🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

Thanks :pray: @Pigeonman & @mota for the blessings! :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Morning everyone!!!



Happy days
Beautiful weather :heart_eyes:


Yeah it’s really weird @Tuned . Overnight was 13/14c, and it’s going up to 26c feeling like 32c!

I’m gonna need to H0Cl more often with how wet everything gets overnight with these dramatic swings.



Morning Bird Man! Squawk!


Some shots may be blurry because of how dark it was when I got home and took these shots; another reason I took some flash photos to share the :gem: 's growing in. Additionally the fade is starting to come in from the cold nights.

Coastal Blueberry:

UK Cheese:

Alaska Thunderfuck:


**Florida Ditch Weed: PeotT":


:v: :grin:

Shiskaberry 3F2:

Golf balls growing on these :gorilla: :fist: 's


Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut:




They are beautiful :heart_eyes:
I can only imagine the wonderful smell in this garden!!! The bong is ready to enjoy these buds :yum:



Dang brother, that is beyond freaking sweet !!!


Thanks @punk77 and @ThirdStone !

Woo!!! My espresso is made, doggo is happy, bird is singing while the Mrs. sleeps in. :sweat_smile:

We’re going to a gem and mineral show in a few hours and I hope to find something special.

I know @Pawsfodocaws gets me with the rocks; mayhap I’ll find an even LARGER Yooperlite!.


That awesome man those shows are such a fun time


I got a jewellers loupe for trich checking, carving grade labradorite in the rough, 2x abalone shell druzies (with backing; Im gonna make myself earrings), a sphere of tenebrescent hackmanite (UV reactive), and Hyalite Opal (specimine) for my UV specy collection.



Another week has passed and everything continues to move along most excellently. The plants are starting to sugar up and some are mind blowing by comparison to last weeks up close inspections. I’ll need to be lean on the trimming with some of these plants so I have all those frost leaves intact for the tumbling and washing later on in the winter :grin: .

On par with my handle, I was greeted by city chickens on the patio which is more brash than they usually are. :rofl:


Just to make it clear, there are no other houses on our street with these pigeons. Someone in our block breeds them and there’s many wild colonies around our neighbourhood.

Every spring a few show up one day and then decided to tell their friends about our oasis and then they start showing up in numbers until winter where we may have 2-5 stick out the winter with us as we have heated bird baths for water access during the winter in addition to the seeb.

It took me 3 hours in not-fun heat and humidity to get through all the defoliation and feedings. I even needed to pull out my ladder so I can reach the top of the plants which also let me in on something I suspected but now can confirm:

Our yard cannot be seen by the general neighbourhood as a result of Mrs. Pigeon and I’s efforts in growing a “living wall” of trees, bushes and vines along our property line. :smile: :+1:

Frankenstein (@JohnnyPotseed ): This one is a little frustrating as I have a solid technique for leaf-plucking sinkers but it does not work with this one plant.. It works fine with the fabric pot plant from a different seed but this one doesn’t “snap” it’s leaves at the junction point live every other plant in the yard.

In a way I find it’s stubbornness endearing and will do the extra work down the road out of respect. :rofl:

Coastal Blueberry (@SHSC-1 ): This plant is starting to switch from smelling like blueberries to blueberry syrup which is fantastic as you can imagine. It’s colours are starting to come in after removing all the sinkers but sadly the 40 ft pine in my neighbours yard decided to give us the :fu: and steal the sun.

I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again: Fantastic work with breeding this plant @SHSC-1 !

UK Cheese: I sent this image to my friend that gave me this cut some 5 years ago and his response: “DUDE HOW DO YOU STILL HAVE THIS GOING AND WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO IT TO GET IT TO GROW LIKE THAT?!”

You can imagine I laughed pretty fucking hard when I got that back. :rofl:

It smells very sweet as per usual which always makes me smile considering the cheesiness it gets after curing :+1: .

Alaskan Thunderfuck (@middleman & @Enjoi802): The name keeps on getting more and more appropriate. I mean like fuck it’s shooting spears of nodes that are starting to stank and stink of sweet lemon with some pine notes. I’m very much looking forward to seeing what this ends up doing as it’s development didn’t “pop” over this week like all the others.

It’s beeing sneaky like that black pyrimid but that’s okay.

Limed-Orange (@DannyTerpintine ): In 1 week this plant has won the most improved award. Last week’s lack-lustre by comparison to the plants around it is no more. :grin:

It still keeps smelling like a lime/orange-citrus cocktail served in a salted rim glass on the stem rub but since it’s down wind from all the other stanky plants it’s difficult to pin down what the flowers smell like.

Frankenstein (@JohnnyPotseed ): This plant gets extra special H0Cl treatments getting deep in this dark space. As I leaf pluck thinning out the clusters there gets more and more light penetration to the interior.

Outside the flowers are growing big and I’m expecting some to be golf-balls. The stalk is sapling size for a decently sized tree and will make a great Shillelagh. :ok_hand:

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut (@DannyTerpintine ): This one wins the second place for most improved in the week going from decent flower formation to suddenly covered in sugar leaves with swelling flowers! :rofl: :+1:

This is gonna get really good seemingly really fast :sweat_smile: .

Shiskaberry 3F2 (@SHSC-1 & @PineTarBastard ): Holy shit this plant has my full attention even with all the other prime examples in the yard. It’s the one plant overpowering EVERYTHING ELSE in the yard and can be smelled before seen as you come around the side of the house :sweat_smile: .

It’s already got massive colas and they just keep getting better resulting in it’s own LSTing due to their weight. I would be worried if I didn’t amend with so much silica resulting in :muscle: branches. That being said I’m still keeping an eye on things daily so there’s no bending to the ground or acutal breaks.

Florida Ditch Weed: Pink Eye of the Tiger Cut: I swear to the Gods that it does smell like pink cotton candy but since it’s right next to "Mrs. I stink up the entire yard with my majesty Shiskaberry* I can’t smell it at all. :sweat_smile:

It’s the cleanest grower in the yard. If it could talk it would say: “You wanted to grow flowers so I thought to myself, “fuck these leaves thing” and just grew you some nuggets to enjoy.” :rofl:

The weeks heat and humidity also make some of the other plants really happy but especially in the front.

All 4 of our Hummingbird Sage planters flushed out and flowered like pure Lovecraftian madness.

I’m going to have to cut them back for overwintering and plan to give some of them to by buddy that hooked me up with both Purple Kush (pre-99) and Grapefruit Juice.

As amazing as the sages are, I must say that the Brugmansia trees were the winner-winner chicken-dinners.

Those flowers are 12" long and can be smelled farther than the Shiskaberry.

Some of you may have figure it out by now that these massive tropicals in the front yard are part of our “living prestidigitation” where they lead your eye to them instead of my :broccoli: trees.

In this case they not only distract the eye but totally cover-up any smell from the backyard.

:nose: :disguised_face:

And i’m finally able to pull the apples this weekend!

No one takes them as you can’t really see them from the street because of the 6ft wildflowers I planted along the curb. :+1:

I forget what variety as there are 6 on this tree but I have notes somewhere online :rofl:

Tomorrow I’ll do more of this all again but with the deck plants as they needed to dry out more before their next feeding.

Have a great evening folks and thanks for popping in the the Pigeon’s Livin’Coop!


All of your plants are looking stellar!


Your yard is incredible @Pigeonman. Always a pleasure to go on the tour. Those sage planters are gorgeous!

Check out this haul of pawpaws. And this isn’t even half of what we’ve collected. So delicious! :drooling_face:

Glad your new cuts are doing well. They look green and happy! Ever get any of those green crack to take?


I think you are right! When I saw the pic from @pigeonman downloaded I recognized her in the movie, I think it was the jean jacket :rofl::rofl:. Cause no one else ever wore jean jackets in the 80s right.
Plants look beautiful with the fade on the leaves. Looks like they are swelling nicely.


Thanks @PineTarBastard , @Rhino_buddy and @420noob !


Sadly no.


I’m sooooo jelly about your harvest @Rhino_buddy ! My 2 trees are beautiful but not bountiful :sweat_smile:


You’re doing absolutely phenomenal work over there! Everything looks soo gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

I know because the limed orange can be a bit of a picky plant, but very enjoyable when done right. The orange and salt terps are quite volatile (the orange being really volatile)… so you lose those nuances if it’s not grown or dried properly. That fact that you picked up all three major terps shows you’ve kept her very happy! (She keeps that same lime-salt-orange profile in a joint as well :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: .) She’s going to be a real pleasant smoke!

The Sour D takes her time to bulk up. Some frost but small buds weeks 4-7, and then weeks 8-12 is where the Sour really starts to bulk. (That’s for me indoors at least).

The SD can go 12/13 weeks. The LO can go like 11 easily.


Thanks so much @DannyTerpintine !

Today is a puttering as fuck day but the sun is so harsh I’m doing the lab work to hide from the daystar.

In the far right there’s a bucket filled with filtered water and a net bag filled with aquabac which is a mozzy bits. I make a tea where 24 hours later I flood my indoor plants with this stuff and it goes to town on any fungus gnats :smiley:

I’ve been averaging 1 gallon of H0Cl for the plants in the yard per week with how wet and humid the weather has been. This means I generate that gallon on the puttering day such as today.

Other puttering is very familiar to @defharo and @MissinBissin :sweat_smile: .

I need to make top-offs so here’s 2L of Guanomite and 1L of Humate K+ Bones.

Liquid black and hot swirling :bat: turd juice. :ok_hand:

:v: :grin: