OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

Hey @BigMike55 you will be seeing more of the Blue Cookies, whether you like it or not!! :grinning: haha, seriously though I will be gifting a few to my bro to grow outside and I’ll be flowering some indoors here. They look really nice already. Big leaves, healthy and strong!! I’ll be sure to leave some pics here for everyone to see. :grin: Really glad you could join us on this journey, I only hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy following yours!


Thanks @Floyd !! :slightly_smiling_face: Glad to have another Canadian aboard!


Perfect timing @Bullskinner mind if I take a seat to your right and light one? I need a few after all this planting, lol. You are too kind, you’re uplifting words will whether us through any storm Poseidon dare send our way! There is sure to be some :fire: as no legendary journey would be complete without a dive into the depths of hell :joy: Come live the dream!!! I hope one day you can legally have your own outdoor jungle. If I could have it my way there would be no restrictions and I’m sure you and many others here agree. One day the plant will truly be free, that is my biggest dream. I’m happy you’re here, I wouldn’t be able to OverGrow the world without you!


Thank you @corey they really are beautiful :grin: I find them to be some of the most inspiring, magnificent creations gifted to us from the heavens. I’m filled with joy to see you here, and for the interest and good vibes all have have shown thus far. Thanks for watching, I’m sure you’ll enjoy our monumental expedition as it is sure to be the stuff of legend!! Hope you’re prepared for battle!! :crossed_swords:


Brother you do have some great strains going. I’ve got a few of those outdoor jungles I just really want to grow trees legal in my yard…that’s the dream. Maybe when I get to old to run the hills and creeks I will be able too, it better happen pretty quick tho cause I’m getting there. Thanks for the welcome brother, good luck with your crop. If you get a chance come over and check my grow out. I’m not sure how to link it but it’s Bullskinners Redemption Journal of a Poor dirt farmer. I’ll have the bowl packed and ready and the coffee on


Just click the link ( two linked circles ) and type in Bullskinners Redemtion Journal of a Poor Dirt Farmer. Then click ok.


Lol! I’m prepared bud

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Thank God one of us is, cause I am definitely not prepared for how big they will (hopefully) become!! Lol.

Last time I grew this many outdoor was a little over 10 years ago. Back then I had some physical help, and the plants were a manageable size. This time they’re in my backyard at least, which is nice, but I’m afraid after harvest I’ll be stuck in trim jail until 2022!

Gonna have one hell of a time wrestling with these savage beasts!!


I have only ever been able to start outdoors with seedlings no older than 2 weeks.


Beautiful plants :heart_eyes: I wish I could pack my backyard like that. Will be following!

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Hey @ELG thank you!! :pray:

Glad you made it here, and may I offer you a very warm, personal welcome to OG and to the Odyssey of OTUG!

Make yourself at home, feel free to kick back and relax. Hopefully one day in the near future you will be able to have a backyard packed like this :grinning: Looking forward to seeing your grows too.

Have a blessed day :grin:


@Oldtimerunderground Thank you so much! The love is crazy here :call_me_hand: :call_me_hand: The grows are coming!


Yeah I usually do the same, or at most like 4-6 weeks and send em out when they’re a bit over a foot tall.

I don’t remember exactly when, but most of these ones I think I started back in like January!

I should’ve used bigger pots as they were a bit rootbound during transplant. I used 3 gal soft pots, any bigger would’ve been damn near impossible for me to transplant. Only 1 really showed any shock, I did butcher the roots pretty good though as I couldn’t even really see the soil after pulling it out :laughing: The rest had it easy and were not as bad, couple slices with the razor blade.


Alrighty then!! Let the growing begin! lol I’m gonna just wheel my walker off to the side so I don’t get ran over by these young folks…
I’m down for watching this show, bro! May the pot gods be with you! :grin: :sunglasses: :+1:


You’re always welcome @JohnnyPotseed hope you enjoy the show, feel free to help yourself to some organic tobacco :grin:


Good day everyone, hope you all are well.

Thought it would be nice to post an update on this beautiful Sunday. Here are some pics, enjoy :grinning:

Hope everyone had a great weekend :grin:


Looks like a bunch of happy plants nice .


Thanks @gramps!! I can only hope they get half as big as the ones in your garden lol. Really glad to have you here friend!:slightly_smiling_face:


That’s one hell of a garden, they all look so happy out there.

How do you process the tobacco ? I grew some Nicotiana Rustica a while back, that’ll give you a headrush…


Well hell lol that’s some variety you got there, bro! Grow On! Looking downright lovely too!