a correction, then even out to pretty much where they started… unless enough people believe that Tether can bring the entire system down, anyway, in which case it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy like any other crash. You’re the one who believes it, so you tell me how likely that is. :wink:


List your references - thought investments were illeage because of the banking (SAFE banking act) .
which prohibits putting income from cannabis investments in the bank Have some links/sites for investment in companies (you know that 3 years ago House Member Bainner invested in a company (have name written down in investment notebook 0cann;'t remember at presetn – can give you the top companies to invest in but believe untill the Safe Banking act is OKed (government as to tax income legally) ant info will help - been researching this for some years (start-up are nice but there is a minumum amounts Ref: to invest in Leafy need at least $250.000 minumin investment --Yea ! send me any info - also wil share what I have !!! Peace taling aout cannabis investments only

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I’m not sure I see your point. Crime happens, usually some form of currency is involved. 90% of the time, it’s US dollars. :stuck_out_tongue: Sometimes an enterprising politician will try to turn crypto into the bad guy, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be going very far since there are just as many enterprising politicians turning crypto into the good guy.