OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

OTUG doesn’t but I do.
They even sent me RAD pills incase of human fuckery.

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Damn, now that’s f’d up!


What was fucked up was the accidental “Nuclear Alarm Notice” that went out similar to a terror notice or child abduction notice. Funny thing was that SO MANY PEOPLE didn’t know they lived within 50miles of a nuclear power plant until this accidentally happened. So they sent out the rad pills to anyone that asked that lives with that radius. This also happened around the time the tv show Chernobyl aired so it was pretty fresh in a lot of folks minds.

Funny note: my 6th birthday was when chernobyl happened. I tell folks that the slavs lit the biggest candle for me that I never wanted.


Hey good morning cuz :grin: I am pretty close to one, now that you mention it :joy:

I got some of those too.

Yeah that was fuked up bro. Glad it happened though, was a real eye opener for people. You would think that after the Fukushima disaster 10 years ago, everyone would’ve been more aware of this kinda stuff. Scary how close the plant near me is to Lake Erie.


Damn man! lol i was joking about the size of your plants! Now…I’m concerned… :rofl:

just kiddin, I don’t think that Nuclear plant has anything to do with the size of your trees lol


Are you living downwind from Pickering? :laughing:

A buddy has living there for a few years and had the Potassium Iodide pills issued to him. Freaked him out a little at first.



I’m in Scarborough and deal with pickering… Which is on a fault line as a bonus!
Otug is closer to lake Erie, which has a whole bunch of other things added to it :wink:


Ah yes, Lake Erie…the cesspool of the Americas! The only lake that caught fire it was so nasty!

edit… Although, I’ve heard it’s a lot cleaner nowadays lol

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All of those strains sound super-duper exotic! :dna::zap::fire: I want to see pictures of yours buds.

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Speaking of Lake Erie catching on fire… I’ve been trying to find this movie for years but no good copies are digitized:


@Oldtimerunderground great thread my friend

Beautiful plants


Thank you @Papalag!! :smiley: They really are beautiful. I was up early this morning watering the plants, when my wife came out with a smoke :smoking: and coffee :coffee: for me. I thanked her, gave her a big hug and kiss, and wished her a happy birthday. Seeing the look of astonishment on her face now that the plants are enormous, is truly priceless. It really makes it all worth it.

The Odyssey is real. For years, the voyage has been seemingly endless. Soon, all the struggle and pain will be transformed into one of the most bountiful harvests I could ever hope for.

Right back at you brother!! I only hope my grows can be as much of an inspiration to everyone, like yours all have been to me. For a lifetime, I have dreamed of having a grow like this right outside my back door. Now, it has become my reality.


Bro you put in the hard work now the rewards


We call them plants horse weeds here. Some make buds that’s identical the cannibal flowers. Can’t tell them apart. We use to smoke them. The buzz is very strong and stoney. Tastes like mint

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Be sure and tell her Happy Birthday from all of us at OG!


That there sir is giant rag weed! Ambrosia trifida.

You’re allergic to it. I have 15+ ft tall ones in my fallow chicken run. Thankfully my wife and I aren’t allergic since that’s further down the list to get to.

I see that was already discovered. You can dead head the plant so they don’t reseed for next year. They’re annuals.


Some autos I’m running in a small cab


Looks like there’s going to be some serious seeds! …And i ain’t talking about the seed bank lol



Morning cuz :grin:


Makes me wish I had started my one plant in the ground about a month earlier. Stellar work my brethren.

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