OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

First up is some Bubba x Gelato

Seed removed

Now for the smoke

First couple puffs are slightly sweet and creamy. After a few more tokes, the strength of this stuff begins to really set in. I start feeling some weird sensations in my face working their way up to my forehead, pressure begins to build. Not uncomfortable, but a heavy headed kinda feeling. About halfway through the joint now and it’s working it’s way down my neck and shoulders, through to my back, like a gentle warm wave. Feels like I’m being swaddled in a nice warm blanket :grin:

On the last 1/3 of it now, the flavour becoming more earthy. Nice indica buzz, body feeling good. Not couchlocky, still functional, but feels nice just to sit down. Relaxing.

Almost at the end of it, and right at the end I always get a hit or 2 that taste like chocolate. A strong dark chocolate, almost like cacao nibs.

Some good stuff :ok_hand:


If you can review every strain in one evening you deserve some sort of medal.


Whats it cost to have you come set up my outdoor forest operation @Oldtimerunderground? I got land! I want to have those trees out there this year. Not just the shrubs I had last fall. :laughing::rofl::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:


Now for one that I’m sure many of you have been wondering about. The seeds from which I grew this tree were gifted to me by the one and only OG @DougDawson :grinning:

I present Hellfire OG!

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A single seed

Let’s smoke this!!!

First impressions, it’s a very bold smoke with a woody, campfire flavour. Definitely deserving of the name Hellfire.

This stuff can really hit you and the initial rush may be a bit intense for some, with how fast it kicks in. A couple tokes and you’re pretty much there. Once you get past that point, it settles into a nice balanced high.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


@Oldtimerunderground Indeed! Say that again!! You must be on fire my friend!! These buds! Salivated mind here!! Kudos!!


Dam ! My friend you really know how to do a " Show & tell " smoke report ! NICE !


Are the capsules filled with flower decarbed or raw? How does that feel on the back end?

I never got a single chocolate hit out of my Chocolate Thai so


@Slick1 you “unshamefulless” swearer! :flushed: :rofl:


They sound just as good as the Red Congalese x SSH you grew :+1:


:drooling_face: Soooooo goooooddd! :heart:


Thank you for the kind words everyone!! :pray::grinning:

Lol, the thought did cross my mind, but then it wouldn’t be much of an Odyssey if it didn’t take forever :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

100% raw organic filled capsules. It’s definitely having an effect, and after a couple days of taking them I’ve been feeling some increased brain stimulation, as well as a soothing and calming feeling through my body. I feel like it’s having a positive effect on my gastrointestinal system. :thinking: I wonder what it’s doing to my endocannabinoid system, cause I’ve been getting high af lately too :crazy_face:


nice man, i was wondering if thats what you had in there!! how many grams in a capsule?

nice lighter too :slight_smile:

and i dig your write-ups. its like im there!


I’ve heard people say you can get high without decarbign while others insist you can’t, always wondered. I know there’s supposed to be health benefits to eating it raw but if you can catch a buzz too what’s not to love?


I used 11 grams of the Black Garlic and stuffed it in 48 caps = 229mg/cap

:pray: Thank you. I couldn’t help but put that sticker on it when I went to light one of those nice cigars :wink:

:heart: I wish you could be here in person to sample some for yourself, but this is the next best thing :grin: I write the report as I’m smoking it too, to help express exactly what I’m feeling, as I feel it.


In my experience, fresh buds don’t really get you “high”, but there are some very subtle effects. Not sure if it’s from the phytochemicals, or some other combination of cannabinoid acids in the fresh stuff.

Feels like some of the thca converts during the dry and cure. It seems much more psychoactive than fresh cut bud, but it would be nearly impossible(or just messy and sticky) to put fresh bud into capsules.

The Black Garlic has really sandy trichomes, which really helped get the material into the caps quickly and efficiently. I do have some size 4 capsules I may use to fill with keif when I make these again.


Did you know that the first Buddha, Siddhartha, only ate cannabis until he reached enlightenment. It’s very nutritious! :wink:


That’d do it! Suddenly a vegan diet has some appeal for the first time ever!


Don’t you want to experience Nirvana!?

I guess I lost out on that too. Cobain passed when I was in middle school. :disappointed_relieved:


Same! I remember going to school the day they found him and everyone talking about it. I was into them already and learned drums to Nirvana and STP. So while I was actually bummed most kids in my class didn’t really know or care and just made “Kurt Gobang” jokes all day.