Other Techniques for Income

I’d argue a large scale conflict in Europe would absolutely affect the US economy negatively.


I agree, however I see no large scale conflict in Europe. Russia wants to make an example of Ukraine to any of its satillites “If you want to be independent, this is what will happen to you.” and to the world, “Russia is a power to be reckoned with.” It’s not going to start a war with Europe, because Putin is smarter than Hitler to get into a real war it would lose even in the remote possibility it won. Besides he’s having too much fun toying with Ukraine and daring anybody to stop him knowing we won’t.
Our stock market is on the verge of a panic fed by the media. If Russia does actually invade (there’s a possibility he won’t) the market will full out panic, prices will do the falling piano thing and the big money will make another several billion on those who panicked. I’ll pick up a few shares myself.

If you can afford the mortgage, you can’t lose buying your own home. Even if prices were to go back down, as I assume they will, over time prices will continue up and you’ll have your own to plant a few cannabis and/or cabbage plants.

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Kiev is where Russian nation originated from in the first place. Seizing it is a huge cultural win for him, both in a historical sense and a reunification of former Soviet Bloc countries.

We’ll see, I guess. World is overdue for a large scale conflict. And Putin knows the American people aren’t ready for another war for a country they’ve never heard of (or are tacit supporters of Putin themselves).

Foresight is foggy and hindsight is 20/20.


If Russia and America decimate each other’s forces, neither one wins. China does. Putin is smart enough to know this; he and Xi are playing the same game, displays of strength in strategically untouchable locations to send a message to the rest of the world that America can’t or won’t interfere with their actions. That puts them both in a position of strength where they can make favorable trade agreements and undermine American alliances without actually getting into a conflict. All the would-be great powers have learned the lessons of WW1 and WW2 - namely, that the aggressors turn into the biggest losers, the defenders also lose in terms of everything but saving face, and the ones who stay neutral and step in once the conflict is already done become the winners for the next century.

Looking up Kiev or Kyev, its connection to Russia varies from not connected to capital of. Nothing about that region is all that clear. Apparently Ukraine supplies much of the world with wheat, rice and other staples. No wonder Russia, with its one note economy (oil) wants to swallow Ukraine.

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Who’s buying crypto, who’s buying bottoms? Got lucky on a few rallies…my OTC portfolio is basically shattered after ignoring for a while…lol. The crypto portfolio is actually not bad…wasn’t sleeping and swapped everything to usdc before shit really hit the fan. Managed to stay out of Luna and UST…what a shitshow…lol.
Canadian energy :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend:

NEME acquired a scramjet engine company with patents…get from Canada to Australia in 2 hours or some shit. Watching.

GTTX had news, but haven’t read it yet…removing bad DNA sequences.


I’m staying far away from Crypto.You might do better with gold? Also staying away from the penny pink sheets. THey’re like a school of fish going this way and that en mass while the sharks run through eating them til they’re all gone. I tried day trading years back and lost my butt. Now I look for a good dividend payer (8% 12%) buy a few shares and watch it for a few months and if it shows to be a good company, I might buy more and collect the monthly dividend. Keep building that if you’re young enough you can build up a lot of cash in 10, 20 years of reinvesting the dividend. anyway that’s the way I’m going - so far, so good.


SGY is announcing divvys June 3 or 4…gonna hit $35 per share by 2023 or early 2023…has been a great ride!

SOIL.V is a 5x minimum…pulling something like 10k boe/d and not priced as such.

My holdings are green, even in this shitty bear market.

I’m praying for $10k bitcoin…will go full retard and buy everything!!
SAND, CRO, BIFI…SHIB burns happening all the time…might get back in Shiba when markets calm the fuck down.

Got any BTE or GXE in that list?

Maybe I’ll start using a few packs a month from my collection to create a monthly dividend. Should keep me in dividend payouts for the next 50 years ha ha. :grinning:


Hmm so I like real estate, REITS, divvy paying stock’s in general but my portfolio is geared to growth. It’s like they say diversify your assets yo.

Fact is the future is hard to predict so plant many seeds and hold. Buy and hold keep buying and spread your purchases out. Use time as a way to average.


Isn’t it better now to invest in oil gold silver and uranium. So I don’t know anything about it. People who can help can always give me tips

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I don’t know about trading “precious” metals and i stay away from oil on principle. For me, strictly high paying monthly dividends (REITs & BDC’s).

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I’ve been buying oil stocks for the last year… they’ve been doing pretty good. The big guys are expecting an oil bull market for the next few years. And every day WTI is over 100$ they oil companies are raking in the cash

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They’re raking in cash and raising prices at the pump, freaking everybody out. I need income so dividends for me. Good luck with your investments!

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It’s been a rough past year. I dd well on my stocks in 21. (Market boomed) So I got hit with taxes. $3K to get a huge tree down that was dropping huge branches on my struggling avocados. Then the earthquakes. Switched insurance Co’s needing $800 upfront. One of my REIT’s cut the divy by 20%, thankfully I had sold 50% of it for a better stock. All but one of my stocks are underwater, two by a lot, the others not too bad. But divy stocks can be different. When they go down on general market panic (seems to happen every so many months) but keep their dividend up, I can check out their numbers and if they’re good, I buy more and hold when and if they go back up. So far so Good. I might buy some silver if the price dips below $20 oz.
I don’t know bonds and ETF’s, but supposedly they’re slow, but about as solid as you can be in investing. If you’re youg, patient, and don’t need extra cash, they seem to be a good thing.
BTW, There’s a big difference between an “Investor” and a “Trader”. Timing the market is like predicting the weather. Good Luck all…!

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the only successful amateur traders i ever saw were trading s&p 500, nasdaq 100 or crude oil futures and didnt even look at charts or the news or anything most people would think would be useful. they all used to work in the industry and knew very specific things you will never be able to google, like when a certain fund is rolling over their holdings etc.

The main thing in the stock market is learning how to do real research. I guess at least 70% of retail investors (“amateurs” like) limit their research to the tips found all over the market by those claiming to have predicted the last crash or bull market, if they do any research at all and lose. It’s not that hard but necessary to understand a company’s Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow and some of the terminology found there. If you’re not willing to do that research, stay away because you’re just food for the big fish.
For me, dividend stocks, REITs & BDC’s (Real Estate Development Trusts & Business Development Corporations) have worked for me. There’s not a lot to it. They pay 90% or their profits to dividends in return for tax breaks. If you can find a solid one of these companies, the strategy is buy and hold, not for capitol gains, but for the dividends.

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When I was young my income was sparse and occasional. But being tight azz, i always had a little extra. I thought of saving, but then i thought what good is putting $7 away? And bought a six pack or a pie or gas in the tank. Looking back, if i had put the $7± away every time, today I’d wealthy. But when you’re young you’re immortal so you don’t plan for the future.