🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

I recognize those photo developing trays, I’m going to rescue them from my garage!

Black & White > yin & yang


Oh boy, hope they finish.


Me too. :rofl:

I threw mine outside because I had so many cuts and tbh didn’t think about the flowering period as with H0Cl I’m good until late Oct unless weather suddenly drops. :confused:


On other great news, Heathcliff has lived on the property for a few years now and has always been hesitant to let other cats live here too. Recently another feral cat we call tiger has been sleeping overnight in on the porch and has slowly been establishing itself.

Here’s Tiger in the back.

And Heathcliff was there too but not the way we expected…

…they were chilling and sharing!



Tiger might be a Tigress.


Thanks for sharing that article @PineTarBastard
I was surprised to find that I have learned all that info prior to reading that article. On top of that, did you know that the pawpaw evolved along side the giant sloths and Mastodon. The seed germinates best after passing through " a" digestive system.

Forgot to share this great photo from a pawpaw Grove. :eyes::eyes::eyes:

Cute lil bat. Actually a large bat for this area. Likely a red bat, but I wasn’t gonna pry any further. I though I spotted a huge Polyphemus moth cocoon. :joy:

And if you want more green crack, I’m still hanging on to that mother. Just let me know @Pigeonman . :v:

Hope your pawpaw’s are bountiful next year.

Ps. A common reasons pawpaw’s don’t produce. They’re clonal. Sometimes you’ll find a grove that produces little to no fruit. Usually it’s because they’re all the same tree, connected underground, with no genetic diversity. If a fly can’t make it from one population to another to share pollen/genetics, they just won’t produce. Likely not you’re issue. They’re still lil ones. 🫶🏼🫒


:heart: I’m so happy to hear! I need to send you some cuts too! So sounds like snip-mailing season soon. :grin:

I have 2x trees each from different parents. Last year one of the two had 4 fruit but animals got to them first.

This year the same tree had 2 dozen flowers all over it but nothing pollinated. My second tree still has yet to flower.

We have tonnes of moths and flies cat food and next year if I see flowers like this past spring I’m going to hang meat in the tree for pollination reasons. :rofl:



Always looking good :+1:! Where’s the cat :cat2:! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


If he doesn’t show up in the images then he’s being smart and sleeping somewhere looking like a cute button.

I forgot to mention I’ve been tinkering with some scraps in an effort to make a home made hemp bucker!

My build is super small and is inspired by @nissan_ranger 's home-made bucker which you can admire here:

I’ve taken a section of angle iron and drilled 1x 1/4 and 1x 1/2" holes and added some rubber edge protectors so this thing doesn’t bite me or hurt my equipment.

This unit will sit on top of my pasta roller attachment for my Kitchenaid stand mixer with a bin underneath.

In theory I should be able to feed a branch into the top and the pasta roller pulls the stem through the hole bucking off the nugs into the bin.

As I will not add anything to increase the friction of the rollers I’m guessing that some branches will need to be “pull-assisted” through by hand which isn’t a problem.


Fuck-it after I posted about it I needed to test it. :rofl:

Thankfully the 1st plant cut down from the compost heap was ready so the test could be done right away to appease my OCD!

All set up and ready to run:

Topless thumbs up reflection for y’all…

And the test done with better than expected handheld phone work without looking (because I was paying attention to the rollers that could hurt me instead).

The end results speak for themselves, here are the stems:

And now the bounty:


Now that’s clever


Thanks @Trickster ! And so very easy to make with hand-tools so I hope other OGer’s get em made to save them hands come cropping times!


Hardest part will be to convince my lady that this won’t destroy the pasta maker attachment we NEVER use for the kitchenaid anyhow. lol. :rofl: :green_heart:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I use this for Hash and now for bucking and it cost me $25 Canabucks (.14c USD) used off of Marketplace :wink:


I’m so stoked for cooler weather. It’s still projected to be warm until October here, but it hasn’t been so damn hot it’s unbearable. I got a couple of envelope snips in the mail yesterday and one wasn’t going to make it and the other is still iffy, but looks like it may pull through. :crossed_fingers: Mmm Dogwalker OG. :melting_face:

Nice! Off to a perfect start. I bet you’ll get lots of fruit this next season. I’ve definitely heard of folks hanging rancid meat to attract, but never seen it done. Are your trees close to your neighbors? :sweat_smile:

Another cool pawpaw fact. This is uncommon, but one pawpaw flower can produce up to 6 (I think, maybe 8) individual fruits. Usually it’s one flower, one fruit. Such a cool species. :heart_eyes:

This cluster has 6 on it!

Forgot to say, Tiger is a looker. Glad Heathcliff is opening up. :heart_eyes_cat:


Wish we could share this bounty with you. I’m glad they preserve well in the freezer. :+1:t3:

What a year for them!!


@THCeed I think this one’s close to some of yours! I have yet to pull out the measuring tape but this Coastal Blueberry is rather tall…

…and PURDY!!!


Additionally stellar tonight is the Frankenstein in the fabric pot. It’s growing golf balls and who can’t appreciate that?!

Here’s my imitation of those obsessed with selfies:


I kinda wanna joke with my boss about this being my updated work photo :sweat_smile:

PSA: There is a lunar eclipse tonight!

In Toronto its peak is at 2024-09-18T02:45:00Z :+1:


:camera_flash: shots!

First Class Funk (@MonasticDank):

Pink Lemonade #2 (@Rhino_buddy):

Florida Ditch Weed:

:v: :sunglasses: :+1:


You’re killing it, friend! That lemonade is looking real punk! :drooling_face:

How’s that funk, and ditch weed smelling?

Edit: Pink!


All these wild shapes, looks fantastic @Pigeonman Great looking Buds