🕊 Outdoor Adventures with your Friendly Neighbourhood Pigeonman 2024 Edition!

You know it! Looks like i’m gonna be updating my :hotdog: thread more often again!
And the :hamburger: thread!



Things are looking good pigeon, are you doing any autos this year? or just photos in big pots? Out of all the Canadians, you might have some of the best conditions for outdoor stuff


This one @jessethestoner . The Mighty Mite plants are fast finishers so that’s my “auto” for the summer lol.


@NorthNorthNugs is just around the corner but in a denser area so he’s always battling idiot’s-pollen but grows some really amazing bushes and trees on his roof!


Hey @Pigeonman I got a question for you about the pots. I think :face_with_monocle: you got a pots in a pots, or am I’m wrong :expressionless:. If you do can you tell what’s the bro :sunglasses: science :test_tube: behind that one? BTW smoking ass deal on the grill, good find! :ok_hand::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


No pots in pots this round. Unless you are looking at the bottom “catch trays” which are take-out containers that hold a lot more fluid than a traditional drip-tray. This way I can also choose to bottom feed if I wanted… and they were FREE.

:grin: :+1:


Look :eyes: at the picture of Mighty Mite #2 looks like it’s a pot in a pot or a drip pan on top of a pot with dirt in it. :roll_eyes:. I swear I see soil a few inches below the top. Maybe :thinking: optical illusion? :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:



Ahh! Gotcha @OhNo555 .

What you are seeing is the top-layer of earthworm castings from the MM#2’s solo-cup life.

I fill my pots and use a pot the same size as what the plant is being removed from to make a perfect hole in the next size up pots medium. I end up with a perfect matching space where I can dust goodies for immediate rootlet access.

I’ve never put a pot in a pot but I have Mayan Pyramided the shit out of some grows.

Clone rooted in jiffy pellet then planted into → 1cup → 750ml yogurt container → 1 Gallon → 3 gallon for flower. I ended up-potted every 2 weeks to see what would happen lol.


I love :heart: the bro :sunglasses: science :test_tube:! Looks :eyes: like they did really well in that pyramid stacking project. So in the picture you got a hole :hole: cut in a drip pan that you put the plant down through so it is partially in the soil and partially in the drip pan and got it surrounded on the top by a few inches of EWC and the plant is in soil under the EWC and sit in the soil and the drip pan both? I think :thinking: that’s what you are saying. :roll_eyes: :ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Not trying to punk ya, but for me “bro science” usually doesn’t have consistent results so I’d call this “Fuck-around and find out Science” vs “Bro Science”.

Not at all. :sweat_smile:

Literally: I fill the empty pot with some loose medium and press in the smaller pot. In this case the plant was growing in a solo-cup so I used an empty solo-cup. After pressing it into the loose medium i then add more medium and pack it down so I can pull the cup/pot which then leaves an indent which is the exact size of the plant to-be-planteds root mass.

It’s then a simple point of removing the plant, placing it in the hole, then pressing to ensure everything is together with no gaps. Then I soak the pot so it’s all set.

I’m trying to find a pic but I’m not finding any as I usually just plant and then :camera: the final up pot.


I hope you find the picture :+1:! I am pretty sure now I know what you are talking about now. So you go from solo cups to final home :house_with_garden:. I have seen a few people do the same thing. Bro science :test_tube: is no knock :fist: on you :joy::joy::joy:, just what we call it around my neck of the woods when people that grow do exactly what you are saying “Fuck around and find out what will happen”. I have found some good ideas and bad ideas just trying different things to see what will happen. I got to try that pyramid grow method looks interesting with good results. :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Love the fuck around and find out method. Man the lessons learned. I got some of that going on now in my garden. Im just hangout and finish listening to this killer tune.:v:


Speaking of which!

@MissinBissin check this out. I just lugged 55lbs down the road and folks kept getting outa my way! :rofl:

Re-mineralizes soil!


I used it today, its one of my quiet ingredients… year 3 Sir

Nice purchase @Pigeonman





We did a lot outside today! Here are some snaps:



All the goodies for the ladies… and yes I maybe over doing this. :sweat_smile:

Aquabac, Insect frass, basalt rock dust.

Black Swallow jar: blood meal, fish bone meal, feather meal, gypsum, soft rock phosphate, oyster shell flour, Wollastonite rock dust, Volcanophos rock dust, insect frass and Huplaso basalt.

Bone/blood meal bags. Jar = dolomitic lime.


Perlite (med grade) & Diatomaceous earth

The fabric pots before getting down to business.

And the females waiting for their new homes.

The local lawn lions kept me company. :heart_eyes_cat:

He’s named Frankie for those blue eyes. He’s the leader of the rat pack for sure!

I dig out a good amount of last years soil and break it down fine in this container.

All the goodies are added and it’s all blended together before tossing it back into the hole.

Heathcliff maintained roaming around the yard but seemed to find this part more interesting than last the rest. :rofl:

It’s all fairly forward from that point on. I make a hole in the amended medium and plant the ready to go ladies and then added a tomato cage. Each site was then soaked down with 2 gal of rain water + 2 tbs of :fish: :poop: for proper over-kill.

It’s gonna rain over the next week so they’re gonna get a even more soaked. :sweat_smile:

All the fabric pots done. Took a little over an hour going at a steady pace.

Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut (@DannyTerpintine )

Limed Orange (@DannyTerpintine )

Shiskaberry No.3 (@SHSC-1 & @PineTarBastard )

Mighty Mite (@Oldtimerunderground )

Frankenstein Plant 1 (@JohnnyPotseed )

The process was the same with the 4x in-ground plants.

Although with the added work of weeding the beds completely which sucked hard for me but this Robin really dug it.

Coastal Blueberry (@SHSC-1 )

Frankenstein Plant 2 (@JohnnyPotseed )

Alaska Thunderfuck (@middleman & @Enjoi802)

UK Cheese

The second Mighty Mite is staying indoors as 9 is my limit and it’s not like they are not gonna get big.

:sweat_smile: :+1:

Thanks for stopping on by folks!


@Pigeonman your updates leave me mesmerized :star_struck:

Some solid motivation to get off my ass and get the outdoor rolling here. If I had the opportunity to visit just 1 OG’s garden in my life, it would be yours. It truly is a work of art.

I have a bunch of ATF pollen from a savage male I can send you, if you wanted to make more seed. I have pics on a camera I need to transfer to pc and upload soon.

I’m most excited to see how the Mighty Mite do in your most capable and loving hands, plus how big it gets outside in a big pot.
Have a killer Monday brother!! :grinning:


Nice lineup @Pigeonman, especially looking forward to seeing the ATF in action as they are sitting in my fridge too.


looking great out there, love the garden beds! And nice selections for your run! Will be fun to watch! :100:


Dam @Pigeonman you and the fur buddy crew look :eyes: very busy and got a lot going on! Wish you the best of luck :crossed_fingers: and will be watching for updates. I wish I could put that much in outside, but got one set of neighbors that are haters 🫤! I try to stick to whats legal outside so as to not draw suspicion! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: